metrumresearchgroup / pmtables

TeX tables for pharmacometrics.
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Better caption handling for preview and tex files #313

Closed kylebaron closed 11 months ago

kylebaron commented 12 months ago

Big picture



#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

a <-
  stdata() %>%
  st_new() %>%
    "[Short title]. Main caption text. \\label{tab::example}",
    write = TRUE
  ) %>% stable()

stable_save(a, file = "foo.tex", dir = "~/")

#> [1] "\\caption[Short title]{Short title. Main caption text. \\label{tab::example}}"

b <-
  stdata() %>%
  st_new() %>%
    "[Final Model: Population simulations for every 4 week dosing in adults].
    Covariates from the adult analysis population were resampled with
    replacement to a population of N=1,000 and used to simulate
    PK for the following regimen: 50 mg IV every 4 weeks.
    Subject-level variability, but not interoccasion or residual error,
    was included in the simulations. Summary statistics for pre-dose
    concentration and average concentration at steady state were calculated
    across all 1,000 resampled patients. \\label{tab:pop-sims-adult}"
  ) %>% stable_long()

c <-
  stdata() %>%
  st_new() %>%
    "Full Model: Final model parameter estimates\\label{tab:param}",
    short = "Full Model Estimates", short_repeat = FALSE
  ) %>% stable_long()

st2report(list(a,b,c), ntex = 2, output_dir = "~/")

Created on 2023-07-14 with reprex v2.0.2 view-st2report.pdf