metno / emep-ctm

Open Source EMEP/MSC-W model
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to download inputs without meteorology files #28

Closed mifads closed 6 years ago

mifads commented 6 years ago

Questions on behalf of my guest.... Many users have sets of meteorology already, and just want the other input files. How do they get for example just the new model code and inputs for running EECCA domain, excluding this files? Thanks.

Further, 2015 is now 'special' with the need for FMI shipping emissions. Is it clear to users wanting to run e.g. 2012 that these files aren't needed?

avaldebe commented 6 years ago -h will give you all the available options, as it is stated on the tools README:

Usage: [options]


  Retrieve release dataset for revision REV (rv3|v201106|rv4_0|rv4_3|rv4_4|rv4_5|rv4_8|rv4_10|rv4_15) -R REV

  Get Only the source code and user guide for revision REV -R REV --source --docs

  Download meteorological input for YEAR (2005|2008|2010|2011|2012|2013|2014) -Y YEAR --meteo

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           don't print status messages to stdout
  -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity
  --catalog=CATALOG     Override dataset cataloque path/file

  Release options:
    Select release dataset

    -R REV, --revision=REV
                        revision REV
    -Y YEAR, --year=YEAR
                        Meteorological/run YEAR

  Dataset options:
    Partial release dataset

    -m, --meteo         get meteorology input
                        get only DOMAIN meteorology
    -i, --input         get other input
    -o, --output        get model benckmark
    -s, --source        get source code for benckmark
    -d, --docs          get corresponding user guide
    --extras            also get the extras, if any

  Download options:
    --yes               Don't ask before start downloading/unpacking
    --outpath=OUTPATH   Override output (dataset) directory
    --tmppath=TMPPATH   Override temporary (download) directory
    --cleanup           Remove ALL temporary (download) files
avaldebe commented 6 years ago

How do they get for example just the new model code and inputs for running EECCA domain, excluding this files? --source --input will get source code and non meteo inputs for the last release.

avaldebe commented 6 years ago

Further, 2015 is now 'special' with the need for FMI shipping emissions. Is it clear to users wanting to run e.g. 2012 that these files aren't needed?

I do not understand the question. Do you want to reproduce the 2012 benchmark with the latest model release?

mifads commented 6 years ago

Thanks. My guest (not yet a git user) wanted to just run the latest version of the model with the meteo they already had. No mention of benchmarks; they want to run the emep model without the CPU cost of 0.1 degrees. The new files would then be things like Your answer above should be fine, but wasn't obvious to him last week (and I don't use or the OS release, so didn't have an immediate answer).

avaldebe commented 6 years ago

As the question is answered, I'll close the issue. Please re open it ff more detail is needed.