meteoric / ionic-sass

Ionic's CSS Framework in SASS and bundled for Meteor.
MIT License
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when does precompile occur? #5

Open dcsan opened 9 years ago

dcsan commented 9 years ago

in trying to debug the rendering glitch here

i went through and gradually commented out lines in _ionic.scss however, it doesn't seem to bear any logic. I can comment includes out and get the game to render, but then adding things back line by line sometimes it will stop working at different points.

it seems like there is either some really complex interplay between elements, or maybe the compiler doesn't actually compile or remove files?

is there a way to use the sass plugin to "force clean" build?

i also tried removing css attributes within the chrome debugger, but wasn't able to find any property that enabled rendering to correct.

this combo will render fine:

@charset "UTF-8";

// // Variables

// // Base

// Components
// "stylesheets/action-sheet",
// "stylesheets/backdrop",
// "stylesheets/bar",
// "stylesheets/tabs",
// "stylesheets/menu",
// "stylesheets/modal",
// "stylesheets/popover",
// "stylesheets/popup",
// "stylesheets/loading",
// "stylesheets/items",
// "stylesheets/list",
// "stylesheets/badge",
// "stylesheets/slide-box",

// Forms

// Buttons

// Util

// Animations

but then adding back the components at some point the renderer will break, but then if i comment out the same components the renderer won't fix itself until some random point.

any other suggestions how to narrow this down?

dcsan commented 9 years ago

ok taking the components out and putting them back to the exact same state, page sometimes renders and sometimes doesn't. sass heisenbug.

nickw commented 9 years ago

is there a way to use the sass plugin to "force clean" build?

you can probably just run a meteor reset in between each test

ok taking the components out and putting them back to the exact same state, page sometimes renders and sometimes doesn't

have you tested putting the components back in individually?

dcsan commented 9 years ago

i tried doing the reset indeed, which triggers the "scss file doesn't exist" problem > restart meteor > time consuming.

but yeah removing and then adding back one by one, did that a few times and there's no logic i can find to this. sometimes it also renders when all of them are added back. bizarre

have you tried any other sass plugins? eg particle4dev:sass