mexmer / ScienceCostTweakerM

Factorio Mod : Adjusts the cost of science packs and research.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Broken research chain #10

Closed dnulho closed 6 years ago

dnulho commented 6 years ago

I just added SCT to my pack and started a fresh map. I have AAI, and after getting Electricity I should be able to research the t1 Lab. But I am not.

electromagnetism lab unavailable

Current Mod list: mod-list.txt Let me know if there is any other info that you need, or anything else that I can do to help.

mexmer commented 6 years ago

Hmm, you can try to remove mods that affect research. And see if anything changes. When i was adding aai compatibility i was testing it with aai only, and also with aai + angels and bobs. With aai t1 lab should be rsearcheable in burner lab, no idea why is not. Will check on that later

mexmer commented 6 years ago

Btw. There should be two dependencies in tree, basic logistic and basic electricity. Can you check, if you have basic logistic tech? That one should add t0 undergroud belt and splitter i think

dnulho commented 6 years ago

Basic Logistics is behind electromagnetics research. basic logistics

dnulho commented 6 years ago

I am using Bob's belt overhaul settings, it may make sense to do some kind of check to change basic logistics to t0 science if beltoverhaul = true and aai is present.

mexmer commented 6 years ago

hmm, guess it depends on mods load order, because both aai and bobs define basic logistic, and they override each other.

that is quite problem, but nothing i can fix. it needs to be fixed either on side of bob mods or aai.

well this is problem when people use nonprefixed names for items and technologies, they will conflict with each other.

if bobs loads after AAI you will have t1 tech basic logistic, if AAI loads after bobs, then you will have basic logistic at t0

you can lookup this code

i set basic logistic to t0 pack, and yes i have tested that with combination of bobs + angels + aai, but problem is same name and mod load order.

i will try to invent some fix for that, but bob and earendel still need to fix between themselves to not ovewrite each other.

dnulho commented 6 years ago

I added dependencies to AAI requiring bobslogistics, , and then to bobslogistics requiring aai, to force mod load order, but the issue is persisting in both configurations.

dnulho commented 6 years ago

I have also found that it looks like bob may have addressed the tech naming issue. The basic logistics tech n bobslogistics is called "bob-logistics-0".

dnulho commented 6 years ago

I found the issue: when "bobmods-logistics-beltoverhaul" = true, it hides "basic-logistics" and creates "bob-logistics-0" as a t1 research. "basic-logistics" is now unresearchable, as are all dependencies, in this case "sct-lab-t1". Possible solution: have a section in the bobs logistics that checks that flag and changes sct-lab-t1 to depend on "bob-logistics-0" instead of "basic-logistics".

mexmer commented 6 years ago

like i said, i will look into that later, but just FYI i tried to load AAI + BOB + ANGEL belt and inserter overhaul enabled and research is still correct, i believe some other mod is interfering with research.

when bob belt overhaul is in place lab requires gray belt instead of yellow one, so technically basic logistic from aai is not required, but works for me even with that dependency, i will add other mods from your setup to mine to see, when it breaks.

dnulho commented 6 years ago

Ok, I have found the offending mod: More Bobs

dnulho commented 6 years ago started an issue with morebobs. See where that goes.

mexmer commented 6 years ago

good work, i will still add removal of basic-logistic dependence, since that is nifty idea, my change will be somewhate simplier than your patch tho'. not sure when it will be released, i'm currently working on changing expensive recipes for labs, so i will include it with that in few days.

anyways, thanks for your work, finding culprit of issue you reported 👍

mexmer commented 6 years ago

i did publish version, that has basic logistic removed from dependencies, when black belts are in.