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Function to run `NMTRAN` on a model #652

Closed barrettk closed 2 weeks ago

barrettk commented 5 months ago


  .config_path = NULL,
  nmtran_exe = NULL, # Path to an NMTRAN executable. If NULL, will look for a bbi.yaml file in the same directory as the model.
  delete_on_exit = TRUE # Logical. If FALSE, don't delete the temporary folder containing the NMTRAN run.


> .mod <- MOD1
> run_nmtran(.mod)

── Status ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

── NMTRAN successful ──

── Absolute Model Path ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
• /data/Projects/package_dev/bbr/inst/model/nonmem/basic/1.ctl

── NMTRAN Specifications ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
• NMTRAN Executable: /opt/NONMEM/nm75/tr/NMTRAN.exe
• NONMEM Version: "nm75"
• Run Directory: /data/Projects/package_dev/bbr/nmtran_1_RtmpMzE7cx

── Output ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────



Note: Analytical 2nd Derivatives are constructed in FSUBS but are never used.
      You may insert $ABBR DERIV2=NO after the first $PROB to save FSUBS construction and compilation time

Process finished.


barrettk commented 5 months ago

@seth127 when you get a second, let me know what you think of the compare_nmtran function. I assume we will ditch it, but i'd like to keep that function handy during some development tasks that involve touching control stream files. I suppose we could export it, though I dont think that's too in-line with the original request. It is comparable to the bash script @kyleam was running though.

Edit: Since I removed the compare_nmtran function, pasting it below for later reference:

compare_nmtran ```r #' Compare different NONMEM control stream configurations. #' #' Runs `run_nmtran()` on two models and compares the output, denoting whether #' they evaluate to the same model via `NMTRAN`. #' #' @details #' Say you wanted to test whether diagonal matrices could specify standard #' deviation for one value, and variance for another #' #' The **reference model** would have this block: #' ```r #' $OMEGA #' 0.05 STANDARD ; iiv CL #' 0.2 ; iiv V2 #' ``` #' #' The **new model** would have this block: #' ```r #' $OMEGA #' 0.05 STANDARD ; iiv CL #' 0.2 VAR ; iiv V2 #' ``` #' #' Comparing the two (see below), we find no differences. This means that adding #' `VAR` to the second ETA value had no impact, and the two models would evaluate #' the same. #' ```r #' > compare_nmtran(MOD1, MOD_COMPARE) #' Running NMTRAN with NONMEM version `nm75` #' #' No differences found #' character(0) #' ``` #' #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' # Starting model - set a reference #' open_model_file(MOD1) #' #' # Make new model #' MOD_COMPARE <- copy_model_from(MOD1) #' #' # Make a change #' open_model_file(MOD_COMPARE) #' #' # Compare NMTRAN evaluation #' compare_nmtran(MOD1, MOD_COMPARE) #' #' # delete new model at the end #' delete_models(MOD_COMPARE, .tags = NULL, .force = TRUE) #' } #' #' @keywords internal compare_nmtran <- function( .mod, .mod_compare, .config_path = NULL, nmtran_exe = NULL ){ # Set NMTRAN executable nmtran_exe <- locate_nmtran(.mod, .config_path, nmtran_exe) nmtran_exe2 <- locate_nmtran(.mod_compare, .config_path, nmtran_exe) # This would only happen when comparing two models in different working # directories, where the `bbi.yaml` defaults differ. if(nmtran_exe != nmtran_exe2){ rlang::warn( c( "!" = "Found two separate NMTRAN executables:", " " = paste("-", nmtran_exe), " " = paste("-", nmtran_exe2), "i" = "Defaulting to the first one" ) ) } # This function is used to remove problem statement differences introduced # via `copy_model_from()` empty_prob_statement <- function(.mod){ mod_new <- copy_model_from(.mod, paste0(get_model_id(.mod), "_no_prob")) mod_path <- get_model_path(mod_new) ctl <- nmrec::read_ctl(mod_path) prob_rec <- nmrec::select_records(ctl, "prob")[[1]] prob_rec$parse() # Overwrite 'text' option prob_rec$values <- purrr::map(prob_rec$values, function(prob_rec){ if(inherits(prob_rec, "nmrec_option_pos") && prob_rec$name == "text"){ prob_rec$value <- "" } prob_rec }) # Write out modified ctl nmrec::write_ctl(ctl, mod_path) return(mod_new) } # Remove problem statements from both models to ensure a fair comparison # If update_model_id was called, this would also change the evaluation, # though we can't really prevent that. mod_no_prob <- empty_prob_statement(.mod) compare_no_prob <- empty_prob_statement(.mod_compare) on.exit( delete_models( list(mod_no_prob, compare_no_prob), .tags = NULL, .force = TRUE ) %>% suppressMessages(), add = TRUE ) # Run NMTRAN on each model nmtran_mod <- run_nmtran( mod_no_prob, nmtran_exe = nmtran_exe, delete_on_exit = FALSE ) nmtran_compare <- run_nmtran( compare_no_prob, nmtran_exe = nmtran_exe, delete_on_exit = FALSE ) # Force delete folders at the end on.exit(unlink(nmtran_mod$run_dir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE) on.exit(unlink(nmtran_compare$run_dir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE) # Compare FCON files nmtran_mod_fcon <- file.path(nmtran_mod$run_dir, "FCON") nmtran_compare_fcon <- file.path(nmtran_compare$run_dir, "FCON") cmd <- paste("cmp", nmtran_mod_fcon, nmtran_compare_fcon) # Compare FCON files from each NMTRAN run .p <- processx::process$new( command = "cmp", args = c(nmtran_mod_fcon, nmtran_compare_fcon), stdout = "|", stderr = "|" ) # Format output output <- .p$read_all_output_lines() if(length(output) == 0){ cat_line("No differences found", col = "green") }else{ cat_line("Models are not equivalent", col = "red") output <- gsub(paste0(nmtran_mod_fcon, "|", nmtran_compare_fcon), "", output) %>% stringr::str_trim() } return(output) } ```
seth127 commented 3 months ago

This is looking good to me, but I'll leave the final review for @andersone1

seth127 commented 3 months ago

@kyleam could you take a look at how we're building the path to the NMTRAN executable and make any comment on whether we think this will work on Windows. And if not... do we know a better pattern for that?

Related, we execute it with processx. I think this will work, regardless of OS, assuming we have the nmtran_exe set correctly, but I wanted to double-check that with you too.

kyleam commented 3 months ago

@kyleam could you take a look at how we're building the path to the NMTRAN executable and make any comment on whether we think this will work on Windows.

Looking just at those linked lines, nothing jumps out at me that will be an issue.

That's assuming all the processing outside those lines is correct on Windows, but the best option would of course just be to try it out. Before this is merged, I can test the command on our Windows instance for bbr/bbi testing. Or perhaps better: I can get @andersone1 and @barrettk set up to access. Let me know what you all prefer.

Related, we execute it with processx. I think this will work, regardless of OS, assuming we have the nmtran_exe set correctly, but I wanted to double-check that with you too.]

Right. processx in general supports Windows.

kyleam commented 3 months ago

I'll pull my comment from for consideration:

Based on how nmfe* invokes NMTRAN.exe...

$ grep tr/NMTRAN /opt/NONMEM/nm75/run/nmfe75
# $dir/tr/NMTRAN.exe $prdefault $tprdefault $maxlim < $1 >& FMSG
  $dir/util/nmtran_presort < tempzzzz1 | $dir/tr/NMTRAN.exe $prdefault $tprdefault $maxlim $do2test >& FMSG
  $dir/util/nmtran_presort < tempzzzz1 | $dir/tr/NMTRAN.exe $prdefault $tprdefault $maxlim >& FMSG

... I think it's worth considering these questions:

  • What does nmtran_presort do? Should we be processing the input with that too to follow nmfe*?
  • nmfe* relays some arguments to NMTRAN.exe. Is that something that something this check should do too? Are there cases where this new NM-TRAN check would fail but the actual run would pass due to this check not passing the same args to the NMTRAN.exe call?

The answer may be that none of that matters in the context of this check, but that'd still be good to document here.

seth127 commented 3 months ago

@barrettk @andersone1 see both comments from @kyleam above. Could the two of you coordinate to do the following:

  1. Connect with @kyleam to get access to the Windows instance he mentions, so that we can give this a test run there. (Probably best for both of you to have access to that, honestly.)
  2. Someone check into the presort and flags thing that he mentions in the most recent comment.

Thanks all. I'm looking forward to getting this feature out there.

barrettk commented 2 weeks ago

Addressing the conflicts via a rebase ended up not being worth the trouble, so opened a new PR here