meteorlxy / vssue

:mailbox: A Vue-powered Issue-based Comment Plugin
MIT License
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[Bug Report] "likes", "thumb-up", "thumb-down" number not updated if you click twice #74

Closed SilhDing closed 4 years ago

SilhDing commented 4 years ago

I made a new post, created an issue for it, left a comment and tried to "like" the post. It worked perfectly as I can see the number of "like" became 1.

However, when I clicked the button "like" again, the number did not turn back to 0. This problem also happened on "thumb-up" and "thumb-down" buttons. In fact, if you looked into the comments on GitHub websites, everything seems okay: the like icon is gone if you click the "like" icon twice on Vssue plugin.

This bug is not always reproducible: it happens only in some cases. I used stylus (rather than css) to customize the plugin, and I don't think I have made any changes to the core codes.




meteorlxy commented 4 years ago

Please follow the issue template, or we cannot repro your problem