metno / mmd_agent

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Improve error message #59

Closed mortenwh closed 7 months ago

mortenwh commented 8 months ago

Should be: "Failed to push MMD file %s to DMCI" % filename

myggen commented 8 months ago

I think it should be "Failed to push MMD file %s to DMCI http status code: %s " % (filename, http_status_code)

mortenwh commented 8 months ago

I think it should be "Failed to push MMD file %s to DMCI http status code: %s " % (filename, http_status_code)

Yes, that would be great. But maybe even "Failed to push MMD file %s to DMCI.\nHTTP status code: %s" % (filename, http_status_code)

myggen commented 8 months ago

I think that newline makes it harder to grep the logs

mortenwh commented 8 months ago

I think that newline makes it harder to grep the logs

Aha, ok. What about "Failed to push MMD file %s to DMCI. HTTP status code: %s." % (filename, http_status_code)?

myggen commented 8 months ago

Looks good to me

shamlymajeed commented 8 months ago

now the failed to save log is like this.

__main__:2024-01-04 16:52:10,930:ERROR:Failed to save
__main__:2024-01-04 16:52:10,931:ERROR:500,The following distributors failed: pycsw, solr
 - pycsw: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!-- pycsw 2.7.dev0 -->
<ows:ExceptionReport xmlns:csw="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dct="" xmlns:gmd="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:ows="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" version="1.2.0" language="en-US" xsi:schemaLocation=""><ows:Exception exceptionCode="NoApplicableCode" locator="insert"><ows:ExceptionText>Transaction (insert) failed: (psycopg2.errors.UniqueViolation) duplicate key value violates unique constraint "records_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (identifier)=( already exists.

[SQL: INSERT INTO records (identifier, typename, schema, mdsource, insert_date, xml, anytext, language, type, title, title_alternate, abstract, keywords, keywordstype, parentidentifier, relation, time_begin, time_end, topicategory, resourcelanguage, creator, publisher, contributor, organization, securityconstraints, accessconstraints, otherconstraints, date, date_revision, date_creation, date_publication, date_modified, format, source, crs, geodescode, denominator, distancevalue, distanceuom, wkt_geometry, servicetype, servicetypeversion, operation, couplingtype, operateson, operatesonidentifier, operatesoname, degree, classification, conditionapplyingtoaccessanduse, lineage, responsiblepartyrole, specificationtitle, specificationdate, specificationdatetype, platform, instrument, sensortype, cloudcover, bands, links, anytext_tsvector, wkb_geometry) VALUES (%(identifier)s, %(typename)s, %(schema)s, %(mdsource)s, %(insert_date)s, %(xml)s, %(anytext)s, %(language)s, %(type)s, %(title)s, %(title_alternate)s, %(abstract)s, %(keywords)s, %(keywordstype)s, %(parentidentifier)s, %(relation)s, %(time_begin)s, %(time_end)s, %(topicategory)s, %(resourcelanguage)s, %(creator)s, %(publisher)s, %(contributor)s, %(organization)s, %(securityconstraints)s, %(accessconstraints)s, %(otherconstraints)s, %(date)s, %(date_revision)s, %(date_creation)s, %(date_publication)s, %(date_modified)s, %(format)s, %(source)s, %(crs)s, %(geodescode)s, %(denominator)s, %(distancevalue)s, %(distanceuom)s, %(wkt_geometry)s, %(servicetype)s, %(servicetypeversion)s, %(operation)s, %(couplingtype)s, %(operateson)s, %(operatesonidentifier)s, %(operatesoname)s, %(degree)s, %(classification)s, %(conditionapplyingtoaccessanduse)s, %(lineage)s, %(responsiblepartyrole)s, %(specificationtitle)s, %(specificationdate)s, %(specificationdatetype)s, %(platform)s, %(instrument)s, %(sensortype)s, %(cloudcover)s, %(bands)s, %(links)s, %(anytext_tsvector)s, %(wkb_geometry)s)]
[parameters: {'identifier': '', 'typename': 'gmd:MD_Metadata', 'schema': '', 'mdsource': 'local', 'insert_date': '2024-01-04T16:52:10Z', 'xml': '&lt;gmd:MD_Metadata xmlns:gmd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink=" ... (27210 characters truncated) ... t has been provided&lt;/gco:CharacterString&gt;&lt;/gmd:statement&gt;&lt;/gmd:LI_Lineage&gt;&lt;/gmd:lineage&gt;&lt;/gmd:DQ_DataQuality&gt;&lt;/gmd:dataQualityInfo&gt;&lt;/gmd:MD_Metadata&gt;', 'anytext': ' English Norwegian Meteorological Institute Meteorolog ... (6863 characters truncated) ... ets and services 2010-12-08 publication The dataset has not been evaluated against the requirements of Inspire No lineage statement has been provided', 'language': None, 'type': 'dataset', 'title': 'NOAA-21 VIIRS Day Night Band(750m spatial resolution) level-1C direct broadcast data in satellite swath, 2024-01-04T14:12:03Z.', 'title_alternate': None, 'abstract': 'Direct Broadcast satellite data received at MET NORWAY Oslo from the satellite NOAA-21 instrument VIIRS. Data is from 2024-01-04T14:12:03Z to 2024-01 ... (627 characters truncated) ... n of 375m. The (D)ay (N)ight (B)and is a broadspectrum visible channel sensitive to both refelected sun light at day and all visible lights at night.', 'keywords': 'Earth Science &gt; Atmosphere &gt; Atmospheric radiation,Government Agencies-non-US &gt; Norway &gt; NO/MET &gt; Norwegian Meteorological Institute,Geographic Region &gt; Northern Hemisphere,Meteorological geographical features,Atmospheric conditions,Oceanographic geographical features,Weather and climate', 'keywordstype': None, 'parentidentifier': '', 'relation': None, 'time_begin': '2024-01-04T14:12:03.739788Z', 'time_end': '2024-01-04T14:22:00.270950Z', 'topicategory': 'climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere', 'resourcelanguage': 'eng', 'creator': None, 'publisher': None, 'contributor': None, 'organization': 'Norwegian Meteorological Institute', 'securityconstraints': None, 'accessconstraints': 'otherRestrictions', 'otherconstraints': None, 'date': '2024-01-04', 'date_revision': None, 'date_creation': None, 'date_publication': '2024-01-04T14:28:30Z', 'date_modified': '2024-01-04', 'format': 'NetCDF-CF', 'source': None, 'crs': 'EPSG:4326', 'geodescode': None, 'denominator': None, 'distancevalue': None, 'distanceuom': None, 'wkt_geometry': 'POLYGON((-73.17 36.54, -73.17 76.48, 7.12 76.48, 7.12 36.54, -73.17 36.54))', 'servicetype': '', 'servicetypeversion': None, 'operation': None, 'couplingtype': None, 'operateson': None, 'operatesonidentifier': None, 'operatesoname': None, 'degree': None, 'classification': None, 'conditionapplyingtoaccessanduse': None, 'lineage': None, 'responsiblepartyrole': 'pointOfContact', 'specificationtitle': None, 'specificationdate': None, 'specificationdatetype': None, 'platform': None, 'instrument': None, 'sensortype': None, 'cloudcover': None, 'bands': None, 'links': '[{"name": null, "description": "Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol", "protocol": "OPENDAP:OPENDAP", "url": "https://thredds.met.n ... (546 characters truncated) ... 2024/01/04/;version=1.3.0&amp;request=GetCapabilities?SERVICE=WMS&amp;REQUEST=GetCapabilities"}]', 'anytext_tsvector': None, 'wkb_geometry': None}]
(Background on this error at:</ows:ExceptionText></ows:Exception></ows:ExceptionReport>
 - solr: Document already exists in index,

The expected log is

 Failed to push MMD file to DMCI. HTTP status code: 500.


mortenwh commented 8 months ago

It was the first line that I wanted to change. I'm not sure about the rest, although it could be useful. Maybe: Failed to push MMD file ( to DMCI. HTTP status code: 500. The following distributors failed: pycsw, solr.

It would also be useful to know the problem, in this case "already exists" for both pycsw and solr. Can you pick up the text following DETAIL from pycsw, and the solr text? Then it should be printed on the same line, because what @myggen pointed out.

Are these files stored anywhere?

shamlymajeed commented 8 months ago

The second line is actually the response status code and text we are getting from dmci. I can try to extract the text following 'Details.'

These files actually exists . mmd agent is now in jetstream mode.So its just verifying whether all the messages received are processed. :)