mevdschee / php-crud-ui

Single file PHP script that adds a UI to a PHP-CRUD-API project
MIT License
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Picking out the data that are being updated to pass to another function #17

Closed anushaath closed 7 years ago

anushaath commented 7 years ago

I got it working in the createObject() for newly inserted data. Now, I've to call the function on every update of records as well. So, I think I've to use the updateObject() ? One question is how do I get the key, table of the record in updateObject() ? Is it $key[0], tables[0]?

mevdschee commented 7 years ago

Yes it is!

anushaath commented 7 years ago

@mevdschee Should I call the function after, '$this->db->query' OR '$this->db->affectedRows' ?

anushaath commented 7 years ago

Figured it out! Thanks!