Open rootedsoftware opened 9 years ago
Or just write it in a couple code samples of mock functions on client / server side.
check this out, I believe it works the same as ES6 promise, it is a polyfill after all
I played around with Promise and manage to get something working. for now only Promise.await() seems to be working. (as said in this other issue: async is not enabled yet)
Copy paste this into your meteor code and you'll understand better how to use it. try the 2 return types of the delayedFunction to really get the grasp of Promise.await
// you don't need to import Promise since it is is already a global
const TAG = "promiseTest ";
// SIMPLIFIED WORKING SYNTAX (only Promise.await works)
var delayedFunction = function() {
var p = new Promise( function(onResult, onReject) {
//simulate the server lag with a setTimeout
console.log(TAG + " 2 -------- INSIDE delayedFunction but BEFORE TIMEOUT");
setTimeout( function() {
console.log(TAG + " 3 -------- INSIDE delayedFunction + AFTER TIMEOUT");
//this is the real function body you would have that calls the slow to answer process
// ... some slow to answer code
//and when it's done it calls the onResult() function passing it the value you are waiting from the promise
onResult("promised Value");
//or handle the error passing it to onReject()
//OPTIONAL - now that you have a promise you can put .then and do other stuff with the value
// WARNING: these ".then" can perform other tasks WITH the "promised Value", BUT even if you try to modify it, it won't change the returned value of delayedFunction:
// delayedFunction will always return "promised Value"
p.then( (result) => {
console.log(TAG + " 4a1 -------- THEN 1 From inside delayedFunction result: " + result);
result += " modified by the THEN1";
return result;
.then( (result) => console.log(TAG + " 4a2 -------- THEN 2 From inside delayedFunction result: " + result)) // result is manipulated but it doesn't change the final value
.then( (result) => console.log(TAG + " 4a3 -------- THEN 3 From inside delayedFunction result: " + result)); // result is undefined unless returned by the previous .then
// this is executed immediately - it doesn't wait for all the return values - see the weird structure of a promise
console.log(TAG + " 2b -------- INSIDE delayedFunction but AFTER TIMEOUT p: ", p);
// IF YOU DON'T HAVE ".then"
// WARNING if you return the promise p, for some reason you can't use the .then in the main scope like you are doing here
// p will actually be returning the desired value
// my theory: Promises are generators (function*) so you are not returning the generator function but an interator with the specific value
// return p;
// OR if you have MULTIPLE ".then" values in here
// put as many nested Promise.await here as there are ".then" (3 in this case)
// in the main scope simply run the function like:
// var prom = delayedFunction()
return Promise.await(Promise.await(Promise.await(p)))
console.log(TAG + " 1 -------- BEFORE instantiation");
// if delayedFunction has "return p"
//var prom = Promise.await(delayedFunction()); //prom == "promised Value"
//if delayedFunction returns one or multiple "Promise.await(p)"
var prom = delayedFunction(); //prom == "promised Value"
console.log(TAG + " 5 -------- AFTER Promise.async prom: >>>>> ", prom);
Could this wraps all meteor methods calls in a promise like mongoose does?
Please include an example of using this package in an app.