metno / emep-ctm

Open Source EMEP/MSC-W model
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Short Wave Radiation output #118

Open AlexanderdeMeij opened 8 months ago

AlexanderdeMeij commented 8 months ago


Is it possible to have Short Wave Radiation as an output in the EMEP model, via e.g. “met%" in config_emep.nml, or is there another way?

Kind regards, Alexander

WillemVanCaspel commented 8 months ago


I think it should be possible to get information on the short wave radiation as an output field, though this option is not yet implemented. What type of short wave radiation info would you be interested in? Below is a short snippet of code illustrating the possible quantities that could be included as output (from ModsCloudJ_mod.f90 lines 721-726).

!  FFXNET(K,1) = FLXD0        direct(solar) flux dep into atmos (spherical)
!  FFXNET(K,2) = FSBOT        direct(solar) flux dep onto LB (surface)
!  FFXNET(K,3) = FLXD0+FSBOT  TOTAL solar into atmopshere+surface
!  FFXNET(K,4) = FJTOP        diffuse flux leaving top-of-atmos
!  FFXNET(K,5) = FFX0         diffuse flux absorbed in atmos
!  FFXNET(K,6) = FABOT        total (dir+dif) absorbed at LB (surface)

Here the short wave radiation only covers the spectrum between 117-778 nm, so maybe this is also not exactly what you are after.

Best regards, Willem

Edit; on second thought, maybe the Watts m-2 calculations from the Radiation module would be more useful. Will look into it. The calculations for these W m-2 values are described in Simpson et al (2012), is that something you would be looking for?

AlexanderdeMeij commented 8 months ago

Hi, indeed a variable that describes the downward short wave incoming radiation at ground level in W/m2 would be great.

WillemVanCaspel commented 7 months ago

Sorry for the slow reply, it has been a busy period.

Unfortunately it doesn't look like the ground level shortwave radiation is currently available as an output, even though it has been in earlier versions of the model. It would be possible to again output the "Indirect" and "Idiffuse" variables, but this would require some changes to the code. For example, in Derived_mod.f90 the following would have to be included (together with a few other tweaks):

case ( "Idirect" )
      forall ( i=1:limax, j=1:ljmax )
        d_2d( n, i,j,IOU_INST) = Idirect(i,j)
end forall
case ( "Idiffuse" )
      forall ( i=1:limax, j=1:ljmax )
        d_2d( n, i,j,IOU_INST) = Idiffuse(i,j)
end forall

Is changing the code to have these output parameters something you would feel comfortable doing yourself, or prefer it to be part of the next opensource release?

Best regards Willem

AlexanderdeMeij commented 7 months ago

Thank you for your answer. I have to see with my colleague if this is what he wants.