mewdev / zusflix

Zušflix is a Netflix-style video catalog for local music school. It simplifies access to concert videos for teachers, students, and parents. Built with NextJS and Supabase (Postgre SQL), it offers a user-friendly interface, secure auth, and possibility of adding a video to the cataloge.
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Sidebar / Page content CSS #4

Open mewdev opened 2 weeks ago

mewdev commented 2 weeks ago

Thinking about better way to set up the page content with sidebar to make it more robust.

e.g: My sidebar gets wider and will overflow page content.

Currently I use margin on the page content container (see Container and SideBar components) inspired by this project:

I guess the best way would be to use grid which should be robust in case width of both components changes. (

hajnyon commented 2 weeks ago

We can go over it on our next meet. I'm not exactly sure what you want to achieve here 🤷‍♂️