Closed JanScheff closed 2 months ago
Hi Janice,
First, the "latest" documentation is not for rv4.45 (Which does not have the "CELL-FRACTION" option). If you see a black box on the lower right part of the documentation pages, there are links to the documentation of other versions.
And the mask_ID should be the ID:
Emis_sourceFiles(5:6)%mask_ID = 2*'MY',
This is actually wrong in the "latest" docs! I will correct that.
Best wishes, Peter
Thank you, Peter! That works nicely now.
I'm trying to run EMEP with a mask applied to the emissions and am following this recipe:
I'm currently using EMEP rv4.45 and am trying to only mask PMCO and PM2.5 for this test. This is a global run with a nested domain in Asia. The mask nc-file has the same grid as the emissions and contains one variable (named mask_array) with 1s and 0s only.
When I run it like this, I get the following warning in the out-file: WARNING mask not defined mask_array.
EMEP finished w/o error but compared to the base (normal setup w/o a mask) there is no difference in the PM fields.
Also, I tried to use "EmisMask(1)%type = 'CELL-FRACTION'," but that gave an error message: invalid reference to variable in NAMELIST input. I could not find where in the EMEP code the type or 'CELL-FRACTION' are actually defined or where. I'm not sure if the recipe I'm using is still up do date?
Am I missing anything in my setup?
Many thanks, Janice