Hi Kyle,
We ran into an issue where pmtables broke due to something with the Magick library. We troubleshooted the R version, package versions, etc. and @andersone1 and @KatherineKayMRG thought that the reason is likely because the older Metworx 20.03 had something related to Magick installed, but the newer Metworx 20.12 doesn't. I got these errors, all on Metworx 20.03:
Using R 4.0.3:
> dataInv1 %>% st_preview()
Error in magick_image_readpath(enc2native(path), density, depth, strip, :
rsession: not authorized `/tmp/Rtmpeil2RS/tex_tempDoc.pdf' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/412
> dataInv1 %>% st2viewer()
Error in magick_image_readpath(enc2native(path), density, depth, strip, :
rsession: not authorized `/tmp/Rtmpeil2RS/tex_tempDoc.pdf' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/412
Switching to R 3.6.3
> dataInv1 %>% st2viewer()
Loading required namespace: texPreview
Failed with error: ‘unable to load shared object '/data/svn-proj/renv/library/R-3.6/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/magick/libs/magick.so':
libMagick++-6.Q16.so.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory’
Error: requireNamespace(package = "texPreview") is not TRUE
Hi Kyle, We ran into an issue where pmtables broke due to something with the Magick library. We troubleshooted the R version, package versions, etc. and @andersone1 and @KatherineKayMRG thought that the reason is likely because the older Metworx 20.03 had something related to Magick installed, but the newer Metworx 20.12 doesn't. I got these errors, all on Metworx 20.03:
Using R 4.0.3:
Switching to R 3.6.3