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Country Codes in Edgar Emission inventory #77

Closed AlexanderdeMeij closed 3 years ago

AlexanderdeMeij commented 3 years ago


We are trying to include the country codes in the Edgar emission inventory that allows us to switch off-on emissions for countries with the version rv4_34. However, we see that the emissions are not reduced for a specific country via femis.dat. While it does with CAMS_REG_v2.2.1 and GNFRemis_EMEP01_2015 emission inventories.

In our emission inventory NetCDF file, the syntax of the variables, NCodes, Codes, dimensions and Global attributes are the same when compared to I attached the dump of the NetCDF files for GNFRemis_EMEP01_3015.txt and our NetCDF file (dump_edgarNOXN5_small3new.txt). You'll see that they are the same. We performed a test with only NOx emissions for 13 source sectors. We’ve made the necessary changes in config_emep.nml (config_emep_Alex.nml).

Looking at the log file (job416060.out) I see this: Ini_Em:Initializing Emissions from /eos/jeodpp/data/projects/IAM-SUL/meijaal/EMISSIONS_EDGAR_CountryCodes/ Will set default resolution (it does not need to be exact) 11117.747335204038
mapping GNFR 1 onto SNAP 1 for nox_sec01 including nox_sec01 as nox sector 1 country N/A

It has a problem with the Country Codes, but they are similar as the ones in GNFRemis inventory. I’ve performed many tests and changes to our NetCDF emission file, but unfortunately it didn’t help.

Is there something I need to add/change to the config_emep.nml ? Or change something in my emission inventory file?

I hope you can give me some help with this.

Many thanks in advance! Best regards, Alexander

dump_GNFRemis_EMEP01_2015.txt dump_edgarNOXN5_small3new.txt

job41606_0_out.docx config_emep_Alex_nml.docx

agnesny commented 3 years ago

Hi Alexander,

I will need some more information, i think.

The log file suggest that none of the country codes were recognized.

EMTAB CC Land sox nox co voc nh3 pm25 pmco EMTAB 67 N/A 0.00 11718.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EMTAB 999 TOTAL 0.00 11718.06**** 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Are you sure that you have the right country codes? I can not check this in your dump file. Could you send me the emission file itself in some way?

Also, I would like to see your femis file. In the log file I can find this:

femis: reductions: 60 0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

This implies that you have tried to reduce (remove) emissions from cc=60 (Germany), from all sectors (0) of the second component of your component list, which I assume is 'nox'.

It is not surprising that no reduction was done, if the country codes were not recognized, but could you please check whether you have the component list included on the top of your femis file. i have an impression that this might be missing.

Also, since the emission file format is very similar to the default emission format (e.g., I do not see why would you need to use the 'emis_sourceFiles(1)' type of emission definition in the config file.

Have you tried to simply use: emis_inputlist(1)%name='/eos/jeodpp/data/projects/IAM-SUL/meijaal/EMISSIONS_EDGAR_CountryCodes/', and comment out all lines with 'emis_sourceFiles(1)'

Maybe this will solve the problem with the country codes as well.

Best wishes, Agnes

AlexanderdeMeij commented 3 years ago

Dear Agnes,

I've changed "emis_sourceFiles(1)" to "emis_inputlist(1)%name=" and commented out all the "emis_sourceFiles(1)" and now it works! Thank you very much for your time and help! Best regards, Alexander