metno / catalog-rebuilder

Catalog rebuilder of CSW and Solr for the S-ENDA project
Apache License 2.0
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How can we ensure that we use the same MMD version in rebuilder and dmci? #10

Closed mortenwh closed 9 months ago

mortenwh commented 1 year ago

magnarem commented 1 year ago

This is a CI/CD issue. How to solve this I am not sure. I am sure this is not a special case when it comes to CI/CD, so maybe some people at IT with experience with git-lab CI/CD can point us in the right direction.

One solution that comes to mind, is to create a base docker image/container with the mmd installed, and then both the dmci-container and the catalog-rebuilder container will do their own custom building using that container image as base. This will mean another repo for building just that container.

magnarem commented 9 months ago

For now this is added to the documentation :