metno / emep-ctm

Open Source EMEP/MSC-W model
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Questions about release version and status report #107

Closed SebastiaanHazelhorst closed 2 years ago

SebastiaanHazelhorst commented 2 years ago

Hi EMEP modellers

I have downloaded the EMEP status report for 2021 in order to learn about the model developments of EMEP MSC-W ( When reading chapter 5, some questions popped up. Could you help to clarify on the following issues? Thanks in advance!

  1. On p.109, it is said that version 4.42 is used for reporting, whereas on github, version 4.45 has just been published. How come these versions are different? And if so, where can I find the changes in 4.45 compared to 4.42?
  2. In chapter 5.2.1 (p.110), it is stated that GNFR_CAMS sectors were used in stead of the 11 SNAP sectors. In the previous status report of 2020, it was also stated that the GNFR_CAMS sector system was used (p.156 in I am a bit confused on what has changed compared to the previous version.

Kind regards, Sebastiaan

mifads commented 2 years ago

Hi Sebastiaan, cc @gitpeterwind @avaldebe @svetlanat @agnesny

  1. The model results did not change very much from rv4.42 to 4.45, but there were very many small changes:

  1. The last runs certainly used the 19-sector GNFR_CAMS system. I will have to leave it to @agnesny or others to explain the report text.
agnesny commented 2 years ago

Hi Sebastian,

We do not use SNAP sectors in the reporting runs anymore. All EMEP emissions have been provided by the emission centre (CEIP) in the GNFR sector system since 2017, if I remember the year correct. Well at least for several years by now.

The so-called GNFR_CAMS sectors system (19 sectors) was developed based on the GNFR sectors. The GNFR_CAMS sectors are listed below, and here I will give a short summary of the history behind.

The GNFR sector system has in principle 13 sectors (sec01-sec13). The EMEP emissions follow this. However, we often work with CAMS emission data provided by TNO, and they have 'extended' the GNFR sector system by splitting the road traffic sector (sec06 = "F_RoadTransport") into sub sectors (F1-F4) as described below in sec16-sec19. So we added these sub-sectors to our GNFR sectors. Also, in the CAMS emission data there is additional information about whether the emission source is area or point type. This distinction exist also for the 'A_PublicPower' sector. After discussions with TNO about how we should interpret and treat these area type of public power sources (we normally assume that power plants are point sources and put the emissions into higher levels), we concluded that area and point type of public power should be placed into two separate sub-sectors, so that we can use different release heights for them. These are in sec14-sec15.

So, when we use EMEP emissions, where there are no sub-sectors for A and F, we actually have only 13 sectors. When we use CAMS emissions, we have all 19 sectors in the emission data input, but sec1 and sec6 is 'empty', since emissions from these sectors are placed into sec14-sec19 instead.

:sec01 = "A_PublicPower" ; :sec02 = "B_Industry" ; :sec03 = "C_OtherStationaryComb" ; :sec04 = "D_Fugitive" ; :sec05 = "E_Solvents" ; :sec06 = "F_RoadTransport" ; :sec07 = "G_Shipping" ; :sec08 = "H_Aviation" ; :sec09 = "I_Offroad" ; :sec10 = "J_Waste" ; :sec11 = "K_AgriLivestock" ; :sec12 = "L_AgriOther" ; :sec13 = "M_Other" ; :sec14 = "A1_PublicPower_Point" ; :sec15 = "A2_PublicPower_Area" ; :sec16 = "F1_RoadTransportExhaustGasoline" ; :sec17 = "F2_RoadTransportExhaustDiesel" ; :sec18 = "F3_RoadTransportExhaustLPGgas" ; :sec19 = "F4_RoadTransportNonExhaust" ;

I hope this helped.

Best wishes, Agnes

SebastiaanHazelhorst commented 2 years ago

Hi Agnes and mifads,

Thanks for your response.

Good to know that there are no major changes between rv4.42 and rv4.45.

Agnes, if I understand it correctly, in both EMEP status report of 2020 and 2021, the 19-sector GNFR system has been used. So, there have not been any changes in sector system between both reports.

Kind regards, Sebastiaan

agnesny commented 2 years ago

Hi Sebastian,

Correct. The same GNFR (GNFR_CAMS) sector system was used in both status reports.

Bests, Agnes

mifads commented 2 years ago

Closing. Just re-open if anything of the above is unclear.