mevdschee / php-crud-api

Single file PHP script that adds a REST API to a SQL database
MIT License
3.55k stars 1k forks source link

Share links to your custom controllers #1037

Open clysss opened 2 weeks ago

clysss commented 2 weeks ago

hello @mevdschee I discovered 3 hours ago this repo and it's already close to be in prod ! spend days to try to do the same with adminjs php-crud-api is a key changer ! never seen such a so effective server tool !

a suggestion : with 3k stars, sure that lot of people is using this, and lot of them have construct custom controllers. Could this thread (or wiki or something else) could help to list them ? For example, I'm eventualy looking for ctrl to upload/download local files Thx

mevdschee commented 2 weeks ago

never seen such a so effective server tool !

Thank you for your kind words.

Could this thread (or wiki or something else) could help to list them ?

Yes, please share! I'm happy to list them.

For example, I'm eventualy looking for ctrl to upload/download local files

Did you consider storing blob or longblob fields?

clysss commented 2 weeks ago

I'll probably do a better job lately... but for those who are beginning to use php-crud-api as an advanced API to DB, perhaps this code will give them some ideas..

I've here 2 tables, users (id, password,... items (id, ...

api.php :


namespace Tqdev\PhpCrudApi;

use Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\Api;
use Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\Config\Config;
use Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\RequestFactory;
use Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\ResponseUtils;

require 'api.include.php';
include 'MyController.php';
$config = new Config([
     'driver' => 'pgsql',
     'address' => 'xxx,
     'port' => 'xxx',
     'username' => 'xxx',
     'password' => 'xxx',
     'database' => 'xxx',
     'debug' => true,
    'dbAuth.usersTable' => 'users',
    'dbAuth.usernameColumn'=> 'name',
    'dbAuth.passwordColumn' => 'password',
    'dbAuth.returnedColumns' => 'id', 
    'middlewares'=>'dbAuth, authorization',
    'authorization.pathHandler' => function ($path) {
       //default routes : /me /register /login /password /logout /records /status(/ping)
       return !in_array($path,array('register','password','records','xxxstatus'));
$request = RequestFactory::fromGlobals();
$api = new Api($config);
$response = $api->handle($request);


// MyController.php

use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\Cache\Cache;
use Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\Column\ReflectionService;
use Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\Controller\Responder;
use Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\Database\GenericDB;
use Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\Middleware\Router\Router;
use Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\Record\RecordService;

class MyController
        const tUsers = "users";
        const tItems = "items";

    private $responder;

    public function __construct(Router $router, Responder $responder, GenericDB $db, ReflectionService $reflection, Cache $cache) 
        $this->router = $router;
        $this->responder = $responder;
        $this->db = $db;
        $this->recordService = new RecordService($db, $reflection);
        //$this->definition = new DefinitionService($db, $reflection);

        $router->register('GET', '/myUser', array($this, 'getMyUser'));
        $router->register('GET', '/item/*/', array($this, 'getItem'));
        $router->register('PUT', '/item/*/', array($this, 'setItem'));

    public function getMyUser(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
       $params = $this->addParams(Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\RequestUtils::getParams($request), 'exclude', 'password');
       $code_record_not_found = Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\Record\ErrorCode::RECORD_NOT_FOUND;
       $resp = $this->recordService->read(self::tUsers, $id, $params);
       if (!$resp) {
            return $this->responder->error($code_record_not_found, $id);
       return $this->responder->success(['results' => $resp]);

       //version with list
       //$filter = "id,eq,{$_SESSION['user']['id']}";
       //$params = $this->addParams(Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\RequestUtils::getParams($request), 'filter', $filter);
       //$resp = $this->recordService->_list(self::tUsers, $params);
       //return $this->responder->success(['results' => $resp]);

    public function getItem(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
       $id = Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\RequestUtils::getPathSegment($request, 2);
       $params = Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\RequestUtils::getParams($request); 
       $code_record_not_found = Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\Record\ErrorCode::RECORD_NOT_FOUND;
       $resp = $this->recordService->read(self::tItems, $id, $params);
       if (!$resp) {
            return $this->responder->error($code_record_not_found, $id);
       return $this->responder->success(['results' => $resp]);

    public function setItem(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
       $id = Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\RequestUtils::getPathSegment($request, 2);
       $params = Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\RequestUtils::getParams($request); 
       $record = $request->getParsedBody();
       return $this->responder->success($this->recordService->update(self::tItems, $id, $record, $params));

    private function addParams(array $pparams, string $kkey, string $vvalue) : array
       if (is_null($pparams[$kkey])) $pparams[$kkey][]=$vvalue; else array_unshift($pparams[$kkey],$vvalue);  //array_push($pparams[$kkey],$vvalue);
       return $pparams;

don't hesite to ask or comment...

clysss commented 2 weeks ago

I add my own comment / question : about json middleware if I change :
'middlewares'=>'dbAuth, json, authorization', and try to put JSON during setItem for example making this call to PUT /item/{ID} with (body) : {"col1":"xx","col2": {"xxx":"vv","yyy":"dd"}} ==>> KO :( (the update crash without message) but {"col1":"xx","col2": "{\"xxx\":\"vv\",\"publDatas\":\"dd\"}"} ==>> ok! [of course, the 2nd option works also without json middleware] So, why the json middleware is not active ? is it because of the call to recordService ? should i call other function ? I don't understand really the way the jsonmiddleware work around the recordService...