I've just noticed there's been an update to v3, which I'm so happy about. I was worried this project was dead. I'm new to Laravel, but I'm hoping to help in any way I can. Just had the following message when sending a test email after setting up Postmark. The email was delivered successfully. Wondering if it's due to an old Postmark PHP library being used, but as I said, new to Laravel, so I wouldn't really know where to look.
Sendportal\Base\Adapters\PostmarkMailAdapter::resolveMessageId(): Argument #1 ($result) must be of type Postmark\Models\DynamicResponseModel, Postmark\Models\PostmarkResponse given, called in /home/customer/www/campaigns.dorchesterliteraryfestival.com/public_html/sendportal/vendor/mettle/sendportal-core/src/Adapters/PostmarkMailAdapter.php on line 37
I've just noticed there's been an update to v3, which I'm so happy about. I was worried this project was dead. I'm new to Laravel, but I'm hoping to help in any way I can. Just had the following message when sending a test email after setting up Postmark. The email was delivered successfully. Wondering if it's due to an old Postmark PHP library being used, but as I said, new to Laravel, so I wouldn't really know where to look.
Sendportal\Base\Adapters\PostmarkMailAdapter::resolveMessageId(): Argument #1 ($result) must be of type Postmark\Models\DynamicResponseModel, Postmark\Models\PostmarkResponse given, called in /home/customer/www/campaigns.dorchesterliteraryfestival.com/public_html/sendportal/vendor/mettle/sendportal-core/src/Adapters/PostmarkMailAdapter.php on line 37