Open huylin25 opened 7 years ago
Ermm... I just noticed that we made some minor error yesterday. According to user story, the client hope to have 4 main categoris for product but not 3, which is : Groceries, Stationary, Clothing and Food, we missed out the Food category before this, but anyway I've added 4 different categories forms for each of the category, and have categorized the products into 4 different categories.
Oh, so Raymond you did linked the form with Product database right?
Yaya, in each category forms will have a data grid view that representing the product list under the specific category. For example, the frmClothing will have the list of products that their "productCategory" is Clothing in Product database.
Okay, that is good, thanks for pointing out our mistake Raymond!
It's alright, I also did not notice this error at that moment. So,until now I've done the categorization of the products into 4 categories. So what should I do next?
I think after this will be Sin Nee and Karcheng's responsibility to develop the Add to cart function. Do you guys already figure out how to develop the function?
For this function, I think there are plenty of things that we need to consider and clarify. First, do you guys think we should pop up the "add to cart" form when double-clicking an item or should add one more "Add to cart" button?
Errr, in my opinion I think double click the item will do, because you can directly select the item and add them into cart. But most importantly have to depend on how you guys want to develop the "Add to Cart" form, what you guys plan to include in it?
Actually the original plan of mine is also making the "Add to cart" form to pop up after double clicking the item user want to purchase, just need to collect some of your opinion to make the decision. If using double click, since we already selected the item, basically the "Add To Cart" form will display the product ID, product name, and have a quantity textbox for the user to enter the quantity they desire to buy.
Sounds good. So I think you guys can proceed with this original flow since you guys had planned about it. So have you guys think of the algorithm on how to add the specific item into cart?
I think you can also include the "Reset" button to reset the value of quantity in the "Add to cart" form.
Err, for the "Add to cart" algorithm, KarCheng and I was thinking of just add one more "Sales" table in the database that will link the "Product" table. The new "Sales" record will be created each time the user first add an item to cart. So the "Payment" tab will have a grid view to just retrieve the record for the particular SalesID with products selected from "Sales" table. This will eventually reduce the redundancy of codes where the Payment Product list will need to write the similar codes again.
Ya, and in addition we will include validation check for "quantity" textbox, if the user enter the data type except integer will prompt an error message to guide the user to make the input correct. Somemore we will also check whether the product in the stock is enough for the user to purchase. For example, if the user want to purchase 3 "Black T-Shirt" but there are only 2 left in the stock, the error message will prompt to tell the user the stock is insufficient for him/her to purchase, the user can either change the quantity or cancel the action "Add this item to cart".
Wow, it's impressive that you guys have considered so much for the validation part! So I think that should be no problem for you guys to develop the "Add to Cart" function. So do you guys still have anything to discuss?
I think I have no other question. How about the others?
For us, I think we still try to code first, after that only further discuss if have any problem as usual.
Okay, so we will end here today, thanks guys for your effort. Please do look for me if you guys found there is any problem. I'll try my best to lend a hand to you guys.
Will do, thank you very much HuyLin!
My pleasure.
Hi guys, how's your progression? Do you guys met any obstacles?