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Get initial estimates and tweak initial theta estimates #646

Closed barrettk closed 5 months ago

barrettk commented 5 months ago

See previous discussions here:

Getting initial parameter estimates

The goal was to return an object that looked similar to param_estimates(). The internal function get_initial_est(), returns all values (i.e. the full diagonally concatenated OMEGA matrix if multiple records are provided) in a list format, whereas the wrapper initial_estimates(), only displays values defined in the control stream file

`initial_estimates()` example ```r MOD1 <- read_model( system.file("model", "nonmem", "basic", "1", package = "bbr") ) > initial_estimates(MOD1, flag_fixed = TRUE) # A tibble: 8 × 7 parameter_names init lower_bound upper_bound fixed record_type record_number 1 THETA(1) 2 0 NA FALSE theta 1 2 THETA(2) 3 0 NA FALSE theta 1 3 THETA(3) 10 0 NA FALSE theta 1 4 THETA(4) 0.02 NA NA FALSE theta 1 5 THETA(5) 1 NA NA FALSE theta 1 6 OMEGA(1,1) 0.05 NA NA FALSE omega 1 7 OMEGA(2,2) 0.2 NA NA FALSE omega 1 8 SIGMA(1,1) 1 NA NA TRUE sigma 1 ``` If you would like to format OMEGA or SIGMA records as full matrices, they are stored as attributes: ```r initial_est <- initial_estimates(.mod) attr(initial_est, "omega_mat") attr(initial_est, "sigma_mat") # Run > attr(initial_est, "omega_mat") [,1] [,2] [1,] 0.05 NA [2,] NA 0.2 ```

Tweaking initial estimates


MOD1 <- read_model(
    system.file("model", "nonmem", "basic", "1", package = "bbr")

# Base usage
mod2 <- copy_model_from(MOD1, "mod2") %>%
  tweak_initial_estimates(.p = 0.2)

# This function may be paired with `inherit_param_estimates()`:
mod2 <- copy_model_from(MOD1, "mod2") %>%
  inherit_param_estimates() %>% tweak_initial_estimates(.p = 0.2)
Walkthrough ### Starting Record ``` ;Initial THETAs $THETA (0,,1) ;[LCLM2] ( 0.7 FIX) ;[LCLM] (0.67, 0.7, 0.72) ;[LCLF] ( 2 ) ;[CLAM] ( 2.0);[CLAF] ( 0.7 ) ;[LV1M] ( 0.7 ) ;[LV1F] ( 2.0 ) ;[V1AM] ( 2.0 ) ;[V1AF] ( 0.7 ) ;[MU_3] ( 0.7 );[MU_4] ( 0.3 ) ;[SDSL] ``` ### Tweak values ```r tweak_initial_estimates( .mod .p = 0.1, digits = 2 ) ``` ### After Tweaking ``` ;Initial THETAs $THETA (0,,1) ;[LCLM2] # If no estimate is found, treat as fixed (skip) ( 0.7 FIX) ;[LCLM] # skip fixed parameters (0.67, 0.72, 0.72) ;[LCLF] # If tweaked value would be outside of one of the bounds, set to the bound ( 1.9 ) ;[CLAM] # Otherwise tweak the value by the sampled percentage ( 2.1);[CLAF] ( 0.76 ) ;[LV1M] ( 0.67 ) ;[LV1F] ( 2.2 ) ;[V1AM] ( 1.8 ) ;[V1AF] ( 0.73 ) ;[MU_3] ( 0.68 );[MU_4] ( 0.27 ) ;[SDSL] ```
