If I do not enter the sampling rate when defining the Project right before running the preprocessing, it will error. According to the documentation, it should pick up the sampling rate from EEG.sref, which seems to be what it tries to do, but there might be a bug when testing whether the sampling rate is included as an input parameter. Specifically, from line 265 of ./src/Project.m:
if ~ isempty(varargin{:})
self.sRate = varargin{1};
if(any(strcmp(self.fileExtension, {self.CGV.EXTENSIONS.text})))
error('You need to provide sampling rate for the .txt extension.');
I think that line 265 should be if ~ isempty(varargin), without curly brackets, otherwise it will try to list elements of an empty cell array, and will error.
Dear Dawid,
If I do not enter the sampling rate when defining the Project right before running the preprocessing, it will error. According to the documentation, it should pick up the sampling rate from
, which seems to be what it tries to do, but there might be a bug when testing whether the sampling rate is included as an input parameter. Specifically, from line 265 of ./src/Project.m:I think that line 265 should be
if ~ isempty(varargin)
, without curly brackets, otherwise it will try to list elements of an empty cell array, and will error.Please let me know if I am missing anything here.
Thanks, Ramtin