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Spec form metadata is lost on visiting it during Swagger UI generation #417

Open metametadata opened 5 years ago

metametadata commented 5 years ago

Library Version(s)



I need to redefine spec-tools.visitor/visit for my custom spec to change how spec is shown in Swagger UI. E.g. I have closed-keys custom spec, but want to visit it as s/keys, so that Swagger UI generates appropriate model examples from my spec.

Now, it can be cumbersome to parse the custom spec form to implement its visiting. So I want instead to rely on the metadata attached to the spec form (such easy to use metadata can be conveniently generated by closed-keys macro). I.e.:

(defmethod st-visitor/visit-spec `closed-keys
  [spec accept options]
  (let [form (st-impl/extract-form spec)
        keys-form <generate from (meta form)>]
   (st-visitor/visit-spec keys-form accept options)))

But this currently doesn't work because (meta form) is always nil in this function.

I only managed to trace it back to spec-tools.visitor/visit function: it seems to get already crooked spec with no metadata in its form.

The issue is reproducible for custom specs used in :return and :body. I didn't test other places.


1) Code:

  (:require [compojure.api.sweet :as c]
            [ring.util.http-response :as r]
            [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
            [spec-tools.visitor :as st-visitor]
            [spec-tools.impl :as st-impl]))

; Helper to redefine spec form
(defn -with-form
  [spec form]
  {:pre [(s/spec? spec)]}
  (reify s/Spec
    (describe* [_] form)

    ; Do not modify other methods
    (conform* [_ x] (s/conform* spec x))
    (unform* [_ y] (s/unform* spec y))
    (explain* [_ path via in x] (s/explain* spec path via in x))
    (gen* [_ overrides path rmap] (s/gen* spec overrides path rmap))
    (with-gen* [_ gfn] (s/with-gen* spec gfn))))

; Create spec with a custom form and metadata attached to the form
(s/def ::my-spec (-> (s/spec int?)
                       (with-meta (list 'my-spec 1 2 3) {:my-spec-form-meta [1 2 3]}))))

; Custom visiting which relies on metadata from the form
(defmethod st-visitor/visit-spec 'my-spec
  [spec _accept _options]
  (let [form (st-impl/extract-form spec)]
    (prn :VISITED-FORM form :META (meta form))

; Handler code
(c/context "/my" []
    (c/POST "/foo" []
      :return ::my-spec
      ;:body [x ::my-spec]

2) Run it and navigate to Swagger UI URL. 3) Check console output.


:VISITED-FORM (my-spec 1 2 3) :META {:my-spec-form-meta [1 2 3]}


:VISITED-FORM (my-spec 1 2 3) :META nil


My current workaround is to attach metadata to the first symbol in the form instead of the whole form. Also in another case I just parse the form instead of relying on its metadata.

Interestingly, the issue is not reproducible when custom spec is "wrapped" by some other spec, specifically (s/coll-of ::my-spec) doesn't seem to have a problem.

miikka commented 4 years ago

I suspect this has something to do with compojure.api.coercion.spec/Specify wrapping the spec into a spec record with spec-tools.core/create-spec, but I'm not sure why that would cause problems.