metosin / malli

High-performance data-driven data specification library for Clojure/Script.
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Convert JSON schema to malli #915

Open PavlosMelissinos opened 1 year ago

PavlosMelissinos commented 1 year ago

Still heavily WIP.

Built on top of

timothypratley commented 1 year ago

The simplest failing test case:

  {:$schema     "",
   :$ref        "#/definitions/TopLevelSpec"
   :definitions {:A {:enum ["a" "A"]}}}
=> malli.core/invalid-schema

Some other nice small examples here:

timothypratley commented 1 year ago

I've been playing around with this branch and how to test it.

Adding to deps.edn test alias:

io.github.json-schema-org/JSON-Schema-Test-Suite {:git/sha       "7950d9e0579382103031ef3cfcdc37e7c58b2d1f"
                                                  :deps/manifest :deps}

Then to use it:

(def json-schema-tests-dir

(def test-files

(defn read-test-suite-file [path]
  (-> (slurp (io/file (System/getProperty "user.home") json-schema-tests-dir path))

(deftest json-schema-test-suite-test
  (doseq [test-file test-files]
    (testing test-file
      (doseq [{:keys [schema tests description]} (read-test-suite-file test-file)]
        (testing description
          (let [malli (try (sut/json-schema-document->malli schema)
                           (catch Throwable ex
                             (is false
                                 (str "failed to create malli for schema: " \newline
                                      schema \newline
                malli-schema (try (when malli (m/schema malli))
                                  (catch Throwable ex
                                    (is false
                                        (str "failed to create malli-schema or schema: " \newline
                                             schema \newline
                                             "from malli:" \newline
                                             malli \newline
            (when (and malli-schema (m/schema? malli-schema))
              (doseq [{:keys [valid data description]} tests]
                (testing description
                  (is (= valid (m/validate malli-schema data))
                      (str "schema: " schema \newline
                           "data: " data \newline
                           "malli: " malli \newline
                           (if valid
                             (str "valid, but got errors: " \newline
                                  (str/join \newline (:errors (m/explain malli-schema data))))
                             "invalid, but matched"))))))))))))

Lots of things don't pass even for this one file, which is probably unsurprising as there are lots of weird edge cases in the tests.

I've been making changes to try to fix problems as I encounter them

Here is the where I got to:


But it still doesn't work with vega-lite

PavlosMelissinos commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for your contributions @timothypratley ! This is a weird period for me because I just moved (so I'm still settling down at home) and I haven't managed to spend time on open source at work. I'll get back on this as soon as I can though, starting with crystallizing the failing test cases you've provided into unit tests!

ieugen commented 3 months ago

I would have loved to have support for json-schema to use on