metno / emep-ctm

Open Source EMEP/MSC-W model
GNU General Public License v3.0
29 stars 19 forks source link

Errors with Base run #50

Closed martinsaliba closed 5 years ago

martinsaliba commented 5 years ago


Recently, EMEP model (EMEP_MSC-W rv4.17) was compiled on our cluster. However, when I tried to run the basic Base run, I got the following error:

gcc/4.8.5 is loaded
glib/2.42.1 is loaded
mpich2/hydra/gcc/3.2 is loaded
curl/7.42.1 is loaded
glib/2.42.1 is loaded
hdf5/gcc/1.8.18_mpi is loaded
 Found     4 MPI processes available
 Config_MC:DataDir set to/home/wrfchem/EMEP/output/input
 Config_MC:Defined DegreeDayFactorsFile as:
 Config_MC:Landcover file           1
 Config_MC:Landcover file           2
startdate = 2015010100
enddate   = 2015123124
 reading domain sizes from meteo2015/EECCA/
 Defining grid properties from meteo2015/EECCA/
 projection: Stereographic
 dimensions input grid:         132         159          37
 METSTEP set to            3  hours
FULLDOMAIN has sizes   132 X   159
RUNDOMAIN  x coordinates from     1 to   132
RUNDOMAIN  y coordinates from     1 to   159
 Using   4 processors out of   4 available for calculations
 Divided rundomain into   2 X    2 subdomains
 Defining grid parameters from meteo2015/EECCA/
 Grid_resolution   50000.000000000000     
 reading met hybrid levels from meteo2015/EECCA/
 P0 =    101325.00000000000     
 Hybrid vertical coordinates, P at levels boundaries:
   1     7306.63
   2     8772.74
   3    10422.88
   4    12261.37
   5    14290.17
   6    16508.86
   7    18914.66
   8    21502.51
   9    24265.23
  10    27205.92
  11    30321.74
  12    33604.39
  13    37040.72
  14    40613.28
  15    44300.86
  16    48079.07
  17    51920.93
  18    55797.34
  19    59677.74
  20    63530.60
  21    67324.03
  22    71026.27
  23    74606.35
  24    78034.55
  25    81283.03
  26    84326.34
  27    87142.03
  28    89711.18
  29    92018.93
  30    94055.11
  31    95814.77
  32    97298.68
  33    98513.99
  34    99474.72
  35   100202.36
  36   100726.39
  37   101084.87
  38   101325.00
 WARNING: lowest level very shallow;    240.12809100000595      Pa
 STOP-ALL ERROR: Lowest level too thin! Change vertical levels definition in /home/wrfchem/EMEP/output/input/Vertical_levels20.txt
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 9) - process 0

Can somebody suggest what values need to change in order to complete the simulation?

Regards Martin

avaldebe commented 5 years ago

You need to use one of the vertical level definitions that are provided with the model.

martinsaliba commented 5 years ago


Yes, I am using the provided file with the vertical levels. However, I am still getting the same error. /home/wrfchem/EMEP/EMEP_MSC-W_model.rv4.17.OpenSource/input 20 1 10000.0 0.0000 2 9600.0 0.0400 3 9200.0 0.0800 4 8800.0 0.1200 5 8350.0 0.1650 6 7750.0 0.2250 7 6980.0 0.3020 8 6080.0 0.3920 9 5190.0 0.4810 10 4380.0 0.5620 11 3640.0 0.6360 12 2970.0 0.7030 13 2370.0 0.7630 14 1840.0 0.8160 15 1380.0 0.8620 16 990.0 0.9010 17 670.0 0.9330 18 420.0 0.9580 19 240.0 0.9760 20 120.0 0.9880 21 0.0 1.0000

gcc/4.8.5 is loaded glib/2.42.1 is loaded mpich2/hydra/gcc/3.2 is loaded curl/7.42.1 is loaded glib/2.42.1 is loaded hdf5/gcc/1.8.18_mpi is loaded Found 4 MPI processes available Config_MC:NAMELIST START Config_MC:DataDir set to/home/wrfchem/EMEP/output/input Config_MC:Defined DegreeDayFactorsFile as: meteo2015/EECCA/.// Config_MC:Landcover file 1 Config_MC:Landcover file 2 Base Opensource_Setup_2018 startdate = 2015010100 enddate = 2015123124 reading domain sizes from meteo2015/EECCA/ Defining grid properties from meteo2015/EECCA/ projection: Stereographic dimensions input grid: 132 159 37 METSTEP set to 3 hours FULLDOMAIN has sizes 132 X 159 RUNDOMAIN x coordinates from 1 to 132 RUNDOMAIN y coordinates from 1 to 159 Using 4 processors out of 4 available for calculations Divided rundomain into 2 X 2 subdomains Defining grid parameters from meteo2015/EECCA/ Grid_resolution 50000.000000000000
reading met hybrid levels from meteo2015/EECCA/ P0 = 101325.00000000000
Hybrid vertical coordinates, P at levels boundaries: 1 7306.63 2 8772.74 3 10422.88 4 12261.37 5 14290.17 6 16508.86 7 18914.66 8 21502.51 9 24265.23 10 27205.92 11 30321.74 12 33604.39 13 37040.72 14 40613.28 15 44300.86 16 48079.07 17 51920.93 18 55797.34 19 59677.74 20 63530.60 21 67324.03 22 71026.27 23 74606.35 24 78034.55 25 81283.03 26 84326.34 27 87142.03 28 89711.18 29 92018.93 30 94055.11 31 95814.77 32 97298.68 33 98513.99 34 99474.72 35 100202.36 36 100726.39 37 101084.87 38 101325.00 WARNING: lowest level very shallow; 240.12809100000595 Pa STOP-ALL ERROR: Lowest level too thin! Change vertical levels definition in /home/wrfchem/EMEP/output/input/Vertical_levels20.txt application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 9) - process 0

Any idea why I am getting the above error?

regards Martin

gitpeterwind commented 5 years ago

you are right, in your version the model stops and not only gives a warning. In next version this stop is removed. you can remove the corresponding line (1179) in GridValues_ml.f90: ! call StopAll('Lowest level too thin! Change vertical levels definition in '//trim(Vertical_levelsFile))

and recompile.

martinsaliba commented 5 years ago

Thanks @gitpeterwind Your hint solved my issue. Now I have generated the base run simulation. Meanwhile, I will keep exploring other features of the EMEP model. Thanks again for your help.

gitpeterwind commented 5 years ago

Hi again, Actually, I do not think your code is reading properly the Vertical_levelsFile. And even if the model does not crash, it might not behave properly. Please check that /home/wrfchem/EMEP/output/input/Vertical_levels20.txt really exists and can be read. If the code was able to read the file, you should see a sentence (just after 'Grid_resolution 50000.000000000000') like:

Define vertical levels from /home/wrfchem/EMEP/output/input/Vertical_levels20.txt
martinsaliba commented 5 years ago

Hi @gitpeterwind

Yes, it is reading: Grid_resolution 50000.000000000000.

While the four nc files with name Base* have been generated in my output directory.

Below, I have attached all the code generated by my bash script. At the end it is also printed: programme is finished. I guess the simulation is fine. However, I need to explore the generated Base* nc files with my ncl scripts.

gcc/4.8.5 is loaded
glib/2.42.1 is loaded
mpich2/hydra/gcc/3.2 is loaded
curl/7.42.1 is loaded
glib/2.42.1 is loaded
hdf5/gcc/1.8.18_mpi is loaded
 Found     4 MPI processes available
 Config_MC:Defined DegreeDayFactorsFile as:
 Config_MC:Landcover file           1
 Config_MC:Landcover file           2
startdate = 2015040100
enddate   = 2015040324
 reading domain sizes from meteo2015/EECCA/
 Defining grid properties from meteo2015/EECCA/
 projection: Stereographic
 dimensions input grid:         132         159          37
 METSTEP set to            3  hours
 Define vertical levels from ./Vertical_levels20.txt
          20 vertical levels 
FULLDOMAIN has sizes   132 X   159
RUNDOMAIN  x coordinates from     1 to   132
RUNDOMAIN  y coordinates from     1 to   159
 Using   4 processors out of   4 available for calculations
 Divided rundomain into   2 X    2 subdomains
 Defining grid parameters from meteo2015/EECCA/
 Grid_resolution   50000.000000000000     
 reading met hybrid levels from meteo2015/EECCA/
 P0 =    101325.00000000000     
 reading external hybrid levels from ./Vertical_levels20.txt   0.0000000000000000        1.0000000000000000     
 Hybrid vertical coordinates, P at levels boundaries:
   1    10000.00
   2    13653.00
   3    17306.00
   4    20959.00
   5    25068.62
   6    30548.12
   7    37580.15
   8    45799.40
   9    53927.32
  10    61324.65
  11    68082.70
  12    74201.47
  13    79680.98
  14    84521.20
  15    88722.15
  16    92283.82
  17    95206.23
  18    97489.35
  19    99133.20
  20   100229.10
  21   101325.00
 External_Levels  T
   1 interpolated from levels   3 and   4  11826.500  11342.122  13275.769      0.750
   2 interpolated from levels   5 and   6  15479.500  15399.515  17711.761      0.965
   3 interpolated from levels   6 and   7  19132.500  17711.761  20208.585      0.431
   4 interpolated from levels   8 and   9  23013.812  22883.868  25735.575      0.954
   5 interpolated from levels   9 and  10  27808.375  25735.575  28763.834      0.316
   6 interpolated from levels  11 and  12  34064.137  31963.069  35322.558      0.375
   7 interpolated from levels  13 and  14  41689.775  38826.999  42457.066      0.211
   8 interpolated from levels  15 and  16  49863.363  46189.965  50000.000      0.036
   9 interpolated from levels  17 and  18  57625.988  53859.134  57737.542      0.029
  10 interpolated from levels  19 and  20  64703.675  61604.173  65427.315      0.189
  11 interpolated from levels  21 and  22  71142.087  69175.150  72816.310      0.460
  12 interpolated from levels  23 and  24  76941.225  76320.448  79658.787      0.814
  13 interpolated from levels  24 and  25  82101.087  79658.787  82804.683      0.224
  14 interpolated from levels  26 and  27  86621.675  85734.187  88426.605      0.670
  15 interpolated from levels  27 and  28  90502.987  88426.605  90865.055      0.148
  16 interpolated from levels  29 and  30  93745.025  93037.023  94934.940      0.627
  17 interpolated from levels  30 and  31  96347.788  94934.940  96556.721      0.129
  18 interpolated from levels  32 and  33  98311.275  97906.331  98994.353      0.628
  19 interpolated from levels  33 and  34  99681.150  98994.353  99838.538      0.186
  20 interpolated from levels  35 and  36 100777.050 100464.373 100905.630      0.291
 GridValues: max/min for lat,lon     90.00    20.44   178.96  -179.99
 advection time step (dt_advec) set to:   1200.0 seconds
  9 advection steps within each metstep ( 3 hours)
 InitLanduse: nFluxVegs=            3
 Inputs.Landuse not found
 InitLanduse: Into CDF 
 RdLanduseCDF: Starting           2           1
RdLanduseCDF:LANDUSE: found  1 .../
RdLanduseCDF:LANDUSE: found  2 .../
 LandDefs DONE           32 CROP                   1.0000000000000000        0.0000000000000000     
 CDFLAND_CODES:           32  :
CF                  DF                  NF                  BF                  TC                  
MC                  RC                  SNL                 GR                  MS                  
WE                  TU                  DE                  W                   ICE                 
C4_GRSS             CROP                
 InitLanduse: Into Init_LandDefs           35
 InitLanduse: Codes: CF                  DF                  NF                  BF                  TC                  MC                  RC                  SNL                 GR                  MS                  WE                  TU                  DE                  W                   ICE                 U                   BARE                NDLF_EVGN_TMPT_TREE NDLF_EVGN_BORL_TREE NDLF_DECD_BORL_TREE BDLF_EVGN_TROP_TREE BDLF_EVGN_TMPT_TREE BDLF_DECD_TROP_TREE BDLF_DECD_TMPT_TREE BDLF_DECD_BORL_TREE BDLF_EVGN_SHRB      BDLF_DECD_TMPT_SHRB BDLF_DECD_BORL_SHRB C3_ARCT_GRSS        C3_NARC_GRSS        C4_GRSS             CROP                IAM_CR              IAM_DF              IAM_MF                                                                                                                  
 InitLanduse: LandCoverInputs:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Inputs_LandDefs.csv                                                                                                                                                                                     Inputs_DO3SE.csv                                                                                                                                                                                        
 Ini-LandDefs: for Ncodes=           35
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants            1 CF
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants            2 DF
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants            3 NF
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants            4 BF
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants            5 TC
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants            6 MC
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants            7 RC
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants            8 SNL
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants            9 GR
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           10 MS
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           11 WE
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           12 TU
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           13 DE
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           14 W
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           15 ICE
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           16 U
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           17 BARE
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           18 NDLF_EVGN_TMPT_TREE
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           19 NDLF_EVGN_BORL_TREE
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           20 NDLF_DECD_BORL_TREE
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           21 BDLF_EVGN_TROP_TREE
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           22 BDLF_EVGN_TMPT_TREE
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           23 BDLF_DECD_TROP_TREE
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           24 BDLF_DECD_TMPT_TREE
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           25 BDLF_DECD_BORL_TREE
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           26 BDLF_EVGN_SHRB
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           27 BDLF_DECD_TMPT_SHRB
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           28 BDLF_DECD_BORL_SHRB
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           29 C3_ARCT_GRSS
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           30 C3_NARC_GRSS
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           31 C4_GRSS
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           32 CROP
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           33 IAM_CR
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           34 IAM_DF
 Ini-LandDefs:LC  wants           35 IAM_MF
 Ini-LandDefs: skipping nn,n           35        -999 Wheat_Irrigated
 Ini-LandDefs: skipping nn,n           35        -999 Wheat_NonIrrig
 Ini-LandDefs: skipping nn,n           35        -999 SpringWheat
 Ini-LandDefs: skipping nn,n           35        -999 WinterWheat
 Ini-LandDefs: skipping nn,n           35        -999 NEUR_SPRUCE
 Ini-LandDefs: skipping nn,n           35        -999 NEUR_BIRCH
 Ini-LandDefs: skipping nn,n           35        -999 ACE_PINE
 Ini-LandDefs: skipping nn,n           35        -999 ACE_OAK
 Ini-LandDefs: skipping nn,n           35        -999 ACE_BEECH
 Ini-LandDefs: skipping nn,n           35        -999 CCE_SPRUCE
 Ini-LandDefs: skipping nn,n           35        -999 CCE_BEECH
 Ini-LandDefs: skipping nn,n           35        -999 MED_OAK
 Ini-LandDefs: skipping nn,n           35        -999 MED_PINE
 Ini-LandDefs: skipping nn,n           35        -999 MED_BEECH
 Ini-LandDefs:DONE NN,NCODES =           35          35
  DO3SE skips iLC        -999 Wheat_Irrigated               
  DO3SE skips iLC        -999 Wheat_NonIrrig                
  DO3SE skips iLC        -999 SpringWheat                   
  DO3SE skips iLC        -999 WinterWheat                   
  DO3SE skips iLC        -999 NEUR_SPRUCE                   
  DO3SE skips iLC        -999 NEUR_BIRCH                    
  DO3SE skips iLC        -999 ACE_PINE                      
  DO3SE skips iLC        -999 ACE_OAK                       
  DO3SE skips iLC        -999 ACE_BEECH                     
  DO3SE skips iLC        -999 CCE_SPRUCE                    
  DO3SE skips iLC        -999 CCE_BEECH                     
  DO3SE skips iLC        -999 MED_OAK                       
  DO3SE skips iLC        -999 MED_PINE                      
  DO3SE skips iLC        -999 MED_BEECH                     
 SetLandUse: day, pfts?           91 F
 Date in days since 1900-1-1 0:0:0
 first meteo dates read:
 ndays    42093.125000000000                1           3
 ndays    42093.250000000000                1           6
 ndays    42093.375000000000                1           9
 ndays    42093.500000000000                1          12
 ndays    42093.625000000000                1          15
 ndays    42093.750000000000                1          18
 ndays    42093.875000000000                1          21
 ndays    42094.000000000000                2           0
 assuming meteo variables type short
 reading meteo2015/EECCA/
 found u_wind in meteo2015/EECCA/
 typical value =   -1.7408860610395287        21.014279127372532     
 found v_wind in meteo2015/EECCA/
 typical value =    14.761837922795932        17.395390033763142     
 found specific_humidity in meteo2015/EECCA/
 typical value =    1.0448938152300295E-002   1.0983874863648217E-002
 found potential_temperature in meteo2015/EECCA/
 typical value =    288.41119493235840        303.88052104754166     
 did not find sigma_dot in meteo2015/EECCA/
 found 3D_cloudcover in meteo2015/EECCA/
 typical value =   -6.8481830920035236E-003   99.875713981259608     
 found precipitation in meteo2015/EECCA/
 typical value =    1.1676407112943821E-003   9.1317713590322356     
 did not find eddy_diffusion_coefficient in meteo2015/EECCA/
 found surface_pressure in meteo2015/EECCA/
 typical value =    1018.9261814050001        1036.3851819039719     
 found temperature_2m in meteo2015/EECCA/
 typical value =    289.53968272119675        292.35908163805732     
 found relative_humidity_2m in meteo2015/EECCA/
 typical value =    91.120710458417534        99.808623870419140     
 found surface_flux_sensible_heat in meteo2015/EECCA/
 typical value =    24.030877336336516        103.89519567882692     
 found surface_flux_latent_heat in meteo2015/EECCA/
 typical value =    2.8777470851506166        71.908053798406712     
 found surface_stress in meteo2015/EECCA/
 typical value =   0.27517290644553238        4.1306392292944478     
 found sea_surface_temperature in meteo2015/EECCA/
 typical value =    288.26033069719938        290.57122966647319     
 found SMI1 in meteo2015/EECCA/
 typical value =    1.3975072576859411        1.8797807693481450     
 found SMI3 in meteo2015/EECCA/
 typical value =    1.0982609913479906        1.8797807693481450     
 found snow_depth in meteo2015/EECCA/
 typical value =    0.0000000000000000        10.000000000000000     
 found fraction_of_ice in meteo2015/EECCA/
 typical value =    0.0000000000000000        100.00000000000000     
 found u10 in meteo2015/EECCA/
 typical value =   -2.1053657209502608        16.321488205823027     
 Asuming surface pressure in hPa
 WARNING: 3D cloud cover are instantaneous values
  found v component of 10m wind 
 WARNING: Etadot derived from horizontal winds 
 Reading emissions for year        2015
 Emissions: Mixed format
 Emission source number            1 from Emissions:EmisDir/
original emission name EmisDir/
filename redefined as: EMEP01/
 Switching sector categories to GNFR
 Emission source number            2 from
original emission name
filename redefined as:
 Emission source number            3 from
original emission name
filename redefined as:
 femis, read            1 i j lines from femis
 femis, read            0 lonlat lines from femis
IO check_file: Reading 
Found meteo2015/EECCA/.//
# Emissions distribution
read from EmisHeights.txt: # Emissions distribution
# Upper layer heights in meters: 20. 92. 184. 324. 522. 781. 1106.
read from EmisHeights.txt: # Upper layer heights in meters: 20. 92. 184. 324. 522. 781. 1106.
# Has 100% SNAP2 emissions in lowest layer
read from EmisHeights.txt: # Has 100% SNAP2 emissions in lowest layer
# Plevels are pressure in Pa at top of corresponding levels (P Surface = 101325.0)
read from EmisHeights.txt: # Plevels are pressure in Pa at top of corresponding levels (P Surface = 101325.0)
read from EmisHeights.txt:  Nklevels 7   Vertical Levels
 Nklevels 7   Vertical Levels
read from EmisHeights.txt:  Plevels 101084.9 100229.1 99133.2 97489.35 95206.225 92283.825 88722.15
 Plevels 101084.9 100229.1 99133.2 97489.35 95206.225 92283.825 88722.15
read from EmisHeights.txt:  1         0.0      0.00     0.0025   0.1475   0.40     0.30     0.15    ! SNAP1
read from EmisHeights.txt:  2         1.0      0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.0     ! SNAP2
read from EmisHeights.txt:  3         0.06     0.16     0.75     0.03     0.00     0.00     0.0     ! SNAP3
read from EmisHeights.txt:  4         0.05     0.15     0.70     0.10     0.00     0.00     0.0     ! SNAP4
read from EmisHeights.txt:  5         0.02     0.08     0.60     0.30     0.00     0.00     0.0     ! SNAP5
read from EmisHeights.txt:  6         1.0      0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.0     ! SNAP6
read from EmisHeights.txt:  7         1.0      0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.0     ! SNAP7
read from EmisHeights.txt:  8         1.0      0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.0     ! SNAP8
read from EmisHeights.txt:  9         0.0      0.00     0.41     0.57     0.02     0.00     0.0     ! SNAP9
read from EmisHeights.txt:  10        1.0      0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.0     ! SNAP10
read from EmisHeights.txt:  11        1.0      0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.0     ! SNAP11
 emission heights: defined from pressure levels
read from EmisHeights.txt: 
 P emis levels :            0   101325.00000000000     
 P emis levels :            1   101084.89999999999     
 P emis levels :            2   100229.10000000001     
 P emis levels :            3   99133.199999999997     
 P emis levels :            4   97489.350000000006     
 P emis levels :            5   95206.225000000006     
 P emis levels :            6   92283.824999999997     
 P emis levels :            7   88722.149999999994     
 Emissions distributed among            6  lowest levels
 Distribution of emission into levels:
sector:     1 fractions:  0.000 0.003 0.148 0.400 0.300 0.150
sector:     2 fractions:  1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
sector:     3 fractions:  0.220 0.750 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000
sector:     4 fractions:  0.200 0.700 0.100 0.000 0.000 0.000
sector:     5 fractions:  0.100 0.600 0.300 0.000 0.000 0.000
sector:     6 fractions:  1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
sector:     7 fractions:  1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
sector:     8 fractions:  1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
sector:     9 fractions:  0.000 0.410 0.570 0.020 0.000 0.000
sector:    10 fractions:  1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
sector:    11 fractions:  1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
 Reading monthly and daily timefactors
 Change summer/winter ratio in SNAP1 by   0.10000000000000001     
Change in fac_cemm   1   0.913
Change in fac_cemm   2   0.900
Change in fac_cemm   3   0.913
Change in fac_cemm   4   0.950
Change in fac_cemm   5   1.000
Change in fac_cemm   6   1.050
Change in fac_cemm   7   1.087
Change in fac_cemm   8   1.100
Change in fac_cemm   9   1.087
Change in fac_cemm  10   1.050
Change in fac_cemm  11   1.000
Change in fac_cemm  12   0.950
Mean fac_cemm   1.0000
 Dailyfac code not used         301
# Hourly factors from  INERIS, 2012
 Special hourly factors not found (but not needed): HOURLY-FACS-SPECIALS
 Time factors normalisation:    365 days in  2015
 sumfac:            2           1          87  0.98760531594505285     
 sumfac:            3           1          87  0.98561613497481382     
 sumfac:            3           1          90  0.98940055630886747     
 sumfac:            4           1          87  0.98706881904079591     
 sumfac:            4           1          90  0.98906739695734103     
Splitting sox emissions into SO2 SO4 using emissplit.defaults.sox
Splitting sox emissions into SO2 SO4 using emissplit.specials.sox
Splitting nox emissions into NO NO2 SHIPNOX using emissplit.defaults.nox
Splitting nox emissions into NO NO2 SHIPNOX using emissplit.specials.nox
Splitting co emissions into CO using
Splitting co emissions into CO using
Splitting voc emissions into C2H6 NC4H10 C2H4 C3H6 C5H8 OXYL CH3OH C2H5OH HCHO CH3CHO MEK 
GLYOX MGLYOX UNREAC using emissplit.defaults.voc
 emis_split: no specials for:voc 
Splitting nh3 emissions into NH3 using emissplit.defaults.nh3
Splitting nh3 emissions into NH3 using emissplit.specials.nh3
Splitting pm25 emissions into POM_F_FFUEL EC_F_FFUEL_NEW EC_F_FFUEL_AGE POM_F_WOOD EC_F_WOOD_NEW EC_F_WOOD_AGE REMPPM25 using emissplit.defaults.pm25
Splitting pm25 emissions into POM_F_FFUEL EC_F_FFUEL_NEW EC_F_FFUEL_AGE POM_F_WOOD EC_F_WOOD_NEW EC_F_WOOD_AGE REMPPM25 using emissplit.specials.pm25
Splitting pmco emissions into POM_C_FFUEL EC_C_FFUEL EC_C_WOOD REMPPM_C using emissplit.defaults.pmco
Splitting pmco emissions into POM_C_FFUEL EC_C_FFUEL EC_C_WOOD REMPPM_C using emissplit.specials.pmco
WARNING! Molar mass assumed to be 200.0 for all road dust components. Emissions will be WRONG if another value is set in the GenChem input!
Emissions: reading emis_inputlist    1EMEP01/
Total emissions by countries for EMEP01/ (Gg)
 CC                     sox         nox         co          voc         nh3         pm25        pmco
   1 AL                 22.57       33.11      196.26       39.11       24.65        9.88       11.81
   2 AT                 14.90      149.12      567.13      112.89       66.87       16.62       14.70
   3 BE                 42.64      197.21      397.65      119.61       65.50       27.05       10.46
   4 BG                142.06      131.62      288.09       93.14       33.62       28.81       21.22
   6 DK                 10.83      114.49      326.99      109.48       72.76       19.89       10.45
   7 FI                 42.06      139.65      324.57       87.77       31.82       21.98       10.16
   8 FR                152.55      835.45     2993.68      622.63      678.49      164.49      101.17
  11 GR                136.85      230.43      503.96      153.87       60.41       38.85       14.73
  12 HU                 24.11      123.16      457.65      138.99       76.34       53.72       16.60
  13 IS                 56.31       21.06      119.30        6.98        5.58        1.23        0.37
  14 IE                 17.63       79.54      109.13      101.34      108.13       13.91        9.99
  15 IT                123.11      763.01     2355.78      842.07      393.32      159.80       19.10
  16 LU                  1.26       21.69       21.83        9.74        5.75        1.97        0.24
  17 NL                 30.29      228.17      569.95      139.02      127.60       12.82       13.63
  18 NO                 16.34      151.33      382.50      155.92       26.68       28.08        9.05
  19 PL                690.26      713.80     2401.35      530.62      267.10      124.56       96.55
  20 PT                 33.57      160.28      254.32      169.34       40.61       43.46       12.06
  21 RO                151.87      213.53      751.34      313.14      162.93      112.17       38.82
  22 ES                260.88      840.68     1629.17      570.86      473.74      123.05       42.86
  23 SE                 19.21      129.61      460.89      163.88       60.33       19.23       18.99
  24 CH                  6.76       64.49      186.15       77.50       60.66        7.35       10.47
  25 TR               1939.00      883.00     2351.00     1115.00      907.00      382.16      446.84
  27 GB                236.12      918.34     1645.13      835.36      292.84      104.77       40.71
  30 BAS                68.92      270.83       28.14        7.11        0.00       11.37        0.60
  31 NOS               162.59      643.66       67.43       16.99        0.00       26.80        1.42
  32 ATL               343.34      527.87       53.61       15.75        0.00       38.22        2.01
  33 MED               977.59     1498.56      151.65       44.63        0.00      108.82        5.72
  34 BLS                52.69       79.25        8.16        2.38        0.00        5.85        0.31
  39 BY                 53.62      159.67      845.24      331.06      141.62       41.32       11.80
  40 UA                853.97      451.80     1057.32      223.32       18.44       37.68       82.83
  41 MD                  8.78       26.81       78.35       48.28       22.80       10.63        5.32
  43 EE                 31.81       30.74      128.09       22.92       11.64        9.15        4.85
  44 LV                  3.66       36.53      131.19       41.37       18.76       17.70        5.68
  45 LT                 18.23       55.01      126.62       59.36       28.85       17.86        7.17
  46 CZ                123.15      164.56      503.06      139.36       69.72       23.73       12.67
  47 SK                 71.42       86.21      230.60       89.30       30.36       30.08        7.20
  48 SI                  5.46       35.16      110.48       32.12       19.24       11.67        1.26
  49 HR                 15.14       53.10      216.28       60.57       29.76       20.03        6.61
  50 BA                193.04       31.11       95.11       34.51       20.49       14.34       11.82
  52 MK                 76.41       27.61       82.02       28.81       10.66       18.89        9.11
  53 KZ                313.79      103.28      203.17       41.62       36.43       34.82       13.40
  54 GE                  4.98       37.33      167.46       41.57       45.35       17.50        4.35
  55 CY                 13.15       15.13       14.39        7.45        4.55        1.00        0.72
  56 AM                 31.85       24.54      116.02       42.16       26.52        4.01        1.57
  57 MT                  3.33        2.85        0.23        2.06        1.46        0.24        0.14
  59 LI                  0.02        0.34        0.49        0.21        0.17        0.02        0.01
  60 DE                351.77     1187.45     2682.92     1020.18      759.27       99.48      121.87
  61 RU               1641.01     2432.90     6980.63     1937.18      884.99      798.61      350.63
  62 MC                  0.10        0.25        0.81        0.39        0.10        0.00        0.03
  63 NOA               444.66      112.08      457.91      128.27      267.44       77.93      114.64
  68 KG                 50.21       58.63      302.01       26.30       58.22       10.50        9.92
  69 AZ                 14.07       86.41      174.43      101.98       74.43        6.24       10.20
  71 RUX               163.78      349.92     1526.65      285.44       59.51       79.97       68.48
  72 RS                415.51      143.47      277.28      132.45       64.38       53.34       18.53
  73 ME                 39.90       12.61       33.21        8.59        3.01        4.70        6.92
  74 RFE              2138.74      651.58     4826.21      563.95      355.63      394.39      612.88
  75 KZE              1778.15      585.27     1151.29      235.84      206.44      197.33       75.94
  76 UZ                 51.21        9.28       24.65       11.20        3.65        6.60       10.47
  77 TM                123.88       23.36       62.05       28.19       36.36       16.25       25.48
  78 UZE              1558.44      462.27     2514.93      154.83      165.78      314.70      478.89
  79 TME               265.49      135.15      834.28       54.38       70.87       92.42      107.09
  80 CAS                28.09       11.84       31.45       14.29        0.00        5.71        6.80
  81 TJ                 65.46      102.89      809.06       47.70       62.06       26.15       26.03
  82 ARL                 0.11        0.15        0.04        0.04        0.00        0.01        0.00
  84 ASM               682.58      114.54      223.09       90.80      227.94       89.08      139.21
  85 ASE               220.93      109.32     1718.78      247.38      352.51       36.69       29.85
   0        EU        2767.31     7656.55    20202.47     6588.43     3991.76     1318.11      660.63
Emissions: reading emis_inputlist
 using DMS
  found DMS monthly
Emissions: reading emis_inputlist
 TOTAL :        17632.21    18094.11    48340.60    12930.56     8232.11     4327.69     3381.45
Total road dust emission potentials by countries (before precipitation and land corrections):
  N  CC             HIGHWAYplus NONHIGHWAY 
   1 AL             0.08        0.78
   2 AT             3.05        2.45
   3 BE             4.35        4.20
   4 BG             0.54        3.54
   6 DK             2.08        4.88
   7 FI             1.48        2.36
   8 FR            26.36       21.47
  11 GR             2.90       11.01
  12 HU             3.99        3.16
  14 IE             1.49        5.55
  15 IT            19.77       34.26
  16 LU             0.16        0.43
  17 NL             6.82        3.71
  18 NO             1.16        1.39
  19 PL             7.28       12.16
  20 PT             4.85        8.30
  21 RO             1.60        6.28
  22 ES            24.75       52.82
  23 SE             3.24        2.26
  24 CH             1.21        1.60
  25 TR             4.12       35.95
  27 GB            15.89       30.32
  39 BY             0.29        3.95
  40 UA             1.42       18.83
  41 MD             0.11        1.03
  43 EE             0.12        1.65
  44 LV             0.25        1.17
  45 LT             0.35        1.57
  46 CZ             3.08        5.32
  47 SK             1.48        2.55
  48 SI             0.50        1.06
  49 HR             0.53        1.18
  50 BA             0.09        0.58
  51 CS             0.38        2.06
  52 MK             0.06        0.53
  54 GE             0.06        0.85
  55 CY             0.00        1.77
  56 AM             0.02        0.22
  57 MT             0.00        1.04
  60 DE            25.12       18.74
  69 AZ             0.38        5.86
  93 RUE            3.37       44.78
 Sand and clay fractions from ./
 Defining ecosystems: Grid Conif Decid Crops Seminat Water_D 
NMLOUT OUTVegO3 POD1_IAM_DF                       POD                             1.0
NMLOUT OUTVegO3 POD0_IAM_DF                       POD                             0.0
NMLOUT OUTVegO3 POD1_IAM_MF                       POD                             1.0
NMLOUT OUTVegO3 POD0_IAM_MF                       POD                             0.0
NMLOUT OUTVegO3 POD1_DF                           POD                             1.0
NMLOUT OUTVegO3 POD1_CF                           POD                             1.0
NMLOUT OUTVegO3 POD3_TC                           POD                             3.0
NMLOUT OUTVegO3 POD1_IAM_CR                       POD                             1.0
NMLOUT OUTVegO3 POD0_IAM_CR                       POD                             0.0
NMLOUT OUTVegO3 POD3_IAM_CR                       POD                             3.0
NMLOUT OUTVegO3 MMAOT40_TC                        AOT                            40.0
NMLOUT OUTVegO3 MMAOT40_IAM_DF                    AOT                            40.0
NMLOUT OUTVegO3 MMAOT40_IAM_MF                    AOT                            40.0
NMLOUT OUTVegO3 MMAOT40_IAM_CR                    AOT                            40.0
NMLOUT OUTVegO3 EUAOT40_Crops                     AOT                            40.0
NMLOUT OUTVegO3 EUAOT40_Forests                   AOT                            40.0
NMLOUT OUTVegO3 MMAOT40_IAM_WH                    AOT                            40.0
NMLOUT CONC HMIX                        HMIX                        YM    
NMLOUT CONC T2m                         T2m                         YMD   
NMLOUT CONC SURF_ppbC_VOC               VOC                         YMD   
NMLOUT CONC SO2                         AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC NH3                         AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC HNO3                        AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC NO2                         AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC NO                          AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC SO4                         AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC NO3_F                       AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC NO3_C                       AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC NH4_F                       AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC SEASALT_F                   AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC SEASALT_C                   AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC DUST_ROAD_F                 AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC DUST_ROAD_C                 AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC DUST_WB_F                   AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC DUST_WB_C                   AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC DUST_SAH_F                  AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC DUST_SAH_C                  AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC O3                          AIR_CONCS                   YMDI  
NMLOUT CONC NO                          AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC NO2                         AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC NH3                         AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC HNO3                        AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC SO2                         AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC CO                          AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC HCHO                        AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC C5H8                        AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC OXN                         AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC NOX                         AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC RDN                         AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC TNO3                        AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC SIA                         AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC PMFINE                      AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC PM10                        AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC PMCO                        AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC PPM25                       AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC PPM_C                       AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC SS                          AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC DUST_NAT_F                  AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC DUST_NAT_C                  AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC DUST                        AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC ECFINE                      AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC ECCOARSE                    AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC PMFINE                      AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC OM25                        AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC OM25                        AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC OMCOARSE                    AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC OMCOARSE                    AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC ASOA                        AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC BSOA                        AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC BSOA                        AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC PPM25_FIRE                  AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC FFIRE_BC                    AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC FFIRE_REMPPM25              AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC FFIRE_OM                    AIR_CONCS                   YMD   
NMLOUT CONC AOD                         AOD:GROUP                   YMD   
NMLOUT DEP Grid                        YMD   
NMLOUT DEP Conif                       YM    
NMLOUT DEP Seminat                     YM    
NMLOUT DEP Water_D                     Y     
NMLOUT DEP Decid                       Y     
NMLOUT DEP Crops                       Y     
NMLOUT DDEP SOX                         
NMLOUT DDEP OXN                         
NMLOUT DDEP RDN                         
NMLOUT WDEP PREC                        mm                          
NMLOUT WDEP SOX                         mgS                         
NMLOUT WDEP OXN                         mgN                         
NMLOUT WDEP RDN                         mgN                         
NMLOUT WDEP SO2                         mgS                         
NMLOUT WDEP HNO3                        mgN                         
  VEGO3 OUTPUTS:           1 POD1_IAM_DF                       
  VEGO3 OUTPUTS:           2 POD0_IAM_DF                       
  VEGO3 OUTPUTS:           3 POD1_IAM_MF                       
  VEGO3 OUTPUTS:           4 POD0_IAM_MF                       
  VEGO3 OUTPUTS:           5 POD1_DF                           
  VEGO3 OUTPUTS:           6 POD1_CF                           
  VEGO3 OUTPUTS:           7 POD3_TC                           
  VEGO3 OUTPUTS:           8 POD1_IAM_CR                       
  VEGO3 OUTPUTS:           9 POD0_IAM_CR                       
  VEGO3 OUTPUTS:          10 POD3_IAM_CR                       
  VEGO3 OUTPUTS:          11 MMAOT40_TC                        
  VEGO3 OUTPUTS:          12 MMAOT40_IAM_DF                    
  VEGO3 OUTPUTS:          13 MMAOT40_IAM_MF                    
  VEGO3 OUTPUTS:          14 MMAOT40_IAM_CR                    
  VEGO3 OUTPUTS:          15 EUAOT40_Crops                     
  VEGO3 OUTPUTS:          16 EUAOT40_Forests                   
  VEGO3 OUTPUTS:          17 MMAOT40_IAM_WH                    
 VEGO3_LCSNOT FOUND!! Skipping : IAM_WH                      
  Required 2D output            1 WDEP_PREC                         
  Required 2D output            2 WDEP_SOX                          
  Required 2D output            3 WDEP_OXN                          
  Required 2D output            4 WDEP_RDN                          
  Required 2D output            5 WDEP_SO2                          
  Required 2D output            6 WDEP_HNO3                         
  Required 2D output            7 Emis_mgm2_sox                     
  Required 2D output            8 Emis_mgm2_nox                     
  Required 2D output            9 Emis_mgm2_co                      
  Required 2D output           10 Emis_mgm2_voc                     
  Required 2D output           11 Emis_mgm2_nh3                     
  Required 2D output           12 Emis_mgm2_pm25                    
  Required 2D output           13 Emis_mgm2_pmco                    
  Required 2D output           14 Emis_mgm2_BioNatC5H8              
  Required 2D output           15 Emis_mgm2_BioNatBIOTERP           
  Required 2D output           16 Emis_mgm2_BioNatNO                
  Required 2D output           17 Emis_mgm2_DMS                     
  Required 2D output           18 SURF_MAXO3                        
  Required 2D output           19 SURF_PM25water                    
  Required 2D output           20 SOMO35                            
  Required 2D output           21 PSURF                             
  Required 2D output           22 Area_Grid_km2                     
  Required 2D output           23 Area_Conif_Frac                   
  Required 2D output           24 Area_Decid_Frac                   
  Required 2D output           25 Area_Seminat_Frac                 
  Required 2D output           26 Area_Crops_Frac                   
  Required 2D output           27 DDEP_SOX_m2Grid                   
  Required 2D output           28 DDEP_SOX_m2Conif                  
  Required 2D output           29 DDEP_SOX_m2Seminat                
  Required 2D output           30 DDEP_SOX_m2Water_D                
  Required 2D output           31 DDEP_SOX_m2Decid                  
  Required 2D output           32 DDEP_SOX_m2Crops                  
  Required 2D output           33 DDEP_OXN_m2Grid                   
  Required 2D output           34 DDEP_OXN_m2Conif                  
  Required 2D output           35 DDEP_OXN_m2Seminat                
  Required 2D output           36 DDEP_OXN_m2Water_D                
  Required 2D output           37 DDEP_OXN_m2Decid                  
  Required 2D output           38 DDEP_OXN_m2Crops                  
  Required 2D output           39 DDEP_RDN_m2Grid                   
  Required 2D output           40 DDEP_RDN_m2Conif                  
  Required 2D output           41 DDEP_RDN_m2Seminat                
  Required 2D output           42 DDEP_RDN_m2Water_D                
  Required 2D output           43 DDEP_RDN_m2Decid                  
  Required 2D output           44 DDEP_RDN_m2Crops                  
  Required 2D output           45 POD1_IAM_DF                       
  Required 2D output           46 POD0_IAM_DF                       
  Required 2D output           47 POD1_IAM_MF                       
  Required 2D output           48 POD0_IAM_MF                       
  Required 2D output           49 POD1_DF                           
  Required 2D output           50 POD1_CF                           
  Required 2D output           51 POD3_TC                           
  Required 2D output           52 POD1_IAM_CR                       
  Required 2D output           53 POD0_IAM_CR                       
  Required 2D output           54 POD3_IAM_CR                       
  Required 2D output           55 MMAOT40_TC                        
  Required 2D output           56 MMAOT40_IAM_DF                    
  Required 2D output           57 MMAOT40_IAM_MF                    
  Required 2D output           58 MMAOT40_IAM_CR                    
  Required 2D output           59 EUAOT40_Crops                     
  Required 2D output           60 EUAOT40_Forests                   
  Required 2D output           61 HMIX                              
  Required 2D output           62 T2m                               
  Required 2D output           63 SURF_ppbC_VOC                     
  Required 2D output           64 SURF_ug_SO2                       
  Required 2D output           65 SURF_ug_NH3                       
  Required 2D output           66 SURF_ug_HNO3                      
  Required 2D output           67 SURF_ug_NO2                       
  Required 2D output           68 SURF_ug_NO                        
  Required 2D output           69 SURF_ug_SO4                       
  Required 2D output           70 SURF_ug_NO3_F                     
  Required 2D output           71 SURF_ug_NO3_C                     
  Required 2D output           72 SURF_ug_NH4_F                     
  Required 2D output           73 SURF_ug_SEASALT_F                 
  Required 2D output           74 SURF_ug_SEASALT_C                 
  Required 2D output           75 SURF_ug_DUST_ROAD_F               
  Required 2D output           76 SURF_ug_DUST_ROAD_C               
  Required 2D output           77 SURF_ug_DUST_WB_F                 
  Required 2D output           78 SURF_ug_DUST_WB_C                 
  Required 2D output           79 SURF_ug_DUST_SAH_F                
  Required 2D output           80 SURF_ug_DUST_SAH_C                
  Required 2D output           81 SURF_ppb_O3                       
  Required 2D output           82 SURF_ppb_NO                       
  Required 2D output           83 SURF_ppb_NO2                      
  Required 2D output           84 SURF_ppb_NH3                      
  Required 2D output           85 SURF_ppb_HNO3                     
  Required 2D output           86 SURF_ppb_SO2                      
  Required 2D output           87 SURF_ppb_CO                       
  Required 2D output           88 SURF_ppb_HCHO                     
  Required 2D output           89 SURF_ppb_C5H8                     
  Required 2D output           90 SURF_ugN_OXN                      
  Required 2D output           91 SURF_ugN_NOX                      
  Required 2D output           92 SURF_ugN_RDN                      
  Required 2D output           93 SURF_ug_TNO3                      
  Required 2D output           94 SURF_ug_SIA                       
  Required 2D output           95 SURF_ug_PMFINE                    
  Required 2D output           96 SURF_ug_PM10                      
  Required 2D output           97 SURF_ug_PMCO                      
  Required 2D output           98 SURF_ug_PPM25                     
  Required 2D output           99 SURF_ug_PPM_C                     
  Required 2D output          100 SURF_ug_SS                        
  Required 2D output          101 SURF_ug_DUST_NAT_F                
  Required 2D output          102 SURF_ug_DUST_NAT_C                
  Required 2D output          103 SURF_ug_DUST                      
  Required 2D output          104 SURF_ug_ECFINE                    
  Required 2D output          105 SURF_ug_ECCOARSE                  
  Required 2D output          106 SURF_ug_PM_PMFINE                 
  Required 2D output          107 SURF_ug_PM_OM25                   
  Required 2D output          108 SURF_ugC_PM_OM25                  
  Required 2D output          109 SURF_ug_PM_OMCOARSE               
  Required 2D output          110 SURF_ugC_PM_OMCOARSE              
  Required 2D output          111 SURF_ug_PM_ASOA                   
  Required 2D output          112 SURF_ug_PM_BSOA                   
  Required 2D output          113 SURF_ug_BSOA                      
  Required 2D output          114 SURF_ug_PPM25_FIRE                
  Required 2D output          115 SURF_ug_FFIRE_BC                  
  Required 2D output          116 SURF_ug_FFIRE_REMPPM25            
  Required 2D output          117 SURF_ug_FFIRE_OM                  
Deriv:MISC T2mYMD   T2m
 Wet deposition output: WDEP_PREC ug/m3
 Wet deposition output: WDEP_SOX mgS/m2
 Wet deposition output: WDEP_OXN mgN/m2
 Wet deposition output: WDEP_RDN mgN/m2
 Wet deposition output: WDEP_SO2 mgS/m2
 Wet deposition output: WDEP_HNO3 mgN/m2
 Derived VOC setup returns           69 vocs
  6 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
 30 31 32 34 35 37 38 39 40 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
 57 58 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 80 81 83 85 86 87 88 89
 90 96 97 98 99100106107108
  2  2  2  3  5  4  1  2  2  4  2  3  8  5 10 10 10 10  1  2
  4  2  3  4  5  2  1  2  3  5  4  4  4  1  5  5  1  4  5  5
  5  4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1 14  1  1  1  1
  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
 SOILNOX ispec            2
 TESTHH INSIDE set_output_defsEMEPSTD                       
not needed, skipping....../sitesLL.dat
not needed, skipping....../sondesLL.dat
 reading monthly emissions for
 reading DMS
 reading monthly emissions for
 Reading ship from NOx
 Reading ship from CO
 Reading ship from SOx
 Reading ship from SO4
 Reading ship from Ash
 Reading ship from EC
 Reading ship from OC
 Sum of NOx emissions from lightning:    405.12310898575606     
BC: CH4 settings (iyr,nml,ch4,trend):   2015    -1  1870.0   1.051
BC:trends O3,CO,VOC,SOx,NOx,NH3:  2015   1.000   1.000   1.000   0.2033   0.3928   0.9230
BC: O3 Mace Head correction for year  2015
Mace Head correction for O3, trend and Mace Head value   4.650   1.000  42.500
 fine DUST BIC read from climatological file
 Changing hyam from hPa to Pa
 coarse DUST BIC read from climatological file
 Changing hyam from hPa to Pa
 reading meteo2015/EECCA/
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 00:00:00
No external BICs set
 DAYFAC    1.0262611539567168        1.0249999999999999     
 Gravset called!
Unsupported number of ASH bins 2, skip gravset.
 InitOrgAeroitot_bgnd, om25sum =           99         100           8
 InitOrgAerononvol,nv           48         117          13           5
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 102 ASOC_NG100             12.0  1  3.60E-02  1.20E-01
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 103 ASOC_UG1               12.0  1  3.60E-01  1.20E+00
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 104 ASOC_UG10              12.0  1  3.60E+00  1.20E+01
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 105 ASOC_UG1E2             12.0  1  3.60E+01  1.20E+02
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 106 ASOC_UG1E3             12.0  1  3.60E+02  1.20E+03
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 107 NON_C_ASOA_NG100        1.0  0  3.60E-02  1.20E-01
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 108 NON_C_ASOA_UG1          1.0  0  3.60E-01  1.20E+00
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 109 NON_C_ASOA_UG10         1.0  0  3.60E+00  1.20E+01
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 110 NON_C_ASOA_UG1E2        1.0  0  3.60E+01  1.20E+02
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 111 NON_C_ASOA_UG1E3        1.0  0  3.60E+02  1.20E+03
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 112 BSOC_NG100             12.0  1  3.60E-02  1.20E-01
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 113 BSOC_UG1               12.0  1  3.60E-01  1.20E+00
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 114 BSOC_UG10              12.0  1  3.60E+00  1.20E+01
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 115 BSOC_UG1E2             12.0  1  3.60E+01  1.20E+02
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 116 BSOC_UG1E3             12.0  1  3.60E+02  1.20E+03
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 117 NON_C_BSOA_NG100        1.0  0  3.60E-02  1.20E-01
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 118 NON_C_BSOA_UG1          1.0  0  3.60E-01  1.20E+00
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 119 NON_C_BSOA_UG10         1.0  0  3.60E+00  1.20E+01
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 120 NON_C_BSOA_UG1E2        1.0  0  3.60E+01  1.20E+02
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 121 NON_C_BSOA_UG1E3        1.0  0  3.60E+02  1.20E+03
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 122 FFFUEL_NG10            15.0  1  1.74E-04  2.07E-02
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 123 WOODOA_NG10            20.4  1  1.74E-04  2.07E-02
 Tab SOA: MW, Carbons, C*: 124 FFIREOA_NG10           20.4  1  1.74E-04  2.07E-02
 setup_1d:is_BCf check          120 Smix
 setup_1d:is_BCc check           73
 setup_1d:is_BC SO4                  F
 setup_1d:is_BC NO3_F                F
 setup_1d:is_BC NO3_C                F
 setup_1d:is_BC NH4_F                F
 setup_1d:is_BC ASH_F                F
 setup_1d:is_BC ASH_C                F
 setup_1d:is_BC POM_C_FFUEL          F
 setup_1d:is_BC EC_F_WOOD_NEW        T
 setup_1d:is_BC EC_F_WOOD_AGE        T
 setup_1d:is_BC EC_C_WOOD            T
 setup_1d:is_BC EC_F_FFUEL_NEW       T
 setup_1d:is_BC EC_F_FFUEL_AGE       T
 setup_1d:is_BC EC_C_FFUEL           T
 setup_1d:is_BC REMPPM25             F
 setup_1d:is_BC REMPPM_C             F
 setup_1d:is_BC FFIRE_BC             F
 setup_1d:is_BC FFIRE_REMPPM25       F
 setup_1d:is_BC OM25_P               F
 setup_1d:is_BC SEASALT_F            F
 setup_1d:is_BC SEASALT_C            F
 setup_1d:is_BC DUST_ROAD_F          F
 setup_1d:is_BC DUST_ROAD_C          F
 setup_1d:is_BC DUST_WB_F            F
 setup_1d:is_BC DUST_WB_C            F
 setup_1d:is_BC DUST_SAH_F           F
 setup_1d:is_BC DUST_SAH_C           F
 ColSrcConf:done           1
 ColSrcConf:done           2
 ColSrcConf:done           0
 ColSrcConf:done           3
 ***  Call for init_dust  ***   
 Number of chemistry timesteps within one dt_advec:           15
 chem timestep   1    20.000000 total:     20.000000
 chem timestep   2    20.000000 total:     40.000000
 chem timestep   3    20.000000 total:     60.000000
 chem timestep   4    20.000000 total:     80.000000
 chem timestep   5    20.000000 total:    100.000000
 chem timestep   6   110.000000 total:    210.000000
 chem timestep   7   110.000000 total:    320.000000
 chem timestep   8   110.000000 total:    430.000000
 chem timestep   9   110.000000 total:    540.000000
 chem timestep  10   110.000000 total:    650.000000
 chem timestep  11   110.000000 total:    760.000000
 chem timestep  12   110.000000 total:    870.000000
 chem timestep  13   110.000000 total:    980.000000
 chem timestep  14   110.000000 total:   1090.000000
 chem timestep  15   110.000000 total:   1200.000000
OXYL,YIELD HighNox ASOC, NOC::     0.0084    0.8202    1.2619    1.8298        0.11     10.83     16.66     24.15
OXYL,YIELD Low Nox ASOC, NOC::     0.3155    1.2619    1.5774    2.2083        4.16     16.66     20.82     29.15
C4H1,YIELD HighNox ASOC, NOC::     0.0000    0.1080    0.0000    0.0000        0.00      0.91      0.00      0.00
C4H1,YIELD Low Nox ASOC, NOC::     0.0000    0.2132    0.0000    0.0000        0.00      1.79      0.00      0.00
C3H6,YIELD HighNox ASOC, NOC::     0.0021    0.0103    0.0782    0.3088        0.02      0.09      0.66      2.59
C3H6,YIELD Low Nox ASOC, NOC::     0.0103    0.0185    0.1235    0.4632        0.09      0.16      1.04      3.89
ISOP,YIELD HighNox ASOC, NOC::     0.0028    0.0652    0.0425    0.0000        0.03      0.78      0.51      0.00
ISOP,YIELD Low Nox ASOC, NOC::     0.0255    0.0850    0.0425    0.0000        0.31      1.02      0.51      0.00
APIN,YIELD HighNox ASOC, NOC::     0.0800    0.8133    1.3400    3.3333        0.67      6.83     11.26     28.00
APIN,YIELD Low Nox ASOC, NOC::     0.7133    0.6133    2.3933    4.0000        5.99      5.15     20.10     33.60
 AerosolEquilib: chosen: MARS           
1st call Derived 2d   1 WDEP_PREC  -1 PREC
1st call Derived 2d   2 WDEP_SOX 100 WDEP
1st call Derived 2d   3 WDEP_OXN   2 WDEP
1st call Derived 2d   4 WDEP_RDN  56 WDEP
1st call Derived 2d   5 WDEP_SO2  44 WDEP
1st call Derived 2d   6 WDEP_HNO3   9 WDEP
1st call Derived 2d   7 Emis_mgm2_sox   1 SnapEmis
1st call Derived 2d   8 Emis_mgm2_nox   2 SnapEmis
1st call Derived 2d   9 Emis_mgm2_co   3 SnapEmis
1st call Derived 2d  10 Emis_mgm2_voc   4 SnapEmis
1st call Derived 2d  11 Emis_mgm2_nh3   5 SnapEmis
1st call Derived 2d  12 Emis_mgm2_pm25   6 SnapEmis
1st call Derived 2d  13 Emis_mgm2_pmco   7 SnapEmis
1st call Derived 2d  14 Emis_mgm2_BioNatC5H8   1 NatEmis
1st call Derived 2d  15 Emis_mgm2_BioNatBIOTERP   6 NatEmis
1st call Derived 2d  16 Emis_mgm2_BioNatNO   2 NatEmis
1st call Derived 2d  17 Emis_mgm2_DMS   8 Emis_mgm2_DMS
1st call Derived 2d  18 SURF_MAXO3   1 MAXADV
1st call Derived 2d  19 SURF_PM25water -99 PM25water
1st call Derived 2d  20 SOMO35  35 SOMO
1st call Derived 2d  21 PSURF -99 PSURF
1st call Derived 2d  22 Area_Grid_km2   1 EcoFrac
1st call Derived 2d  23 Area_Conif_Frac   2 EcoFrac
1st call Derived 2d  24 Area_Decid_Frac   3 EcoFrac
1st call Derived 2d  25 Area_Seminat_Frac   5 EcoFrac
1st call Derived 2d  26 Area_Crops_Frac   4 EcoFrac
1st call Derived 2d  27 DDEP_SOX_m2Grid -43 Mosaic
1st call Derived 2d  28 DDEP_SOX_m2Conif -43 Mosaic
1st call Derived 2d  29 DDEP_SOX_m2Seminat -43 Mosaic
1st call Derived 2d  30 DDEP_SOX_m2Water_D -43 Mosaic
1st call Derived 2d  31 DDEP_SOX_m2Decid -43 Mosaic
1st call Derived 2d  32 DDEP_SOX_m2Crops -43 Mosaic
1st call Derived 2d  33 DDEP_OXN_m2Grid -62 Mosaic
1st call Derived 2d  34 DDEP_OXN_m2Conif -62 Mosaic
1st call Derived 2d  35 DDEP_OXN_m2Seminat -62 Mosaic
1st call Derived 2d  36 DDEP_OXN_m2Water_D -62 Mosaic
1st call Derived 2d  37 DDEP_OXN_m2Decid -62 Mosaic
1st call Derived 2d  38 DDEP_OXN_m2Crops -62 Mosaic
1st call Derived 2d  39 DDEP_RDN_m2Grid-141 Mosaic
1st call Derived 2d  40 DDEP_RDN_m2Conif-141 Mosaic
1st call Derived 2d  41 DDEP_RDN_m2Seminat-141 Mosaic
1st call Derived 2d  42 DDEP_RDN_m2Water_D-141 Mosaic
1st call Derived 2d  43 DDEP_RDN_m2Decid-141 Mosaic
1st call Derived 2d  44 DDEP_RDN_m2Crops-141 Mosaic
1st call Derived 2d  45 POD1_IAM_DF   1 POD
1st call Derived 2d  46 POD0_IAM_DF   2 POD
1st call Derived 2d  47 POD1_IAM_MF   3 POD
1st call Derived 2d  48 POD0_IAM_MF   4 POD
1st call Derived 2d  49 POD1_DF   5 POD
1st call Derived 2d  50 POD1_CF   6 POD
1st call Derived 2d  51 POD3_TC   7 POD
1st call Derived 2d  52 POD1_IAM_CR   8 POD
1st call Derived 2d  53 POD0_IAM_CR   9 POD
1st call Derived 2d  54 POD3_IAM_CR  10 POD
1st call Derived 2d  55 MMAOT40_TC  11 AOT
1st call Derived 2d  56 MMAOT40_IAM_DF  12 AOT
1st call Derived 2d  57 MMAOT40_IAM_MF  13 AOT
1st call Derived 2d  58 MMAOT40_IAM_CR  14 AOT
1st call Derived 2d  59 EUAOT40_Crops  15 AOT
1st call Derived 2d  60 EUAOT40_Forests  16 AOT
1st call Derived 2d  61 HMIX -99 HMIX
1st call Derived 2d  62 T2m -99 T2m
1st call Derived 2d  63 SURF_ppbC_VOC -99 VOC
1st call Derived 2d  64 SURF_ug_SO2  44 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  65 SURF_ug_NH3  61 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  66 SURF_ug_HNO3   9 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  67 SURF_ug_NO2   3 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  68 SURF_ug_NO   2 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  69 SURF_ug_SO4  60 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  70 SURF_ug_NO3_F  62 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  71 SURF_ug_NO3_C  63 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  72 SURF_ug_NH4_F  64 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  73 SURF_ug_SEASALT_F 109 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  74 SURF_ug_SEASALT_C 110 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  75 SURF_ug_DUST_ROAD_F 111 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  76 SURF_ug_DUST_ROAD_C 112 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  77 SURF_ug_DUST_WB_F 113 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  78 SURF_ug_DUST_WB_C 114 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  79 SURF_ug_DUST_SAH_F 115 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  80 SURF_ug_DUST_SAH_C 116 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  81 SURF_ppb_O3   1 SURF_PPB_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  82 SURF_ppb_NO   2 SURF_PPB_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  83 SURF_ppb_NO2   3 SURF_PPB_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  84 SURF_ppb_NH3  61 SURF_PPB_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  85 SURF_ppb_HNO3   9 SURF_PPB_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  86 SURF_ppb_SO2  44 SURF_PPB_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  87 SURF_ppb_CO  42 SURF_PPB_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  88 SURF_ppb_HCHO  16 SURF_PPB_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  89 SURF_ppb_C5H8  23 SURF_PPB_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d  90 SURF_ugN_OXN  62 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d  91 SURF_ugN_NOX  86 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d  92 SURF_ugN_RDN 141 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d  93 SURF_ug_TNO3 132 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d  94 SURF_ug_SIA  65 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d  95 SURF_ug_PMFINE  45 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d  96 SURF_ug_PM10  23 SURF_MASS_GROUP
FOUND PM10 FRACTION   96  96           PM10   SURF_ug_PM10
1st call Derived 2d  97 SURF_ug_PMCO  52 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d  98 SURF_ug_PPM25 114 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d  99 SURF_ug_PPM_C   7 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d 100 SURF_ug_SS  88 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d 101 SURF_ug_DUST_NAT_F  87 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d 102 SURF_ug_DUST_NAT_C 111 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d 103 SURF_ug_DUST   4 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d 104 SURF_ug_ECFINE 120 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d 105 SURF_ug_ECCOARSE  73 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d 106 SURF_ug_PM_PMFINE  45 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d 107 SURF_ug_PM_OM25   8 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d 108 SURF_ugC_PM_OM25   8 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d 109 SURF_ug_PM_OMCOARSE 136 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d 110 SURF_ugC_PM_OMCOARSE 136 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d 111 SURF_ug_PM_ASOA 115 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d 112 SURF_ug_PM_BSOA 118 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d 113 SURF_ug_BSOA 118 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d 114 SURF_ug_PPM25_FIRE  10 SURF_MASS_GROUP
1st call Derived 2d 115 SURF_ug_FFIRE_BC  81 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d 116 SURF_ug_FFIRE_REMPPM25  82 SURF_MASS_SPEC
1st call Derived 2d 117 SURF_ug_FFIRE_OM  80 SURF_MASS_SPEC
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 00:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 00:40:00
 No Stations found! not creating
 No Stations found! not creating
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 01:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 01:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 01:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 02:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 02:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 02:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 03:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 03:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 03:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 04:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 04:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 04:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 05:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 05:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 05:40:00
 End of EMEP-day (06:00:00)
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 06:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 06:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 06:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 07:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 07:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 07:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 08:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 08:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 08:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 09:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 09:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 09:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 10:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 10:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 10:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 11:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 11:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 11:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 12:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 12:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 12:40:00
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 current date and time: 2015-04-01 13:40:00
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 current date and time: 2015-04-01 14:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 14:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 15:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 15:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 15:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 16:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 16:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 16:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 17:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 17:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 17:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 18:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 18:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 18:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 19:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 19:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 19:40:00
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 current date and time: 2015-04-01 20:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 20:40:00
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 current date and time: 2015-04-01 21:40:00
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 current date and time: 2015-04-01 22:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 23:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 23:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-01 23:40:00
 SetLandUse: day, pfts?           92 F
 reading meteo2015/EECCA/
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 00:00:00
 DAYFAC    1.0336089439497866        1.0309999999999999     
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 00:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 00:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 01:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 01:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 01:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 02:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 02:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 02:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 03:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 03:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 03:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 04:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 04:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 04:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 05:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 05:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 05:40:00
 End of EMEP-day (06:00:00)
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 06:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 06:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 06:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 07:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 07:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 07:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 08:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 08:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 08:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 09:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 09:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 09:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 10:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 10:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 10:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 11:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 11:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 11:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 12:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 12:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 12:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 13:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 13:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 13:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 14:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 14:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 14:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 15:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 15:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 15:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 16:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 16:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 16:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 17:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 17:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 17:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 18:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 18:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 18:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 19:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 19:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 19:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 20:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 20:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 20:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 21:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 21:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 21:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 22:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 22:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 22:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 23:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 23:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-02 23:40:00
 SetLandUse: day, pfts?           93 F
 reading meteo2015/EECCA/
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 00:00:00
 DAYFAC    1.1202749528237699        1.1160000000000001     
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 00:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 00:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 01:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 01:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 01:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 02:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 02:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 02:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 03:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 03:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 03:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 04:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 04:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 04:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 05:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 05:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 05:40:00
 End of EMEP-day (06:00:00)
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 06:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 06:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 06:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 07:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 07:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 07:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 08:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 08:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 08:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 09:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 09:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 09:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 10:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 10:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 10:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 11:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 11:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 11:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 12:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 12:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 12:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 13:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 13:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 13:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 14:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 14:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 14:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 15:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 15:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 15:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 16:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 16:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 16:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 17:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 17:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 17:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 18:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 18:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 18:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 19:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 19:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 19:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 20:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 20:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 20:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 21:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 21:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 21:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 22:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 22:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 22:40:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 23:00:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 23:20:00
 current date and time: 2015-04-03 23:40:00
 Ozone fluxes (kg):
Net from top = -1.725E+09  in from top =  1.011E+10 out of top =  1.184E+10
Net lateral faces =  3.144E+09  in lateral faces =  8.750E+10 out lateral faces =  8.436E+10
O3 in atmosphere at start of run =  9.066E+10 at end of run =  9.121E+10
O3 dry deposited =  9.268E+08
Mass balance   1    Sulphur
               sumini      summas     fluxout      fluxin    fracmass
 Sulphur   2.6826E+07  5.6606E+07  1.8935E+07  1.7282E+07  1.0159E+00
     ifam       totddep       totwdep         totem
        1     2.032E+07     4.061E+07     9.023E+07
Mass balance   2    Nitrogen
               sumini      summas     fluxout      fluxin    fracmass
 Nitrogen  5.4820E+07  1.0248E+08  3.7349E+07  3.3939E+07  1.0056E+00
     ifam       totddep       totwdep         totem
        2     2.759E+07     5.857E+07     1.360E+08
Mass balance   3    Carbon
               sumini      summas     fluxout      fluxin    fracmass
 Carbon    3.3064E+11  3.3208E+11  2.0760E+11  2.1221E+11  9.9356E-01
     ifam       totddep       totwdep         totem
        3     1.144E+07     3.180E+07     3.586E+08
SO2 from ocean DMS cdf file last month       13.00773
SO2 from ocean DMS cdf file       13.00773
 programme is finished
             Timing for No. grids, procs  20988    4
tim  1 landuse read in                    25.0500     25.0699
tim  2 Meteo read first record             1.1262      1.1211
tim  3 Yearly emissions read in           48.8077     48.8553
tim  4 Other init                          1.5236      1.4723
tim  5 Total until time loop              76.5074     76.5185
tim  6 BoundaryConditions                  0.9671      0.9596
tim  7 Total newmonth setup                4.3628      4.3665
tim  8 SetLanduse                          0.0069      0.0173
tim  9 Meteoread                           4.1163      8.7960
tim 10 Fires+BVOC                          0.0078      0.0133
tim 11 Total phyche                     2618.6076   2615.3554
tim 12 phyche:EmisSet                      8.2448      8.6841
tim 13 phyche: total advecdiff           229.5297    239.3712
tim 14 nest: Write                         0.0007      0.0006
tim 15 nest: Read                          0.0006      0.0006
tim 17 advecdiff:synchronization          21.4062     32.4771
tim 18 advecdiff:advx                     54.8682     55.0032
tim 19 advecdiff:diffusion                15.2622     14.8170
tim 20 advecdiff:advy                     44.8503     44.7170
tim 21 advecdiff:advvk                    80.0002     79.3251
tim 22 advecdiff:ps                        9.3729      9.2563
tim 23 Total Runchem                    2347.9872   2345.1488
tim 24 Runchem:Get_CellMet                37.1962     42.3064
tim 25 Runchem:OrganicAerosol              4.7277      4.6227
tim 26 Runchem:setup_1d                  347.9724    349.2937
tim 27 Runchem:setup_rcemis               15.1995     14.8629
tim 28 Runchem:other setups               37.6390     34.8817
tim 29 Runchem:chemistry                1310.7627   1320.5991
tim 30 Runchem:AerosolEquilib            196.1813    174.7791
tim 31 Runchem:DryDep                    155.8359    195.5096
tim 32 Runchem:WetDeposition              19.9923     10.0992
tim 33 Runchem:post stuff                222.1890    197.8914
tim 34 phyche:Derived                     21.5482     20.7282
tim 35 phyche:sites and hourly out         9.9353      0.0089
tim 36 WrtChem                            11.7526      9.8643
tim 37 metfieldint                         1.6074      1.4872
tim 38 total within loops               2640.4811   2639.9009
tim 39 total                            2716.9885   2716.4195
gitpeterwind commented 5 years ago

Good, here everything looks fine! (and it will work also if you do not uncomment the StopAll line)

martinsaliba commented 5 years ago

Hi Again,

The log file is showing the following warnings: No Stations found! not creating No Stations found! not creating

Do I have something missing?

gitpeterwind commented 5 years ago

This can happen if you do not define stations or all the stations are out of the domain. Do you need those outputs? If you do not use them, then it is not a problem ("stations" are a set of geographical positions where a set of concentrations will be written out).

martinsaliba commented 5 years ago

Yes, I would like to compare the EMEP simulation with our station Giordan Lighthouse, Malta. Therefore if possible I would like to have the output written for the station. Any guidance will be useful to get this output. What shall I need to modify to get such output?

avaldebe commented 5 years ago

@martinsaliba please check the sites and sondes section of the documentation

martinsaliba commented 5 years ago

Hi Thanks for getting back.

Both files: site.dat and sondes.dat are located in the input file /home/wrfchem/EMEP/EMEP_MSC-W_model.rv4.17.OpenSource/input

However, when is simulation was finished, only the header is printed. Now hourly data is available for each station and parameter.

0  sites in domain   1 132   1 159                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
1 Hours between outputs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
154 Variables units: ppb                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Any guidance how to solve this issue?

avaldebe commented 5 years ago

As @gitpeterwind wrote earliaer, looks like all the pre-defined stations are outside your model domain.

You can add the location to the station you are interested to the site.dat and sondes.dat files. The format is described on the documentation link on my previous post.

martinsaliba commented 5 years ago

Hi @avaldebe

The coordinates of the base run simulation were not modified. So this should work! I checked the site_2015.csv file for the downloaded simulation Base_EECCA_20lev which comes with EMEP rv4.15. This files has the same coordinates and includes 30 sites as showing in the attached screenshot,

It was also noticed that the input directory for the rv.4.17 does not include the site and sondes data files. Therefore I had to copy them from the input directory of the rv4.15.

I am suspecting that this issue is related to the code of the rv4.17.

Any guidance is much appreciated.


avaldebe commented 5 years ago

add the following lines to the ModelConstants_config namelist on config_emep.nml:

   SitesFile  = '/home/wrfchem/EMEP/EMEP_MSC-W_model.rv4.17.OpenSource/input/sites.dat',
   SondesFile = '/home/wrfchem/EMEP/EMEP_MSC-W_model.rv4.17.OpenSource/input/sondes.dat',
martinsaliba commented 5 years ago

Hi @avaldebe

The lines were added. However, I got another error in the log file and the jobscript crashed.

The error is related to line 278 of the file named: Sites_ml.f90

IO check_file: Reading 
 site: Azores, i = 17, j = -4, outside computational domain
 site: Azores12, i = 16, j = -5, outside computational domain
 site: Eureka, i = -9, j = 98, outside computational domain
 site: Izana, i = 46, j = -27, outside computational domain
 site: MaunaLoa10, i = -132, j = 203, outside computational domain
 site: MtBachelor, i = -93, j = 109, outside computational domain
 site: MtBachelor11, i = -93, j = 109, outside computational domain
 site: MtBachelor12, i = -93, j = 109, outside computational domain
 site: Thule, i = -9, j = 88, outside computational domain
 site: Trinidad_Head, i = -100, j = 114, outside computational domain
At line 278 of file Sites_ml.f90
Fortran runtime error: End of fileAt line 278 of file Sites_ml.f90
Fortran runtime error: End of file
At line 278 of file Sites_ml.f90
Fortran runtime error: End of file

At line 278 of file Sites_ml.f90
Fortran runtime error: End of file
cp: cannot stat `/home/wrfchem/EMEP/output/Base*': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `/home/wrfchem/EMEP/output/sondes*': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `/home/wrfchem/EMEP/output/MassBudgetSummary.txt': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `/home/wrfchem/EMEP/output/Timing.out': No such file or directory

Any guidance? EMEP.log Sites_ml f90 - line 278

martinsaliba commented 5 years ago

HI @avaldebe.

The above error was eliminated when the coordinates of my station were deleted from the sites.dat files.

But I would like to include that output for my station which has the following coordinates:

Lat: 36.0722 Lon: 14.2184

But, how I am going to get the required MET data for my station? I mean SitesInit:sites.dat for my station?

Latitude (north: +; south: −) 36.0722


martinsaliba commented 5 years ago

Hi @avaldebe

The issue with my station has been eliminated. I guess I had a miss type in the sites.dat file. Now the simulation is running fine with our station included as well. Now I will update the sites.dat file include the stations in the Mediterranean region and exclude others which are not required for my research.

However, from the processing logs, it was noticed both for my trial base run simulation (rv4.17) and for the provided base run simulation results (rv4.15) the mapping with the sites list does not match as explained in the attached screenshot. Does this mismatch indicate an issue with the MET or coordinates data? I would like some clarifications on this matter.


avaldebe commented 5 years ago

The message on lines 354-355 is wrong:

        write(6,"(a,i3,a,2i3,4a)") Sub// trim(fname), me, &
         " Nos. ", n, nlocal, " ", trim(s_name(n)), " => ", trim(s_name(nlocal))

it should say

        write(6,"(a,i3,a,2i3,4a)") Sub// trim(fname), me, &
         " Nos. ", n, nlocal, " ", trim(s_name(n)), " => ", trim(s_name(s_n(nlocal)))

I'll open a bug issue and commit a patch. Thanks for reporting this.

Also, you can get additional messages about from the Sites_ml module by adding the following line to the ModelConstants_config namelist:

avaldebe commented 5 years ago

As far as I can tell, this issue was addressed on rv4_32/rv4_33. Please reopen the issue if needed.