── Error ('test-workflow-stan.R:38:3'): stan: submit_model() works with copied model ──
Error in `!is.null(csv_contents$metadata$save_warmup) && csv_contents$metadata$save_warmup`: invalid 'y' type in 'x && y'
1. ├─utils::capture.output(...) at test-workflow-stan.R:38:3
2. │ └─base::withVisible(...elt(i))
3. ├─bbr::submit_model(mod2, .mode = "local", .overwrite = TRUE)
4. └─bbr.bayes:::submit_model.bbi_stan_model(...) at bbr/R/submit-model.R:61:3
5. └─bbr.bayes:::submit_stan_model_cmdstanr(...) at bbr.bayes/R/submit-model.R:127:3
6. ├─base::do.call(stanmod[[.method]], args = stanargs) at bbr.bayes/R/submit-model.R:226:3
7. └─cmdstanr (local) `<fn>`(...)
8. └─CmdStanMCMC$new(runset) at cmdstanr/R/model.R:1264:3
9. └─cmdstanr (local) initialize(...)
10. └─private$read_csv_(variables = "", sampler_diagnostics = convert_hmc_diagnostic_names(diagnostics)) at cmdstanr/R/fit.R:1335:11
I've confirmed that the bbr.bayes test suite passes with 1) the latest cmdstanr from https://mc-stan.org/r-packages (0.8.0) and the latest cmdstan and 2) the cmdstanr from MPN and the previous cmdstan (2.34.1).
At this point, the solution will just be to wait for a newer cmdstanr to hit MPN.
is currently failing due to an incompatibility between the latest cmdstan (2.35.0) and the cmdstanr version on MPN (0.7.1).https://github.com/metrumresearchgroup/bbr.bayes/actions/runs/9452298953/job/26035173725
I've confirmed that the bbr.bayes test suite passes with 1) the latest cmdstanr from
(0.8.0) and the latest cmdstan and 2) the cmdstanr from MPN and the previous cmdstan (2.34.1).At this point, the solution will just be to wait for a newer cmdstanr to hit MPN.