This mup.js (using kadirahq meteor-up) tries to load balance incoming traffic to a to 2 running services of the same App, each service is running on a different AWS EC2.
But when I shut down the first ec2 service, then reload the page, I get page can't be found instead of the expected behaviour of being routed to the other running "second ec2 sevice".
Any idea what is wrong with my mup.js file please.
A records on the AWS DNS looks like this --> first ec2 public ip --> first ec2 public ip --> second ec2 public ip
This mup.js (using kadirahq meteor-up) tries to load balance incoming traffic to a to 2 running services of the same App, each service is running on a different AWS EC2. But when I shut down the first ec2 service, then reload the page, I get page can't be found instead of the expected behaviour of being routed to the other running "second ec2 sevice". Any idea what is wrong with my mup.js file please.
A records on the AWS DNS looks like this --> first ec2 public ip --> first ec2 public ip --> second ec2 public ip