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R interface for model and project management
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copy_model_from fails if parent model ID has period #616

Open kyleam opened 8 months ago

kyleam commented 8 months ago

[ issue noticed while reviewing gh-614 ]

Periods are permitted as part of the model ID, and this is documented and tested for copy_model_from (and probably elsewhere):

However, if the parent model has a period, safe_based_on fails.

diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-copy-model-from.R b/tests/testthat/test-copy-model-from.R
index 3046f6c7..f867ec69 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-copy-model-from.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-copy-model-from.R
@@ -172,6 +172,15 @@ test_that("copy_model_from() supports `.new_model` containing a period [BBR-CMF-

+test_that("copy_model_from() supports parent model with period", {
+  withr::with_tempdir({
+    mod <- copy_model_from(MOD1, file.path(getwd(), "1.1"))
+    mod2 <- copy_model_from(mod, 2)
+    expect_identical(mod2[[YAML_BASED_ON]], "1.1")
+  })
 test_that("copy_model_from(.new_model=NULL) increments to next integer by default [BBR-CMF-007]", {
   new_id <- "002"
Error ('test-copy-model-from.R:179:5'): copy_model_from() supports parent model with period
Error: Parsed 1 models as `based_on` but cannot find .yaml files for 1 of them:  /tmp/RtmpMb714D/file6fac7d28f938/1.1
  1. ├─withr::with_tempdir(...) at test-copy-model-from.R:177:2
  2. │ └─withr::with_dir(tmp, code) at withr/R/tempfile.R:76:2
  3. │   └─base::force(code)
  4. ├─bbr::copy_model_from(mod, 2) at test-copy-model-from.R:179:4
  5. └─bbr:::copy_model_from.bbi_nonmem_model(mod, 2) at bbr/R/copy-model-from.R:73:2
  6.   └─bbr:::copy_model_from_impl(...) at bbr/R/copy-model-from.R:100:2
  7.     └─bbr::new_model(...) at bbr/R/copy-model-from.R:182:2
  8.       └─bbr::replace_all_based_on(.mod, .based_on) at bbr/R/new-model.R:74:2
  9.         ├─bbr::modify_model_field(...) at bbr/R/modify-model-field.R:298:2
 10.         │ └─base::unlist(.value) at bbr/R/modify-model-field.R:45:4
 11.         └─bbr:::safe_based_on(get_model_working_directory(.mod), .based_on)
 12.           └─bbr:::strict_mode_error(...) at bbr/R/modify-model-field.R:493:4
kyleam commented 8 months ago

safe_based_on processes the paths with yaml_ext, removing the ".1" and then goes looking for 1.yaml instead of 1.1:

Fixing this probably involves a wider audit of how we handle this throughout the code base, but some notes:

Also note that bbr.bayes gq helpers follow the based-on handling fairly closely and likely have the same issues.