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RV: New METS profile: Electronic Archive of Galician Heritage METS Profile #26

Closed thabing closed 5 years ago

thabing commented 6 years ago

Hi Tom,

Thank you very much for the information.

I have looked over the profile and I have realized it is only described in Spanish, so I am attaching a document which describes the same profile that I sent to you before in both English and Spanish. I would be grateful if you could replace the previous profile with the attached to this email.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Kind regards,

thabing commented 6 years ago

Moved the revised profile to GitHub, Do we want to just replace the original using the same ID or issue a new id and deprecate the old 00000046.xml profile?

karinbredenberg commented 6 years ago

I would replace since its the same as the old one and now in two languages.

thabing commented 6 years ago

I fixed a minor markup problem. However, the authors are making use of xml:lang attributes on elements which the current schema does not allow, such as

<vocabulary> <name xml:lang="es"> <name xml:lang="en">

<description> <head xml:lang="es"> <head xml:lang="en">

Wondering if the profile schema might need some modification to allow lang on the name and head elements

thabing commented 6 years ago

I agree with Karin, just replace the old schema with the new

tingletech commented 6 years ago

on the METS call last week, we discussed updating the profile schema to allow xml:lang on more elements. Also agreed that this profile should replace the last once we get it to validate

thabing commented 6 years ago

Update METS Profile Schema (May 2018) and sent for public comment (June 2018)

thabing commented 5 years ago

The updated profile is available here: It uses the new profile schema here: