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Create xstl for INSPIRE #132

Closed mortenwh closed 3 years ago

mortenwh commented 3 years ago
ferrighi commented 3 years ago

It seems there is a mandatory keyword to be used from the GEMET vocabulary: we should try to map to these from what we have in mmd.

ferrighi commented 3 years ago

It seems some quality statement (Lineage) is mandatory for spatial dataset and spatial dataset series.

According to the Implementing Rules for Metadata, Lineage is “a statement on process history and/or overall quality of the spatial data set. Where appropriate it may include a statement whether the data set has been validated or quality assured, whether it is the official version (if multiple versions exist), and whether it has legal validity. The value domain of this element is free text.”The process history may be described by information on the source data used and the main transformation steps that took place in creating the current data set (series).

ferrighi commented 3 years ago

I am done with a first draft of this xslt script. There as few issues to be solved. I will make a list of requirements we need within S-ENDA/MET if we want to be INSPIRE compliant. These are already present in mmd, but are not mandatory. I suggest we leave it as they are, but for locally produced data, we need to make sure that the fields are filled. For example for contact point:

INSPIRE is more demanding by mandating both the name of the organisation, and a contact e-mail address.

MMD has only role, name and email mandatory, not the organisation name.

ferrighi commented 3 years ago

I have prepared an xslt for INSPIRE based on

This provides compiant iso records with INSPIRE profile, as tested on the for "test suite Common Requirements for ISO/TC 19139:2007 based INSPIRE metadata records". Several elements are required in INSPIRE that are not required in mmd, thus presence of these elements should be present to comply.

Mandatory Mapping:

title - title abstract - abstract resource type - dataset (we don't provide services) topic category - iso_topic_category keyword - keywords geographic bounding box - geographic_extent Temporal extent - temporal_extent lineage - we don't have this. We should probably create a default statement (General explanation of the data producer’s knowledge about the lineage of a dataset) conformity degree - "not evaluated" conformity specification - default EU regulation Limitations on public access - access_constraint Conditions applying to access and use - use_constraint Responsible party - personnel Responsible party role - personnel/role Metadata point of contact - personne with Metadata author role Metadata date - last_metadata_update Metadata language - language

Additional Mapping

resource locator - data_access resource language - language date of publication - dataset_citation/publication_date date of last revision - last of last_metadata_update date of creation - "created" date of last_metadata_update referenceSystemIdentifier - mmd:geographic_extent/mmd:rectangle/@srsName

List of additional required elements/restrictions:

Open issues: Unique resource identifier: it should be a doi, or landing page, it's mandatory (none in mmd is). If not a URI in can be a string. MD_SpatialRepresentation (vector/grid/etc..) is missing MD_Format (geotiff/kml...) is missing

We need to discuss a bit how to proceed on the few elements we don't have, and investigate a bit further on the requirements. I have tested on a weather station dataset now. @TAlonglong I can modify your file manually for email and organization, but it would be good to have at least a data_access.

TAlonglong commented 3 years ago


Sorry, I had forgotten that nc_to_mmd needs to be run on a netcdf files on thredds to get data_access included.

I will send you a new one.

ferrighi commented 3 years ago

We need two more elements from the mmd file to be translated into INSPIRE.

1) the file_format, this has space into mmd:storage_information/mmd:file_format - @mortenwh I will add an issue in the mmd tool to be added to the nc_to_mmd 2) the spatial representation, for us either vector or grid. The extraction of this information could be picked up from the featureType. @mortenwh I will open an issue on the mmd to add "mmd:spatial_representation" and mmd tool to fill this field.

The additional open issues are: 1) a lineage statement, but for now a string with "no lineage statement has been provided" is created. 2) a mapping between internal keywords and GEMET keywords. This require some time.

mortenwh commented 3 years ago

See regarding xsd:

iuriemaxim commented 3 years ago

@mortenwh Understanding now that your request is mainly for metadata, not for data, probably this would be of interest to you:

Be aware to implement version 2.0 of the metadata (See Techical Guideline (TG)) and not version 1.3 that is not in use from more than one year.

The code of the Executable Test Suites for Metadata v. 2.0, can be found here:

If the interest is on datasets as well, I provided some examples that may be relevant for meterological stations and meteorological data.

As "met" stands for meteorology, I included [here ](INSPIRE-MIF/helpdesk-validator#514 (comment)) some examples of how to provide data regarding the meterological stations and newtorks based on Environmental Monitoring Facilities TG and how to provide meteorological data based on Observations and Measurments TG.

mortenwh commented 3 years ago

The gemet keywords should be added to the CSW service metadata and seems to be presented in the getcapabilities document. Maybe that's enough? I'm following this:, and the metadata is added to the pycsw config file.

ferrighi commented 3 years ago

That's ok I think, those keywords apply to the service itself.

Regarding the mmd-to-inspire.xsl I think we should change this issue to something specific for the Norwegian profile. I am completing the transaltion based on feedback from Geonorge. It's really just a few things, mapping to their controlled vocabularies. We need a short discussion with @TAlonglong as well, for including a couple of extra elements the are needed.