mewind / RSDSupermarketPOS

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Sprint 1 – Scrum Meeting (2-12-2016) #1

Open mewind opened 7 years ago

mewind commented 7 years ago

Karcheng, may I know how is your progression on the login page?

lkc442012 commented 7 years ago

Yesterday i have linked the database with the user login page. Hence, user are able to login to the system if their username and password are correct. Besides, i have also finished the "remember me" function that allow the system to save user's username and password so they don't need to retype it again on the next login,

mewind commented 7 years ago

So may I know whether the login function had fully working with the users stored in database?

lkc442012 commented 7 years ago

Yes. I have try to create an user named "Gabriel" with password "54321", and i can log in successful since it is already existed in the database.

mewind commented 7 years ago

Good progression! So at this moment we had done the basic login page that link with the database. So for the "remember me " function , is that work properly that it will remember the username and password even the user had logged out ?

lkc442012 commented 7 years ago

Actually there have some small problem in this part of code. "Remember me" function do not work if the user quits the program and rerun it again...

huylin25 commented 7 years ago

i thought we do not expect the users to close the whole system because the system should be work all the day, so i think it should be ok.

mewind commented 7 years ago

Ya HuyLin is right. We should not allow the normal user to close the whole program. So it should be normal if the remember me didn't work after the whole program was closed. So KarCheng do you have any problem?

lkc442012 commented 7 years ago

Other parts should be okay. So now Raymond and I will focus on the user's fail attempt login.

juzplayplay commented 7 years ago

I wish to implement an additional feature for login function. If an user failed to login after 3 attempts, an error message will prompt out and indicate that the user should wait for 3o seconds to try next attempt. How's that sounds?

mewind commented 7 years ago

Sounds a great idea to protect user's account ! So at this moment do you guys have any problem that need to be further discussed on the development of this feature ?

juzplayplay commented 7 years ago

This is an idea that I just had a moment ago. Kar Cheng and I will try implement it today and we will report the progress again tomorrow.

mewind commented 7 years ago

Alright ! Thanks Karcheng and Raymond, I am looking forward for this nice feature that can fulfill user story by protecting the account !

mewind commented 7 years ago

So HuyLin how's your progression? Do you have any problem?

huylin25 commented 7 years ago

Yesterday i have done the view member details and edit details part. I also done the validation part as I try to edit the existing member details, i can successfully to edit the details of a member to database

mewind commented 7 years ago

Wow! We've done half of the membership module within a few days , thanks HuyLin for your effort. So until now do you have any problem on the View Member Details function and Edit Member Details function?

huylin25 commented 7 years ago

Currently I have no problem on these 2 function. Today I will start to work with Member Registration function to let the login user to register themselves as the supermarket user.

mewind commented 7 years ago

Can you briefly explain on what will focus on later when developing this function?

huylin25 commented 7 years ago

I will also include the validation for each field of the registration form to make sure the new member can be registered successfully. There will also some error messages when the user left the field empty or enter wrong value.

mewind commented 7 years ago

Do you remember to include the reset function to let user to reset all the values for the ease of error recovery ?

huylin25 commented 7 years ago

Oh ya, It is also one of the requirement suggested in one of the user story, alright I will also be adding this into the function to reset all the fields.

Thanks for reminding!

mewind commented 7 years ago

You're welcome ! I think that's coming to the end of the meeting today. So letbme briefly conclude the outcome today, Karcheng and Raymond will be working on the Fail Login Attempt function and HuyLin will try to develop the User Registration of the Membership Management Module.

All the best guys ! See you tomorrow!