meteorlxy / vssue

:mailbox: A Vue-powered Issue-based Comment Plugin
MIT License
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[Question] If not "admin" or "owner" then cannot post comment #34

Closed kkdd0909 closed 5 years ago

kkdd0909 commented 5 years ago

I use BitBucket with VSSUE.

I noticed something strange.

My settings (options):

owner: boss
repo: vssueboss
clientID: xxx

The only property I use is title, unique title ofcourse.

The BitBucket repo for VSSUE comments owned by admin/owner is public ofcourse.

  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>

OK, so I have many different pages (>200) with VSSUE.

If I (boss), as admin/owner logs in to make the first comment, then comments load (or "no comments yet, be the first to comment"), and I can write/post comment successfully.

If someone else (dummy), makes the first comment, then "failed to load comments", and dummy cannot post comment.

But dummy can post a second comment, AFTER boss, admin/owner, has posted the first comment. Then dummy is successful.

How to explain this behaviour and how to fix?

meteorlxy commented 5 years ago

Seems strange. Could you confirm this only happens in Bitbucket or all of the platforms?

kkdd0909 commented 5 years ago

@meteorlxy - Hi, I tested it on GitLab too, and in GitLab the dummy user cannot post a comment never (message is: "failed to load comments"). Only admin/owner is successful.

meteorlxy commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reporting that. I'll check what's wrong with that tommorow.

meteorlxy commented 5 years ago

Oh, after reading your text again, I noticed what happened.

  1. You have to use admin/owner to initialize Vssue first, i.e., login on your page, and Vssue will auto create a new issue for you.
  2. Then you (admin/owner) don't need to leave any comments, and change to dummy.
  3. dummy can post the first comment, because Vssue has already been initialized by admin/owner.

Have a try.

kkdd0909 commented 5 years ago

@meteorlxy - Thank you for explanation. That way it works all good.

But I have more than 200 pages with vssue. Is there some "quick and easy" way to initialize all these 200 pages as admin/owner in one time?

meteorlxy commented 5 years ago

I'm afraid that currently we do not have such a way...

But we can try to make a web tool or cli tool for that. Contribution welcome!

kkdd0909 commented 5 years ago

@meteorlxy - OK, thank you. I will try to work on something.