Open mewind opened 7 years ago
Luckily there have no problem in developing this fail attempt login function. I have tried to login with incorrect username or password, and the system will prompt out the error message as we expected.
Can you briefly describe how this function works? So that all of us will have more understanding on this function and will help in the development and integration of other modules later.
Okay. First of all, i linked the user input(username and password) to the database to validate whether it match with data stored or not. If it is not matched, i will use the count method to count the number of fail attempt. If the number of fail attempt is more than 3, the error message will be prompted out.
I think this should be fine, I saw there is a "attempt" variable to store the count, but what the SCount means?
Ohh, that is used to count the number of sales which will be include in Sales Module later on.
Oh okay but sorry I think you will need to delete the the 2 lines of codes with SCount because it should be added in the following sprint to prevent confusion. However, thanks for your consideration for the following modules.
Okay, i will delete later.
Okay thanks KarCheng, so what you planned to work on later, do you have any idea already?
My next plan is to do the user authentication part. I will plan to add 3 types of user which includes non-registered user, registered member and staff. Different user will have different accessibility in the system.
So how you plan to do the authorization? Do you guys already have some categorization on this ?
Kar Cheng and I've authorized on what different users can do. 1) normal user (non-member) they are able to only view menu items on PRODUCT tab and make payment on PAYMENT tab only. 2) member they are able to view menu items on PRODUCT tab, make payments on PAYMENT tab, and edit their own personal details on MEMBERSHIP tab only. 3) admin staff they are able to search member, edit menu item in PRODUCT tab, view reports and have access to all pages.
Okay, since you guys have a clear direction on it then we will wait for the outcome tomorrow, please dont hesitate to come to us and clarify your doubts when developing this.
So HuyLin how's your user registration?
Oh, in the user registration form, i've included the form validation and also the reset function to let the users to reset all the entered information. Users are also required to enter their credit details to ease the process of purchase.
Good ! I think we are on the right track! So what are you going to work with today?
I'm going to do the search member function in the membership module by today. I think i will allow them to search a member by using username and user ID, and then it will return the records that match with the value in the textbox.
Seems everything planning quite well. So I will leave them to you guys , we will further discuss about them tomorrow. In conclusion, KarCheng and Raymond will be working on User Authorization function and HuyLin will start developing the Search member function in Membership Management module.
See you guys tomorrow! Thanks !
Hi everyone! How's the progression? KarCheng I saw you'd updated the fail attempt login function in the repo, so is it completely working now? Do you have any problem when developing this?