mewebstudio / Purifier

HTMLPurifier for Laravel 5/6/7/8/9/10/11
MIT License
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Stripping all tags inside a <table> tag #157

Open sgilberg opened 2 years ago

sgilberg commented 2 years ago

Hi, I have configured purifier to allow all table-related tags, but when I run clean() on such html, everything inside of the <table> tag is removed except the text itself. Notably, these results are inconsistent with the HTML Purifier's live demo results, using the same configuration, which is why I'm wondering if there is an issue specific to this package. Am I missing something?

My full configuration:

return [
    'encoding'      => 'UTF-8',
    'finalize'      => true,
    'cachePath'     => storage_path('app/purifier'),
    'cacheFileMode' => 0755,
    'settings'      => [
        'default' => [
            'HTML.Doctype'             => 'HTML 4.01 Transitional',
            'HTML.Allowed'             => 'div,b,strong,i,em,a[href|title|target],ul,ol,li,p[style],br,span[style|class],img[width|height|alt|src|style],h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,blockquote,table[cellpadding|cellspacing|style|class],thead,tbody,tr,th,td',
            'CSS.AllowedProperties'    => 'font,font-size,font-weight,font-style,font-family,text-decoration,padding-left,color,background-color,text-align,width',
            'Attr.AllowedFrameTargets' => ['_blank'],
            'AutoFormat.AutoParagraph' => false,
            'AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty'   => true,
        'test'    => [
            'Attr.EnableID' => true
        "youtube" => [
            "HTML.SafeIframe"      => 'true',
            "URI.SafeIframeRegexp" => "%^(http://|https://|//)(|",
        'custom_definition' => [
            'id'  => 'html5-definitions',
            'rev' => 1,
            'debug' => false,
            'elements' => [
                ['section', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common'],
                ['nav',     'Block', 'Flow', 'Common'],
                ['article', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common'],
                ['aside',   'Block', 'Flow', 'Common'],
                ['header',  'Block', 'Flow', 'Common'],
                ['footer',  'Block', 'Flow', 'Common'],
                ['table',  'Block', 'Flow', 'Common'],

                // Content model actually excludes several tags, not modelled here
                ['address', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common'],
                ['hgroup', 'Block', 'Required: h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6', 'Common'],

                ['figure', 'Block', 'Optional: (figcaption, Flow) | (Flow, figcaption) | Flow', 'Common'],
                ['figcaption', 'Inline', 'Flow', 'Common'],

                ['video', 'Block', 'Optional: (source, Flow) | (Flow, source) | Flow', 'Common', [
                    'src' => 'URI',
                    'type' => 'Text',
                    'width' => 'Length',
                    'height' => 'Length',
                    'poster' => 'URI',
                    'preload' => 'Enum#auto,metadata,none',
                    'controls' => 'Bool',
                ['source', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common', [
                    'src' => 'URI',
                    'type' => 'Text',
                ['object', 'Block', 'Optional: (source, Flow) | (Flow, source) | Flow', 'Common', [
                    'data' => 'URI',
                    'form' => 'Text',
                    'name' => 'Text',
                    'usemap' => 'Text',
                    'type' => 'Text',
                    'width' => 'Length',
                    'height' => 'Length',
                ['iframe', 'Block', 'Optional: (source, Flow) | (Flow, source) | Flow', 'Common', [
                    'src' => 'URI',
                    'name' => 'Text',
                    'class' => 'Text',
                    'usemap' => 'Text',
                    'width' => 'Length',
                    'height' => 'Length',
                ['embed', 'Block', 'Optional: (source, Flow) | (Flow, source) | Flow', 'Common', [
                    'src' => 'URI',
                    'type' => 'Text',
                    'width' => 'Length',
                    'height' => 'Length',

                ['button', 'Inline', 'Flow', 'Common', [
                    'type' => 'Text',
                    'aria-label' => 'Text'

                ['s',    'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common'],
                ['var',  'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common'],
                ['sub',  'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common'],
                ['sup',  'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common'],
                ['mark', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common'],
                ['wbr',  'Inline', 'Empty', 'Core'],

                ['ins', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common', ['cite' => 'URI', 'datetime' => 'CDATA']],
                ['del', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common', ['cite' => 'URI', 'datetime' => 'CDATA']],
            'attributes' => [
                ['iframe', 'allowfullscreen', 'Bool'],
                ['table', 'height', 'Text'],
                ['td', 'border', 'Text'],
                ['th', 'border', 'Text'],
                ['tr', 'width', 'Text'],
                ['tr', 'height', 'Text'],
                ['tr', 'border', 'Text'],
        'custom_attributes' => [
            ['a', 'data-toggle', 'Text'],
            ['a', 'data-target', 'Text'],

Example html to clean: <table><thead><tr><th>1</th><th>2</th><th>3</th><th>4</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>7</td><td>8</td></tr></tbody></table>

Result: <table>12345678</table>

I'm using version 3.3.6 with Laravel 6.20.36.