meteor / todos

The example app "Todos", written following the Meteor Guide
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React branch > i18n/en.json usage #150

Closed sahanDissanayake closed 8 years ago

sahanDissanayake commented 8 years ago

Hi, I dont see where you are making use of this file ? Have I missed something ?

Where does the translation for this line comes from please ? very confused

Nolapete commented 8 years ago

The tap:i18n package uses the en.i18n.json found in the i18n folder for English. From what I see you need to create the translation files in that folder. An excerpt from

Step 3: Define translations in JSON or YAML format:


{ "hello": "Hey there" } i18n/fr.i18n.json

{ "hello": "Bonjour" } i18n/es.i18n.yml

hello: Hola

sahanDissanayake commented 8 years ago

yeah all good.. Thanks