Closed alisnic closed 1 year ago
Silly me 😁 I kind of assumed that if types are in types/meteor package the code is not written in TypeScript. Will update the PR
The problem I have now is that typescript generates either separate type files or one with different modules:
$ tsc index.js -d --emitDeclarationOnly --out types.d.ts --allowJs --jsx react --esModuleInterop
$ cat types.d.ts
declare module "useTracker" {
import { Tracker } from 'meteor/tracker';
import { DependencyList } from 'react';
export interface IReactiveFn<T> {
(c?: Tracker.Computation): T;
export interface ISkipUpdate<T> {
<T>(prev: T, next: T): boolean;
function useTrackerClient<T = any>(reactiveFn: IReactiveFn<T>, skipUpdate?: ISkipUpdate<T>): T;
function useTrackerClient<T = any>(reactiveFn: IReactiveFn<T>, deps?: DependencyList, skipUpdate?: ISkipUpdate<T>): T;
export const useTracker: typeof useTrackerClient;
declare module "withTracker" {
import React from 'react';
type ReactiveFn = (props: object) => any;
type ReactiveOptions = {
getMeteorData: ReactiveFn;
pure?: boolean;
skipUpdate?: (prev: any, next: any) => boolean;
export const withTracker: (options: ReactiveFn | ReactiveOptions) => (Component: React.ComponentType) => React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<React.RefAttributes<unknown>> | React.MemoExoticComponent<React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<React.RefAttributes<unknown>>>;
Any ideas how can I work around that?
@alisnic You can generate separate type files (just use --outDir types
). I think it will work if you will set the typesEntry
in the package-types
to the index.d.ts
after that.
You can also use --declarationMap
to generate
@Grubba27 what is the status of this?
Hey @StorytellerCZ, I was waiting for @piotrpospiech to approve these changes, but I've checked and reviewed it. I think it is good. I will make a new Release for react-meteor-data as soon as I can.
2.6.1 is out!
So after testing this does not seem to work 🤔 . Steps I did:
to 2.6.1
in .meteor/packages
meteor lint
to re-generate types/path/to/meteor/project/.meteor/local/types/packages.d.ts
and react-meteor-data type entry is missingWhat did I miss in the PR?
Apparently, I needed to add zodern:types
as a dependency to the package. See Should I open a PR?
~In the project that you have created it does have zodern:types?~ Edit: Read it wrong, maybe added it to dependency. Sure! add it as dependency and I will make a new release
I'll investigate a bit more, as the entry I referenced seem to be related to the process of automatically generating types on publish, which is not the use-case here. Types are already generated, we only need to expose them
Hi @alisnic, the zodern:types
package and type definitions are implemented correctly. We don't need zodern:types
in this package, because, as you said, it is needed only to generate types.
I was curious that it didn't work, so I tested it. I created a new Meteor project with a Typescript template. It installed v2.6.0
of react-meteor-data
. First, I installed zodern:types
. After that, I updated react-meteor-data
to v2.6.1
and started the project, but no types were added (only types from other packages).
I removed react-meteor-data
from the project and installed it again. After running meteor lint
, types were added correctly.
It seems like it is an issue with the zodern:types
package. Packages that were updated with type definitions are not detected. FYI @zodern
OK. I did some digging into what's going on here. I wasn't able to reproduce @piotrpospiech's experience - my experience is that types for react-meteor-data
are never discoverable.
I think the easiest workaround for this is to include package-types.json
as an additional server-side asset, on top of react-meteor-data.d.ts
. If zodern:types
detects that, it'll prefer it over a lone .d.ts
file being included in the repo.
The reason the current configuration doesn't work is because react-meteor-data.d.ts
is being included as both an asset and as a source file. You can see this by looking at ~/.meteor/packages/react-meteor-data/2.6.2/os.json
(and similarly the files for web.browser.json
and web.browser.legacy.json
). I'm not entirely sure why that's happening, although I suspect the typescript
package is partially to blame here. Even though it seems like it should exclude .d.ts
files from the resulting isopack, it does any .ts
file as a source file (including .d.ts
In any case, when consuming types from Meteor packages, zodern:types
looks for .d.ts
files and uses them to provide types for the package, but only if there's a single .d.ts
file. Because react-meteor-data
ends up shipping 2 (actually 4, since the source files show up in all unibuilds, not just the server one), zodern:types
skips over the package without pulling any definitions in.
I'll push up a PR in a sec to add the package-types.json
file, although I frankly don't understand Isobuild well enough to figure out how to test any of this pre-merge.
Types are taken from and updated to match the latest release.