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METS overview: FLocat and mdRef include URIs in body of element #32

Closed aelkiss closed 5 years ago

aelkiss commented 5 years ago

The schema requires that the links are included in an xlink:href element rather than in the body of the element. However, the METS overview ( has:

<dmdSec ID="dmd001">
  <mdRef LOCTYPE="URN" MIMETYPE="application/xml" MDTYPE="EAD"
    LABEL="Berol Collection Finding Aid">urn:x-nyu:fales1735</mdRef>

<file ID="FILE001" ADMID="AMD001">
  <FLocat LOCTYPE="URL"></FLocat>

  <fileGrp ID="VERS1">
    <file ID="FILE001" MIMETYPE="application/xml" SIZE="257537" CREATED="2001-06-10">
      <FLocat LOCTYPE="URL"></FLocat>
  <fileGrp ID="VERS2">
    <file ID="FILE002" MIMETYPE="audio/wav" SIZE="64232836"
      CREATED="2001-05-17" GROUPID="AUDIO1">
      <FLocat LOCTYPE="URL"></FLocat>
  <fileGrp ID="VERS3" VERSDATE="2001-05-18">
    <file ID="FILE003" MIMETYPE="audio/mpeg" SIZE="8238866"
      CREATED="2001-05-18" GROUPID="AUDIO1">
      <FLocat LOCTYPE="URL"></FLocat>