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The use of JSON struct in clickhouse results in high storage space consumption #481

Open shenqidebaozi opened 3 months ago

shenqidebaozi commented 3 months ago

For the same 10 million traces, qryn requires 18GB of storage, while uptrace only requires 4GB, which seems to be due to the inability to optimize the payload use of JSON.

akvlad commented 3 months ago

@shenqidebaozi do you have any performance comparison of the traces search procedure?

shenqidebaozi commented 3 months ago

@akvlad Currently, in the research of different products, there is no comparison of trace search performance. But I think storage costs are also important.

akvlad commented 3 months ago

@shenqidebaozi according to your opinion. How many GB of HDD can be a completely equal replacement of 1 CPU core? In terms of price.

shenqidebaozi commented 3 months ago

This is a good question, I don't know how to measure it. But for me, these projects can run with the same configuration, so I hope qryn can take up less space. I briefly reviewed the code and found that Payload seems to have not been actually used.

lmangani commented 3 months ago

If there's anything really unused it can be avoided but I'm not sure that's the case. Compression and codec choices might also play a vital role and should be carefully reviewed.

gaby commented 3 months ago

This could be because Uptrace uses zstd compression by default with Clickhouse. Does qryn allow specifying compression?

qryn seems to be using zstd in only 3-4 fields, which explains the difference in size. Having an option to allow using zstd whenever possible, would reduce disk usage substantially.

It would be useful to have an ENV for specifying compression algorithm and Level in qryn. For example the default zstd level is 1 compared to 3 when using zstd cli.,and%20zstd%20in%20ClickHouse%20Cloud.

gaby commented 3 months ago

This query shows that uptrace lets you configure compression type/level and that gets appended to the clickhouse schema.

shenqidebaozi commented 3 months ago
    sum(rows) as row,
    formatReadableSize(sum(data_uncompressed_bytes)) as ysq,
    formatReadableSize(sum(data_compressed_bytes)) as ysh,
    round(sum(data_compressed_bytes) / sum(data_uncompressed_bytes) * 100, 0) ys_rate
image image
shenqidebaozi commented 3 months ago

What is the specific purpose of the payload field? It saved the original trace information, but I don't seem to have found the usage of this field. In addition, this field has added an additional JSON serialization in both qryn and qryn otel-collector, which incurs additional performance overhead.

For the second question, should we define payload as ClickHouse Nested so that JSON marshal into a string is not necessary. Also, may there be better compression effects?

gaby commented 3 months ago

Ths only downsize of using Nested is that it makes the field more strict than a string.

Also worth mentioning fields like: service_name, parent_id, payload_type, payload, tags are all highly redundant and would benefit from compression.

lmangani commented 3 months ago

@gaby we absolutely want compression choices to be as open as possible for experimenting. We could work on a set of ALTER statements we can use to experiment with.

gaby commented 3 months ago

@lmangani That would be a good starting point, or updating the CREATE TABLE and testing with a big data set to see the difference in size/performance. Compression will add ltency and reduce throughput thus why it should be configurable.

shenqidebaozi commented 3 months ago

Ths only downsize of using Nested is that it makes the field more strict than a string.

Also worth mentioning fields like: service_name, parent_id, payload_type, payload, tags are all highly redundant and would benefit from compression.

@gaby can also reduce JSON marshal、unmarshal once,this is helpful for bulk write and query

gaby commented 2 months ago

According to ChatGPT the same Create Table SQL would look like:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {{DB}}.traces_input {{{OnCluster}}} ( 
     oid String DEFAULT '0' CODEC(ZSTD), 
     trace_id String CODEC(ZSTD), 
     span_id String CODEC(ZSTD), 
     parent_id String CODEC(ZSTD), 
     name String CODEC(ZSTD), 
     timestamp_ns Int64 CODEC(DoubleDelta, ZSTD), 
     duration_ns Int64 CODEC(ZSTD), 
     service_name String CODEC(ZSTD), 
     payload_type Int8 CODEC(ZSTD), 
     payload String CODEC(ZSTD), 
     tags Array(Tuple(String, String)) CODEC(ZSTD) 
) Engine=Null

When asked for adding levels based on field type it producss the following:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {{DB}}.traces_input {{{OnCluster}}} ( 
     oid String DEFAULT '0' CODEC(ZSTD(1)), 
     trace_id String CODEC(ZSTD(3)),  -- Likely to benefit from more compression
     span_id String CODEC(ZSTD(3)),   -- Likely to benefit from more compression
     parent_id String CODEC(ZSTD(1)), 
     name String CODEC(ZSTD(1)), 
     timestamp_ns Int64 CODEC(DoubleDelta, ZSTD(3)),  -- Larger data size, benefits from more compression
     duration_ns Int64 CODEC(ZSTD(3)),  -- Larger data size, benefits from more compression
     service_name String CODEC(ZSTD(1)), 
     payload_type Int8 CODEC(ZSTD(1)), 
     payload String CODEC(ZSTD(3)),  -- Assuming payloads can be large/structured, they might benefit more
     tags Array(Tuple(String, String)) CODEC(ZSTD(1)) 
) Engine=Null
lmangani commented 2 months ago

@gaby let us know how this plays out and if it produces a visible effect we can most definitely implement options to trigger it