metric-space-ai / octopus_client

The frontend of octopus software
Mozilla Public License 2.0
0 stars 2 forks source link

simplified mage ai #29

Closed asyncfncom closed 4 months ago

asyncfncom commented 7 months ago

I need a reimplementation of this app

I need an app that will provide an endpoint that takes:

This app should not be secured in any way. It will work inside container and will not be exposed.

asyncfncom commented 7 months ago

Problems wit Haskell are solved. I've got another problem with User

[Server] appname todoApp [Server] POST /operations/start-generating-new-app 500 6.166 ms - 1470 [Server!] PrismaClientKnownRequestError: [Server!] Invalid prisma.project.create() invocation: [Server!] [Server!] [Server!] An operation failed because it depends on one or more records that were required but not found. No 'User' record(s) (needed to inline the relation on 'Project' record(s)) was found for a nested connect on one-to-many relation 'ProjectToUser'. [Server!] at Rn.handleRequestError (/home/michal/projects/project_octopus/octopus_server/wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/node_modules/.prisma/client/runtime/library.js:174:7325) [Server!] at Rn.handleAndLogRequestError (/home/michal/projects/project_octopus/octopus_server/wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/node_modules/.prisma/client/runtime/library.js:174:6754) [Server!] at Rn.request (/home/michal/projects/project_octopus/octopus_server/wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/node_modules/.prisma/client/runtime/library.js:174:6344) [Server!] at async startGeneratingNewApp (file:///home/michal/projects/project_octopus/octopus_server/wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/dist/ext-src/operations.js:17:21) [Server!] at async file:///home/michal/projects/project_octopus/octopus_server/wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/dist/middleware/operations.js:9:24 [Server!] at async file:///home/michal/projects/project_octopus/octopus_server/wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/dist/utils.js:15:9

asyncfncom commented 7 months ago

I've got another problem. This time in container.

[Server]  > server@0.0.0 start
[Server]  > npm run validate-env && NODE_PATH=dist node -r dotenv/config dist/server.js
[Server]  > server@0.0.0 validate-env
[Server]  > node -r dotenv/config ./scripts/validate-env.mjs
[Server]  🔍 Validating environment variables...
[Server]  🚀 "Username and password" auth initialized

[Server!] pg-boss failed to start!
[Server!] error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "octopus", database "wasp_mage", no encryption
[Server!]     at /wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/node_modules/pg-pool/index.js:45:11
[Server!]     at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
[Server!]     at async Db.executeSql (/wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/node_modules/pg-boss/src/db.js:28:14)
[Server!]     at async Contractor.isInstalled (/wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/node_modules/pg-boss/src/contractor.js:32:20)
[Server!]     at async Contractor.start (/wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/node_modules/pg-boss/src/contractor.js:37:23)
[Server!]     at async PgBoss.start (/wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/node_modules/pg-boss/src/index.js:103:5)
[Server!]     at async startPgBoss (file:///wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/dist/jobs/core/pgBoss/pgBoss.js:52:9)
[Server!]     at async startServer (file:///wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/dist/server.js:7:5) {
[Server!]   length: 159,
[Server!]   severity: 'FATAL',
[Server!]   code: '28000',
[Server!]   detail: undefined,
[Server!]   hint: undefined,
[Server!]   position: undefined,
[Server!]   internalPosition: undefined,
[Server!]   internalQuery: undefined,
[Server!]   where: undefined,
[Server!]   schema: undefined,
[Server!]   table: undefined,
[Server!]   column: undefined,
[Server!]   dataType: undefined,
[Server!]   constraint: undefined,
[Server!]   file: 'auth.c',
[Server!]   line: '543',
[Server!]   routine: 'ClientAuthentication'
[Server]  Starting pg-boss...
[Server!] }
[Server!] node:internal/process/promises:288
[Server!]             triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);
[Server!]             ^
[Server!] [UnhandledPromiseRejection: This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise rejected with the reason "#<PgBoss>".] {
[Server!] }
[Server]  Server listening on port 3031
[Server!] Node.js v18.19.0Warning: For production Image Optimization with Next.js, the optional 'sharp' package is strongly recommended. Run 'npm i sharp', and Next.js will use it automatically for Image Optimization.
Read more:
[Server]  [nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting... ✓ Compiled successfully

Can you have a look at the code and suggest what may be wrong? Server runs succesfully on my local, just crashes in container.

asyncfncom commented 6 months ago

Ok, so now after fixing a previous problem in container I have this again

<pre>PrismaClientKnownRequestError: <br>Invalid `prisma.project.create()` invocation:<br><br><br>An operation failed because it depends on one or more records that were required but not found. No &#39;User&#39; record(s) (needed to inline the relation on &#39;Project&#39; record(s)) was found for a nested connect on one-to-many relation &#39;ProjectToUser&#39;.<br> &nbsp; &nbsp;at Rn.handleRequestError (/wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/node_modules/.prisma/client/runtime/library.js:174:7325)<br> &nbsp; &nbsp;at Rn.handleAndLogRequestError (/wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/node_modules/.prisma/client/runtime/library.js:174:6754)<br> &nbsp; &nbsp;at Rn.request (/wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/node_modules/.prisma/client/runtime/library.js:174:6344)<br> &nbsp; &nbsp;at async startGeneratingNewApp (file:///wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/dist/ext-src/operations.js:17:21)<br> &nbsp; &nbsp;at async file:///wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/dist/middleware/operations.js:9:24<br> &nbsp; &nbsp;at async file:///wasp_mage/.wasp/out/server/dist/utils.js:15:9</pre>
asyncfncom commented 6 months ago

In Docker we have a Haskell installation for WASP mage done this way

RUN curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
ENV PATH "$PATH:/root/.ghcup/bin"
RUN ghcup install ghc 8.10.7
asyncfncom commented 6 months ago

I create an app

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"json":{"appAuthMethod":"usernameAndPassword","appCreativityLevel":"balanced","appDesc":"todo app","appName":"todoApp","appPrimaryColor":"sky"}}' \

Here is what I see in database

                  id                  |  name   | description |        createdAt        | status  | primaryColor |     authMethod      | creativityLevel | referrer | zipDownloadedAt
 58b1d069-b444-44ca-b83c-95f362940c14 | todoApp | todo app    | 2024-03-15 10:43:48.276 | success | sky          | usernameAndPassword | balanced        | unknown  |
(1 row)
 id | content | createdAt | projectId
(0 rows)
 SELECT * FROM "File" ;
 id | name | content | createdAt | projectId
(0 rows)

When I check status

 curl --header "Content-Type: application/json"   --request POST   --data '{"json":{"appId":"58b1d069-b444-44ca-b83c-95f362940c14"}}'   http://localhost:4031/operations/get-app-generation-result
{"json":{"project":{"id":"58b1d069-b444-44ca-b83c-95f362940c14","name":"todoApp","description":"todo app","primaryColor":"sky","authMethod":"usernameAndPassword","creativityLevel":"balanced","createdAt":"2024-03-15T10:43:48.276Z","status":"success","referrer":"unknown","zipDownloadedAt":null,"files":[],"logs":[]},"numberOfProjectsAheadInQueue":1},"meta":{"values":{"project.createdAt":["Date"]}}

When I try to download

 curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \                   curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"json":{"appId":"58b1d069-b444-44ca-b83c-95f362940c14"}}' \

In logs I see

[Server]  POST /operations/start-generating-new-app 200 167.700 ms - 47
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:43:48] Checking for pending apps
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:43:48] Failing stale generations
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:43:50] Generating app
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:43:50] Checking for pending apps
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:43:52] Generating app
[Server]  POST /operations/get-app-generation-result 200 6.021 ms - 398
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:44:8] Checking for pending apps
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:44:10] Failing stale generations
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:45:8] Failing stale generations
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:45:8] Checking for pending apps
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:46:8] Checking for pending apps
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:46:8] Failing stale generations
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:47:8] Checking for pending apps
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:47:8] Failing stale generations
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:48:8] Failing stale generations
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:48:8] Checking for pending apps
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:49:8] Checking for pending apps
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:49:8] Failing stale generations
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:50:8] Checking for pending apps
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:50:8] Failing stale generations
[Server]  POST /operations/get-app-generation-result 200 4.549 ms - 398
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:51:8] Checking for pending apps
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:51:8] Failing stale generations
[Server]  POST /operations/register-zip-download 200 52.611 ms - 45
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:52:8] Checking for pending apps
[Server]  [15-3-2024 10:52:8] Failing stale generations
cyrusnej commented 4 months ago
