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Pull Request Participants Function #14

Open Blackglade opened 4 years ago

Blackglade commented 4 years ago

Currently GHPM has the following functions for grabbing issue participants: get_issues_assignees_participants() This will get all the assignees and participants for an issue.

Wondering if a similar function should exist for pull requests? Currently the only function that exists is: get_pull_request_reviewers(). This only gets the reviewers for a pull request.

Users associated with a pull request can fall into 3 categories:

We already have a function that grabs all PR comments and PR commits (so you could derive commenters and assigned individuals from that). So wondering if it would be helpful to also have a separate function that ALSO exposes this extra information as well.

This change would require modifying the query to include users from the other two groups.

dpastoor commented 4 years ago

agree - though these names are going to get too crazy - we should think of a general term - like actors or something so it could be get_pull_requests_actors() or get_issues_actors(). I'm trying to think of what a good term might be - any ideas?

Blackglade commented 4 years ago

actors sounds good to me.

We could also do get_pull_request_members() or get_pull_request_collaborators() ?

Also is that a yes or no to having a separate specific query for all individuals involved in a PR? or is it fine to keep them separate and the end user can derive it if they need to?