metosin / compojure-api

Sweet web apis with Compojure & Swagger
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Question about `route-middleware` usage #394

Open janosmeszaros opened 6 years ago

janosmeszaros commented 6 years ago

Library Version(s)

[metosin/compojure-api "2.0.0-alpha25"]



We've been using compojure-api for a while and it works great, although we just came across with an issue. We have couple of endpoints defined with route-middleware where we are trying to use some middlewares like logging or a prometheus related one. This works just fine if the endpoint is defined with GET or POST macros but for some reason the endpoints defined with resource won't get wrapped with the middleware functions. As far as I could see this issue had been present in the previous version with middleware function too. We worked around this problem defining middlewares in resource macros' :middleware param.

My question would be that, is there a way to solve this problem? Using route-middleware endpoints defined without GET, POST etc. macros?

Thanks Janos

Here is an example endpoint which is having problem:

(context "test-endpoint" []
     (resource {:responses {200 {:schema domain/schema}}
                :get       {:parameters {:query-params domain/Request}
                               :handler    (handle-request)}}))
ikitommi commented 6 years ago

Great question.

route-middleware uses compojure.core/wrap-routes which is an elegant hack to applying middleware after route matching by using request injection. It requires the route to be wrapped into compojure.core/wrap-route-middleware to make it work. I think the resource doesn't do that. PR on that would be welcome.

PS. For simplicity on route & middleware definitions, there is also reitit, fixing all the issues inherited from Compojure.