Open johnmcconnell opened 5 years ago
Clearly using decode/string
and encode/string
is incorrect. I have tried encode/json
and decode/json
as well.
(s/def ::created-at
{:spec (s/spec :clj-time.spec/date-time)
:swagger/type "string"
:swagger/format "date-time"
:decode/string (fn [_ y]
(clj-time.coerce/to-string y))
:encode/string clj-time.coerce/from-string}))
Figuring out to run:
(require '[reitit.coercion :as coercion])
(coercion/-get-options reitit.coercion.spec/coercion)
encode should be a 2-arity fn, not sure if that's the root cause thou:
(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])
(require '[spec-tools.core :as st])
(def spec
{:spec (s/and int? #(> % 10))
:swagger/type "integer"
:decode/string (fn [_ y]
(Long/parseLong y))
:encode/string (fn [_ y]
(str y))}))
(as-> "11" $
(doto $ prn)
(st/decode spec $ st/string-transformer)
(doto $ prn)
(st/encode spec $ st/string-transformer)
(doto $ prn))
; "11"
; 11
; => "11"
when this works, I think we should add a custom transformation into the examples and link it in the docs.
This test example you provided works
(def my-spec
{:spec (s/and int? #(> % 10))
:swagger/type "string"
:decode/string (fn [_ y]
(Long/parseLong y))
:encode/string (fn [_ y]
(str y))}))
(def test-router
["/:id" {:name ::user-view
:coercion reitit.coercion.spec/coercion
:parameters {:path {:id my-spec}}}]
{:compile coercion/compile-request-coercers}))
(def x (r/match-by-path test-router "/11"))
(def q (coercion/coerce! x))
(do q) => {:path {:id 11}}
This can be ignored However, this test case still fails
(def created-at
{:spec (s/spec :clj-time.spec/date-time)
:swagger/type "string"
:swagger/format "date-time"
:decode/string (fn [_ y]
(clj-time.coerce/to-string y))
:encode/string (fn [_ y]
(clj-time.coerce/from-string y))}))
(def test-router
["/:id" {:name ::user-view
:coercion reitit.coercion.spec/coercion
:parameters {:path {:id created-at}}}]
{:compile coercion/compile-request-coercers}))
(def x (r/match-by-path test-router "/2019-06-20T04:46:58.968Z"))
(def q (coercion/coerce! x))
=> Request coercion failed: #reitit.coercion.CoercionError{:spec #Spec{:form
(clojure.spec.alpha/keys :req-un [:spec$28036/created-at]), :type :map,
:leaf? false}, :problems #:clojure.spec.alpha{:problems ({:path
[:created-at], :pred :clojure.spec.alpha/unknown, :val
"2019-06-20T04:46:58.968Z", :via [:spec$28036/created-at], :in
[:created-at]}), :spec #Spec{:form (clojure.spec.alpha/keys :req-un
[:spec$28036/created-at]), :type :map, :leaf? false}, :value {:created-at
#object[clojure.spec.alpha$map_spec_impl$reify__1931 0x3ad23b6b "clojure.spec.alpha$map_spec_impl$reify__1931@3ad23b6b"],
:form (clojure.spec.alpha/keys :req-un [:spec$28036/created-at]),
:type :map,
:spec-tools.parse/key->spec {:created-at :spec$28036/created-at},
:spec-tools.parse/keys #{:created-at},
:spec-tools.parse/keys-req #{:created-at},
:leaf? false},
I think now this is probably a bug with spec tools on how to resolve transformers.
^ This is incorrect it is resolved below. Ignore this comment and its details below
Smallest failing test case:
(def created-at
{:spec (s/spec clj-time.types/date-time?)
:swagger/type "string"
:swagger/format "date-time"
:swagger/example (clj-time.core/now)
:decode/string (fn [_ y]
(clj-time.coerce/to-string y))
:encode/string (fn [_ y]
(clj-time.coerce/from-string y))}))
(as-> "2019-06-20T04:55:55.968Z" $
(doto $ prn)
(st/decode created-at $ st/string-transformer)
(doto $ prn)
(st/encode created-at $ st/string-transformer)
(doto $ prn)) => :clojure.spec.alpha/invalid
This can be ignored Passing test case 1:
(s/def ::t-spec-2
#(int? %)))
(def created-at-2
{:spec ::t-spec-2
:decode/string (constantly 5)
:encode/string (constantly "20")}))
(as-> "0" $
(doto $ prn)
(st/decode created-at-2 $ st/string-transformer)
(doto $ prn)
(st/encode created-at-2 $ st/string-transformer)
(doto $ prn)) => "20"
Passing test case 2:
(s/def ::t-spec-1
#(instance? BaseDateTime %)
#(= (.getZone ^BaseDateTime %) DateTimeZone/UTC)))
(def created-at-1
{:spec ::t-spec-1
{:spec :clj-time.spec/date-time
:decode/string (fn [_ y]
(clj-time.coerce/from-string y))
:encode/string (fn [_ y]
(clj-time.coerce/to-string y))
(as-> "2019-06-20T04:55:55.968Z" $
(doto $ prn)
(st/decode created-at-1 $ st/string-transformer)
(doto $ prn)
(st/encode created-at-1 $ st/string-transformer)
(doto $ prn)) => "2019-06-16T01:56:14.670Z"
I think your decode & encode functions have swapped places. Decode is from string->edn, encode from edn->string
Coercion is happening at the spec-tools
level but not on the reitit
(def integer-inc
{:spec int?
:swagger/type "string"
:decode/string (fn [_ y]
(inc (Long/parseLong y)))
:encode/string (fn [_ y]
(str (inc y)))
:decode/json (spy
(fn [_ y]
(inc (Long/parseLong y))))
:encode/json (spy
(fn [_ y]
(str (inc y))))
(defn routes
[^DatastoreOptions ds-opts]
{:get {:responses {200 {:body {:value integer-inc}}}
:handler (fn [{params :parameters}]
{:status 200
{:value 1}})}}]])
Middleware diff output
--- :response---
{:body {:value 1}, :status 200}
--- :response :reitit.ring.middleware.exception/exception ---
{:body {:value 1}, :status 200}
--- :response :reitit.ring.coercion/coerce-request ---
{:body {:value 1}, :status 200}
--- :response :reitit.ring.coercion/coerce-response --- <---- Why was it not incremented and coerced here
{:body {:value 1}, :status 200}
--- :response :reitit.ring.middleware.muuntaja/format-request ---
{:body {:value 1}, :status 200}
--- :response :reitit.ring.middleware.exception/exception ---
{:body {:value 1}, :status 200}
--- :response :reitit.ring.middleware.muuntaja/format-response ---
{:body {:value 1}, :status 200}
--- :response :reitit.ring.middleware.muuntaja/format-negotiate ---
{:body -{:value 1} +#<>,
:status 200,
+:headers {"Content-Type" "application/json; charset=utf-8"}}
I think your decode & encode functions have swapped places. Decode is from string->edn, encode from edn->string
Yes that was a bug. I think there is still something going on though.
Passing Test Case:
(def integer-inc
{:spec int?
:swagger/type "string"
:decode/string (fn [_ y]
(inc (Long/parseLong y)))
:encode/string (fn [_ y]
(str (inc y)))
:decode/json (fn [_ y]
(inc (Long/parseLong y)))
:encode/json (fn [_ y]
(str (inc y)))
(def test-router
["/:data" {:name ::user-view
:coercion reitit.coercion.spec/coercion
:parameters {:path {:data integer-inc}}}]
{:compile coercion/compile-request-coercers}))
(def x (r/match-by-path test-router "/1"))
(coercion/coerce! x) => {:path {:data 2}}
It looks like response coercion is turned off for reitit.coercion.spec
Also, plugging in the json-transfomer via:
:coercion (let [opts (assoc-in
[:transformers :response :default]
(reitit.coercion.spec/create opts))
appears to be coercing in the wrong direction
Maybe the simplest approach is to create a response-transformer
and associate it with the default response transformer.
Then you could have a spec like:
(def multiply-response-by-10-spec
{:spec int?
:swagger/type "string"
:decode/clj-response (fn [_ x] (* i 10))}))
(defn routes
[^DatastoreOptions ds-opts]
{:get {:responses {200 {:body {:value multiply-response-by-10-spec}}}
:handler (fn [{params :parameters}]
{:status 200
{:value 1}})}}]])
The actual http response body would look like:
{:value 10}
FYI, most of these problems were my expectations of the system (and I had a few bugs as well).
It was not clear to me that there was no response coercion. Maybe that should be documented somehow. Maybe that was the real trouble.
Also, maybe there should be a debugging function to run a value through the coercion middleware, under different circumstances (:request, :response, etc...
Thanks! This helps me a lot.
This is my workaround of custom response body transformer. Maybe not a expected library usage, but it works for me now.
(ns xxx
[reitit.coercion.spec :as spec-coercion]
[spec-tools.core :as st]
[spec-tools.transform :as stt]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
;; Define response transformer
(def response-transformer
{:name :response
:decoders stt/string-type-decoders
:encoders stt/any->any
:default-encoder stt/any->any}))
;; Use this coercion instead of spec-coercion/coercion
(def coercion
(-> spec-coercion/default-options
(assoc-in [:transformers :response :default] response-transformer)
;; Use response transformer
(s/def ::date
{:name "date"
:swagger/type "string"
:swagger/format "date"
:decode/json string->date
:decode/string string->date
:decode/response date->string})) ;; <-- yes decode, not encode
;; date->string is my custom java.time.OffsetDateTime formatter
I am attempting to decode clj-time datetime objects as a json string. For example:
I have tried using spec transforms to automatically coerce my response to a string format for json encoding. For example:
However, this does not seem to work as expected. I have included a small test case below.