Closed metonym closed 2 years ago
+1 on this. Currently trying to solve this issue for a project where codeblocks are rendered client-side after the code is decrypted.
A recipe for code-splitting is now documented in the README. In addition, a DynamicImport
component has been added to each example set-up.
The nice thing about SvelteKit/Vite/Webpack is that code-split the build with zero-configuration. The Rollup example needed a few tweaks to the rollup.config.js.
import { onMount } from "svelte";
let component;
let styles;
onMount(async () => {
component = (await import("svelte-highlight")).HighlightAuto;
styles = (await import("svelte-highlight/styles/github")).default;
{#if styles}
{@html styles}
code={`body {\n padding: 0;\n color: red;\n}`}
As a result, the code is split into chunks, which can improve performance.
This is less of an issue for SvelteKit which will already code-split your app.
However, for other SPA set-ups, it would be nice to have a quick primer on dynamically importing a language grammar, which can be quite heavy.