# IoT_cloud_logging.py
# Example IoT data logging code for the Metriful MS430.
# This example is designed to run with Python 3 on a Raspberry Pi.
# Environmental data values are measured and logged to an internet
# cloud account every 100 seconds. The example gives the choice of
# using either the Tago.io or Thingspeak.com cloud - both of these
# offer a free account for low data rates.
# Copyright 2020 Metriful Ltd.
# Licensed under the MIT License - for further details see LICENSE.txt
# For code examples, datasheet and user guide, visit
# https://github.com/metriful/sensor
import requests
from sensor_functions import *
# How often to read and log data (every 3, 100, 300 seconds)
# Note: due to data rate limits on free cloud services, this should
# be set to 100 or 300 seconds, not 3 seconds.
cycle_period = CYCLE_PERIOD_100_S
# Which particle sensor, if any, is attached (PPD42, SDS011, or OFF)
particleSensor = PARTICLE_SENSOR_SDS011
# IoT cloud settings.
# This example uses the free IoT cloud hosting services provided
# by Tago.io or Thingspeak.com
# Other free cloud providers are available.
# An account must have been set up with the relevant cloud provider and
# an internet connection to the Pi must exist. See the accompanying
# readme and User Guide for more information.
# Choose which provider to use
use_Tago_cloud = False
# To use the ThingSpeak cloud, set: use_Tago_cloud=False
# The chosen account's key/token must be inserted below.
if (use_Tago_cloud):
# settings for Tago.io cloud
# settings for ThingSpeak.com cloud
# Set up the GPIO and I2C communications bus
(GPIO, I2C_bus) = SensorHardwareSetup()
# Apply the chosen settings to the MS430
if (particleSensor != PARTICLE_SENSOR_SDS_011):
I2C_bus.write_i2c_block_data(i2c_7bit_address, PARTICLE_SENSOR_SELECT_REG, [particleSensor])
I2C_bus.write_i2c_block_data(i2c_7bit_address, CYCLE_TIME_PERIOD_REG, [cycle_period])
# Full cloud settings for HTTP logging
if (use_Tago_cloud):
# settings for Tago.io cloud
tago_url = "http://api.tago.io/data"
tago_header = {"Content-type": "application/json","Device-Token":TAGO_DEVICE_TOKEN_STRING}
# settings for ThingSpeak.com cloud
thingspeak_url = "http://api.thingspeak.com/update"
thingspeak_header = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
print("Logging data. Press ctrl-c to exit.")
# Enter cycle mode
I2C_bus.write_byte(i2c_7bit_address, CYCLE_MODE_CMD)
while (True):
# Wait for the next new data release, indicated by a falling edge on READY
while (not GPIO.event_detected(READY_pin)):
# Now read all data from the MS430
# Air data
raw_data = I2C_bus.read_i2c_block_data(i2c_7bit_address, AIR_DATA_READ, AIR_DATA_BYTES)
air_data = extractAirData(raw_data)
# Air quality data
# The initial self-calibration of the air quality data may take several
# minutes to complete. During this time the accuracy parameter is zero
# and the data values are not valid.
raw_data = I2C_bus.read_i2c_block_data(i2c_7bit_address, AIR_QUALITY_DATA_READ, AIR_QUALITY_DATA_BYTES)
air_quality_data = extractAirQualityData(raw_data)
# Light data
raw_data = I2C_bus.read_i2c_block_data(i2c_7bit_address, LIGHT_DATA_READ, LIGHT_DATA_BYTES)
light_data = extractLightData(raw_data)
# Sound data
raw_data = I2C_bus.read_i2c_block_data(i2c_7bit_address, SOUND_DATA_READ, SOUND_DATA_BYTES)
sound_data = extractSoundData(raw_data)
# Particle data
# This requires the connection of a particulate sensor (invalid
# values will be obtained if this sensor is not present).
# Also note that, due to the low pass filtering used, the
# particle data become valid after an initial initialization
# period of approximately one minute.
raw_data = I2C_bus.read_i2c_block_data(i2c_7bit_address, PARTICLE_DATA_READ, PARTICLE_DATA_BYTES)
particle_data = extractParticleData(raw_data, particleSensor)
# Assemble the data into the required format, then send it to the cloud
# as an HTTP POST request.
# For both example cloud providers, the following quantities will be sent:
# 1 Temperature/C
# 2 Pressure/Pa
# 3 Humidity/%
# 4 Air quality index
# 5 bVOC/ppm
# 6 SPL/dBA
# 7 Illuminance/lux
# 8 Particle concentration
# Additionally, for Tago, the following is sent:
# 9 Air Quality Assessment summary (Good, Bad, etc.)
# 10 Peak sound amplitude / mPa
if use_Tago_cloud:
payload = [0]*10;
payload[0] = {"variable":"temperature","value":"{:.1f}".format(air_data['T_C'])}
payload[1] = {"variable":"pressure","value":air_data['P_Pa']}
payload[2] = {"variable":"humidity","value":"{:.1f}".format(air_data['H_pc'])}
payload[3] = {"variable":"aqi","value":"{:.1f}".format(air_quality_data['AQI'])}
payload[4] = {"variable":"aqi_string","value":interpret_AQI_value(air_quality_data['AQI'])}
payload[5] = {"variable":"bvoc","value":"{:.2f}".format(air_quality_data['bVOC'])}
payload[6] = {"variable":"spl","value":"{:.1f}".format(sound_data['SPL_dBA'])}
payload[7] = {"variable":"peak_amp","value":"{:.2f}".format(sound_data['peak_amp_mPa'])}
payload[8] = {"variable":"illuminance","value":"{:.2f}".format(light_data['illum_lux'])}
payload[9] = {"variable":"particulates","value":"{:.2f}".format(particle_data['concentration'])}
requests.post(tago_url, json=payload, headers=tago_header, timeout=2)
# Use ThingSpeak.com cloud
payload = "api_key=" + THINGSPEAK_API_KEY_STRING
payload += "&field1=" + "{:.1f}".format(air_data['T_C'])
payload += "&field2=" + str(air_data['P_Pa'])
payload += "&field3=" + "{:.1f}".format(air_data['H_pc'])
payload += "&field4=" + "{:.1f}".format(air_quality_data['AQI'])
payload += "&field5=" + "{:.2f}".format(air_quality_data['bVOC'])
payload += "&field6=" + "{:.1f}".format(sound_data['SPL_dBA'])
payload += "&field7=" + "{:.2f}".format(light_data['illum_lux'])
payload += "&field8=" + "{:.2f}".format(particle_data['concentration'])
requests.post(thingspeak_url, data=payload, headers=thingspeak_header, timeout=2)
# An error has occurred, likely due to a lost internet connection,
# and the post has failed.
# The program will retry with the next data release and will succeed
# if the internet reconnects.
print("HTTP POST failed.")
Is ok ???