metrumresearchgroup / bbr

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drone: check that stories/requirements yaml is valid #548

Closed kyleam closed 10 months ago

kyleam commented 2 years ago

bbr-requirements.yaml has several syntax errors (which @barrettk has fixed in #535). To catch these before a PR is merged rather than hoping they're spotted before a release, perhaps we should add a check in Drone to make sure the yaml can be parsed.

$ git rev-parse HEAD

$ Rscript -e 'yaml::read_yaml("inst/validation/bbr-stories.yaml")' >/dev/null
$ echo $?

$ Rscript -e 'yaml::read_yaml("inst/validation/bbr-requirements.yaml")' >/dev/null
Error in yaml.load(string, error.label = error.label, ...) :
  (inst/validation/bbr-requirements.yaml) Scanner error: while scanning a simple key at line 547, column 3 could not find expected ':' at line 548, column 1
Calls: <Anonymous> -> yaml.load
Execution halted
$ echo $?
barrettk commented 2 years ago

ooh I agree with this. As an aside, one of the types of fixes I caught was actually the case of each of the sections. In other words "Requirements" wouldnt be picked up because "requirements" was expected. I didnt inspect the actual returned item in:

spec <- mrgvalprep::read_spec_yaml(
  file.path(val_dir, paste0(PKGNAME, "-stories.yaml")),
  file.path(val_dir, paste0(PKGNAME, "-requirements.yaml"))

...but what I do know is that mrgvalidate would report those requirements as missing. Would be awesome if we could have a check for that as well, though not sure if it belongs in this PR or is even something we want to handle via drone.

kyleam commented 2 years ago

@barrettk Yeah, more involved checks like the ones you propose sound like a good thing to me. If whoever takes this on wants to skip the simpler "is the yaml valid?" check and go straight for an mrgval-informed one (which would take care of the validity check because it of course needs to be able to parse the yaml), that works for me.

seth127 commented 2 years ago

I love this idea of doing some mrgval* checks in drone each time. They would run super quick and would give us an early heads up.

I'm not sure how much effort it would be worth putting into it, but if we could get all the way to being able to call something like mrgvalidate::find_missing() and then do some simple checks on the result, that would probably be the best case scenario. That would likely involve some refactoring of mrgvalidate (in addition to the .drone.yml refactoring), so maybe not worth it in the short term.

This might be a good place to start, because it would check for valid YAML and at least check some other basic formatting.

spec <- mrgvalprep::read_spec_yaml(
  file.path(val_dir, paste0(PKGNAME, "-stories.yaml")),
  file.path(val_dir, paste0(PKGNAME, "-requirements.yaml"))
barrettk commented 2 years ago

I love this idea of doing some mrgval* checks in drone each time. They would run super quick and would give us an early heads up.

I'm not sure how much effort it would be worth putting into it, but if we could get all the way to being able to call something like mrgvalidate::find_missing() and then do some simple checks on the result, that would probably be the best case scenario. That would likely involve some refactoring of mrgvalidate (in addition to the .drone.yml refactoring), so maybe not worth it in the short term.

Given that we dont care about missing tests, we could use check_input() (newly added function, thats also called internally within create_package_docs()), which only cares about missing links between requirements and stories (but still calls find_missing()).

I think we could do something like:

res_df <- create_package_docs(
  product_name = PKGNAME,
  version = PKGVERSION,
  repo_url = "",
  specs = spec,
  release_notes_file = release_notes,
  auto_test_dir = auto_test_dir,
  output_dir = output_dir,
  style_dir = style_ref_path,
  write = TRUE,
cleanup_rmd = TRUE

 `drone fails`


check_input <- function(dd){

  missing_data <- find_missing(dd) %>% suppressMessages()
  missing <- purrr::map_lgl(missing_data, ~ nrow(.x) > 0)
    warning("Required links between tests and/or requirements are missing. Returning missing information. Docs will not be generated")
        missing_data = missing_data[missing],
        missing = TRUE
        missing_data = tibble(),
        missing = FALSE


>     res_df = create_package_docs(
+       product_name = product_name,
+       version = "vFAKE",
+       repo_url = "",
+       specs = specs,
+       release_notes_file = file.path(TEST_INPUTS_DIR, ""),
+       auto_test_dir = file.path(TEST_INPUTS_DIR, "validation-results-sample"),
+       output_dir = outdir_auto,
+       write = FALSE,
+       cleanup_rmd = FALSE)
# A tibble: 2 × 3
  RequirementId RequirementDescription               TestId      
  <chr>         <chr>                                <chr>       
1 AMD-R001      Desktop should have a mountain on it MAN-FAKE-001
2 AMD-R001      Desktop should have the ocean on it  MAN-FAKE-002

Warning message:
In check_input(test_data$dd) :
  Required links between tests and/or requirements are missing. Returning missing information. Docs will not be generated

> check_input(res_df)
# A tibble: 2 × 3
  RequirementId RequirementDescription               TestId      
  <chr>         <chr>                                <chr>       
1 AMD-R001      Desktop should have a mountain on it MAN-FAKE-001
2 AMD-R001      Desktop should have the ocean on it  MAN-FAKE-002

[1] TRUE

Warning message:
In check_input(res_df) :
  Required links between tests and/or requirements are missing. Returning missing information. Docs will not be generated
kyleam commented 10 months ago

With the new validation setup, this is no longer relevant.