What is the purpose of this common.mk file ? it seems to be used while "making" the "welcome" plugin ...
But if we go to the path of installed "welcome" plugin, calling "make" raises the below error:
[mfserv:~/var/plugins/welcome]↥ $ make release
Makefile:2: ../common.mk: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
make: *** Aucune règle pour fabriquer la cible « ../common.mk ». Arrêt.
File https://github.com/metwork-framework/mfserv/blob/master/plugins/common.mk declares
whereas it should be.releaseignore
(without underscore) (as per mfplugin code) :What is the purpose of this
file ? it seems to be used while "making" the "welcome" plugin ... But if we go to the path of installed "welcome" plugin, calling "make" raises the below error: