meteoric / meteor-ionic

Ionic components for Meteor. No Angular!
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Keyboard Overlaps Input on iOS/Makes div disappear #308

Open nicholasalanbrown opened 9 years ago

nicholasalanbrown commented 9 years ago


I know Ionic is a bit fraught with keyboard challenges across platforms. Most of the issues I've read about related to Android, but I'm having an issue with iOS. When I tap into the input field, instead of scrolling up to show it, the keyboard overlaps the input entirely.



As you can see, it also make the div above disappear until I tap it.

Any guidance would be much appreciated.

nicholasalanbrown commented 9 years ago

For a little more context, here's what I have in my client-side settings:

Meteor.startup(function() {
    if (Meteor.isCordova) {
        document.addEventListener("deviceready", function() {
        }, false);

I've also tried it with uncommenting the disable native scrolling setting as suggested in some of the Ionic forums to no avail

And here is my template code:

<template name="practice">
    {{#contentFor "headerTitle"}}
        <div class="level-coin text-center h-center">
    {{#contentFor "headerButtonLeft"}}
        <div class="save-exit v-center">
    {{#contentFor "headerButtonRight"}}
        <div class="button button-clear pull-right v-center">
            <h3 class="level-progress">{{xp}} / {{levelMax}} FP</h3></div>
        <div class="blue-stripes">
                <div class="padding">
                    <progress max="{{levelMax}}" value="{{levelProgress}}" data-levelRemaining="{{levelRemaining}}"> </progress>
                    <div class="card-container col text-center">
                        {{#momentum plugin='card-to-right' }}
                            {{#each cards}}
                                <div class="card  {{#if isFirst}}card-active{{else}}card-next{{/if}}">
                                    <div class="flipper">
                                        <div class="front">
                                            <audio id="pronounce{{number}}" src="/audio/{{language}}/{{number}}.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>
                                            <!--<i data-foreign="{{number}}" class="fa fa-volume-up fa-2x"></i>-->
                                            {{> ionIcon icon='volume-medium'}}
                                        <div class="back">
                                            {{#momentum plugin='fade-score' }}
                                                {{#if correct}}
                                                    {{> ionIcon icon='checkmark-circled' class="score-icon correct"}}
                                                {{#if incorrect}}
                                                    {{> ionIcon icon='close-circled' class="score-icon incorrect"}}
                <div class="padding-2x">
                        <div class="list">
                            <label class="item item-input translate-input">
                                <input type="text" placeholder="Type a translation..." id="answer" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false">
nicholasalanbrown commented 9 years ago

Digging further, it turns out that when I tap into the input, the keyboard comes up but the focus doesn't actually go the input field. Then I drag and scroll up, and need to tap into the field a second time to get focus. Then when I text, the div above magically reappears.

I'm testing on the Simulator right now but will experiment with a physical device soon to see if it's an issue there as well.

I'm not completely clear on how you've integrated Ionic - when they make bug fixes and updates, to you need to rework your package to match?

nicholasalanbrown commented 9 years ago

I think I figured it out - I was using -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden to enable a card flip animation but apparently it's a bit buggy on iOS. I'm not sure if these issues are more prevalent in Ionic but I see lots of older issues with -webkit-backface-visibility and flickering animations related to the keyboard on iOS.