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Description of the numerical weather prediction products at MET Norway
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X, Y = proj.transform(lat, lon) ? #21

Closed paapu88 closed 1 year ago

paapu88 commented 1 year ago

Dear developers, I have to change the order of lat lon in to get it work for Helsinki (MET Nordic dataset version3)

With code below helsinki position is ok (lat, lon order changed in transform compared to example above)

crs= "+proj=lcc +lat_0=63 +lon_0=15 +lat_1=63 +lat_2=63 +no_defs +R=6.371e+06",
proj = pyproj.Proj.from_crs("4326", crs)
X, Y = proj.transform(lat, lon)
# Find nearest neighbour
x = ds.variables[xname].to_numpy()
y = ds.variables[yname].to_numpy()
Ix = np.argmin(np.abs(x - X))
Iy = np.argmin(np.abs(y - Y))
tnipen commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback.Yes, I think with newer versions of pyproj, you either need to do as suggested, or use: proj = pyproj.Proj.from_crs("4326", crs, always_xy=True)

We will update the examples.

paapu88 commented 1 year ago

thanks! I guess there is nowadays options for using keywords like latitude, longitude for pyproj.Proj so there should be no room for confusion.

tnipen commented 1 year ago

Yes, that is true. Good point.