meteor / react-packages

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[meta-request] [docs] Generate docs for the Meteor API docs website #349

Open WilliamKelley opened 2 years ago

WilliamKelley commented 2 years ago

(meta-enhancement request for at least "react-meteor-data")

Given that these packages are actively maintained, core-published, and mentioned in the Meteor Guide for React, I would expect that the documentation for "react-meteor-data" also be on Meteor's API docs under the "Packages" sidebar subheading. I think it would make the docs more digestable and discoverable for any user, especially newcomers.

vitorflores commented 2 years ago

Hi, we are going to analyze this and put it in our backlog. Thank you for the suggestion.

StorytellerCZ commented 2 years ago

@fredmaiaarantes I think this is worth revisiting.

henriquealbert commented 2 years ago

I'm on it!