meteor / postgres-packages

Early preview of PostgreSQL support for Meteor (deprecated, here for historical reasons)
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can't connect to postgres in windows #51

Open salsaysal opened 8 years ago

salsaysal commented 8 years ago

Hi! Tried to follow this instructions:, but I'm using windows, so probably things started to break down when I tried to reproduce the commands on What I did was:

  1. instead of 'export PACKAGE_DIRS="$(dirname $0)/../../packages/"' I just copied the packeges in the \postgres-packages\packages folder to the \postgres-packages\examples\react-todos\packages folder
  2. instead of 'export MONGO_URL="nope"' I used "set MONGO_URL="nope".
  3. I probably also need to run 'meteor update'
  4. Now if I just put 'set POSTGRESQL_URL="postgres://"' and run meteor, the app will give the error: 'database "todos" does not exist' which is probably undertandable since I created it with a user. But I've tried 'postgres://{me}:{password}@' and, just in case, 'postgres://{me}:{password}@"todos'". I've checked that the database does exist and that I can acces to my database if I run psql...

should I say that meteorsteam:meteor-postgres does work well for me?

Is there something I'm doing wrong, or I'll just need to get linux?