Closed seth127 closed 2 years ago
Related, an idea from @barrettk of wanting to loop over and delete all models with a certain tag. This was relevant to testing #473 originally, but could have other use cases.
... It could be generalized further, but it also adds another purpose to add tags if we wanted to add another tags argument to the function:
cleanup_mods <- function(mods){
# Only remove mods with correct tag
mod_paths <- lapply(mods, function(mod.x){mod.x$absolute_model_path})# %>% unlist()
mod_threads <- lapply(mods, function(mod.x){mod.x$bbi_args$threads})
mod_tags <- lapply(mods, function(mod.x){mod.x$tags})
mods_remove <- map2(mod_tags, mod_threads, function(tag.x, thread.y){
grepl(paste("test", thread.y, "threads"), tag.x)
}) %>% unlist()
mod_paths <- mod_paths[mods_remove] %>% unlist()
for (m in mod_paths) {
if (fs::file_exists(yaml_ext(m))) fs::file_delete(yaml_ext(m))
if (fs::file_exists(ctl_ext(m))) fs::file_delete(ctl_ext(m))
if (fs::dir_exists(m)) fs::dir_delete(m)
message("Removed models with the following tags:\n", paste("-",unlist(mod_tags), collapse = "\n"))
This function works because I modified the mods call to add those tags:
.mods <- map(threads, ~ copy_model_from(.mod, paste0(get_model_id(.mod), "_", .x, "_threads")) %>%
add_bbi_args(.bbi_args = c(threads = .x,
parallel = TRUE,
overwrite = TRUE)) %>%
@seth127 This could work for models in a git
repository but would create problems with subversion. I know we're heading that direction but caution as long as subversion is in the mix.
hmmm, I'm not sure what you mean @kylebaron, though admittedly I don't know much about SVN. We're just talking about deleting the files on disk, not touching anything about how they're version controlled. Is there some subtlety I'm missing though?
If you delete the file before adding it to the repository, then it's fine. But if you add a file (or directory) to the repository and then delete it file_delete()
it will come back the next time you run svn update
. It can cause a lot of headaches if you run rm 1001.ctl
rather than svn rm 1001.ctl
. You could make it honor system ... "don't run this on models that have already been added"; but it seems like chances are high it won't work as expected.
Would probably be overkill, but we could add a remove_svn
argument (T/F), that wraps a system call in a trycatch if set to TRUE
. Im not sure we'd want to do that though, given we want to migrate from SVN at some point
ok, this makes sense @kylebaron. Similar issue in git, though we could theoretically build in a git rm
under the hood. That's probably dangerous though, and I don't know if there's even an analogous thing in SVN.
Honestly, this probably is most useful for testing and demos. In most cases it seems like people keep around all of the models they run, even if they didn't end up being "good" models. At least once they've checked them in.
FYI @seth127 I modified that function (for use in the test_threads PR) to have a .tags
Ill paste some examples in that PR once the other functions are finalized (see
cleanup_mods <- function(.mods, .tags = "test threads", .force = FALSE){
if(!is.null(.tags)) check_character(.tags)
if(!inherits(.mods, "bbi_nonmem_model")){
.mods <- list(.mods)
mod_info <- map_dfr(.mods, function(mod.x){
mod_tags <- mod.x$tags
mod_tags <- paste(mod_tags, collapse = ", ")
mod_tags <- ifelse(mod_tags == "", "NA", mod_tags)
mod_paths = mod.x$absolute_model_path,
mod_thread = mod.x$bbi_args$threads,
mod_tags = mod_tags
tag_groups <- if(is.null(.tags)){
crossing(mod_tags = mod_info$mod_tags, .tags = "NA", found = TRUE) %>% left_join(mod_info, by = "mod_tags")
tag_levels <- unique(.tags) # message in order of tags
tag_groups <- crossing(mod_tags = mod_info$mod_tags, .tags) %>% left_join(mod_info, by = "mod_tags") %>%
mutate(.tags = ordered(.tags, levels = tag_levels)) %>% arrange(.tags)
found <- map2(tag_groups$mod_tags, tag_groups$.tags, function(tag.x, .tag){
grepl(.tag, tag.x)
}) %>% unlist()
tag_groups$found <- found
not_found <- c()
for(tag.x in .tags){
tag.found <- tag_groups$found[tag_groups$.tags==tag.x]
not_found <- c(not_found, tag.x)
if(length(not_found) > 0){
message("The following tags were not found:\n",
mod_paths <- unique(tag_groups$mod_paths)
stop("None of specified tags were found")
mods_removed <- unique(tag_groups$mod_tags)
msg_remove <- paste0(
paste("Removed", length(mod_paths), "models with the following tags:\n"),
paste("-",mods_removed, collapse = "\n")
for (m in mod_paths) {
if (fs::file_exists(yaml_ext(m))) fs::file_delete(yaml_ext(m))
if (fs::file_exists(ctl_ext(m))) fs::file_delete(ctl_ext(m))
if (fs::dir_exists(m)) fs::dir_delete(m)
msg_prompt <- paste0(
paste("Are you sure you want to remove", length(mod_paths), "models with the following tags?: "),
paste0("`",mods_removed,"`", collapse = ", ")
delete_prompt <- askYesNo(msg_prompt)
for (m in mod_paths) {
if (fs::file_exists(yaml_ext(m))) fs::file_delete(yaml_ext(m))
if (fs::file_exists(ctl_ext(m))) fs::file_delete(ctl_ext(m))
if (fs::dir_exists(m)) fs::dir_delete(m)
Will be closed by #473
Mentioned these stories/requirements here, but reposting the delete_model specifics again here
name: Cleanup model files
description: As a user, I want to be able to easily delete all model files associated
the identified model objects.
ProductRisk: Medium
- MGMT-R001
- MGMT-R002
- MGMT-R003
description: delete_models() should work for test_threads() by default
- BBR-CLM-001
description: delete_models() should only delete models with the specified .tags by default
- BBR-CLM-002
- BBR-CLM-003
description: delete_models() should delete all specified models if .tags = NULL
- BBR-CLM-004
It might be nice to have a
helper, in part for our test suite, but also for users. This function would take a model object and delete (on disk)Probably also remove the model object from memory? Kind of a weird idea, but probably right.